No matter what we or you think SV will do absolutly nothing. Imagine, entire guilds cheesed out unsiegable keeps at launch and SV does not give 2 fucks about fairness.Hey, I would love to know what sv is doing with the pre patch trinkets?
Will they be a rare thing people got?
Is it fair that these trinkets even exist?
Would love to hear what you guys think about it.
Also be certain the pre-patch shit Will happen allways, It's something they are just very negligent about. Almost looks like they love generating pre-patch ítems for nolifers that usually get in the first weeks of pre-nerfed content.
We had a theory in MO1 they did this to encourage the population to go back into the game after shitty placeholder patches.
Best thing you can do and SV will be okay with it Is to exploit the fuck out of content till It's nerfed or fixed, thats what they are encouraging but weird it actually goes against ToS, but yeah they don't give a fuck.