Prepatch Trinkets

Albanjo Dravae

Well-known member
Dec 20, 2021
Hey, I would love to know what sv is doing with the pre patch trinkets?
Will they be a rare thing people got?
Is it fair that these trinkets even exist?
Would love to hear what you guys think about it.
No matter what we or you think SV will do absolutly nothing. Imagine, entire guilds cheesed out unsiegable keeps at launch and SV does not give 2 fucks about fairness.

Also be certain the pre-patch shit Will happen allways, It's something they are just very negligent about. Almost looks like they love generating pre-patch ítems for nolifers that usually get in the first weeks of pre-nerfed content.

We had a theory in MO1 they did this to encourage the population to go back into the game after shitty placeholder patches.

Best thing you can do and SV will be okay with it Is to exploit the fuck out of content till It's nerfed or fixed, thats what they are encouraging but weird it actually goes against ToS, but yeah they don't give a fuck.
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Albanjo Dravae

Well-known member
Dec 20, 2021
Imagine they cannot see 1 day old broker logs and people want them to take pre-patch broken trinckets out of circulation hahaha damn. But It's good to point it out, i don't think this pre-patch problematic will ever get addressed to be honest. That would require them to actually change a lot of things they wont, and thats just the reality. So just like in MO1 It's best is to silently exploit broken content cuz thats what they want from players, but then they threat you with bans if you exploit so doesn't really make any sense.
They either change their development criteria and get that quality of service department working or It's gonna continúe to be the same shit.


Active member
Aug 4, 2021
Massive issue that is taking way too long to get resolved. Need attention ASAP.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Just saw this today:
Just WTF.
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Active member
Apr 14, 2021
Just saw this today:
Just WTF.
Agree. They need to fix this shit.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
Just saw this today:
Just WTF.

yea I was gonna post some shit but that's a sale post. I mean it's good to let people see what it's really all about.

Albanjo Dravae

Well-known member
Dec 20, 2021
The whole system of trinkets is weird. Everything else at least has durability.
A very smart person thought a gold sink mechanic would compensate all the other broken features.
It think its kinda dumb thing to add to the game, trinckets should be player made and drop on death but lets just add another item that bypasses the main game concept 🤣


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
A very smart person thought a gold sink mechanic would compensate all the other broken features.
It think its kinda dumb thing to add to the game, trinckets should be player made and drop on death but lets just add another item that bypasses the main game concept 🤣

yeah I would still be slightly upset at the stats on some, but they could have a system. Imagine an actual trinket making system! they have all the mats necessary to refine gold, get jewels, yknow? That would be way cooler. I think trinkets should still drop tho cuz not everyone can go that deep, but in general yea it would be nice to see them at least disappear after a few charges or something.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
but in general yea it would be nice to see them at least disappear after a few charges or something.
I don't use them even now when i only need to recharge them. If it wasn't soulbound they would be even more useless. Like the best amulet i've found so far is +5 animal care cuprum trash, the rest had stats i just didn't want because either the skills were irrelevant, or they'd require me to build around them (like drop ecumenical by 16 points which would render me bricked each time i die 3 times), or had skills that aren't even in game. And it's been a month since trinkets were introduced. Things like that should absolutely be soulbound.

Now they could make it so that you could craft trinkets that you like, but that comes with its own problems. Like, people would only craft minmaxed +raw dex/str/maybe int rings and amulets with very limited set of skills, like animal care, taming, mounted archery, but not any of the "must be maxed" skills. It would be an extremely boring system. Trinkets as they are now at least add the excitement of opening a gift box. Well they did while they dropped more often than a single silver amulet/ring per 100 risar commanders.

And that mounted archery amulet isn't even that OP. Yeah you can put it on and have some MA on your character. Nice addition but it doesn't exactly turn you into an unkillable monster. I'd even say prepatch trinkets were mostly OK, the only OP thing about them was +raw stats rings. The guy can only ask 20k for it because it's a legacy item that you can no longer obtain, and post-patch silver amulets are useless trash.
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Jan 27, 2022
I'm sure they're working hard to fix this mistake. From a month ago...

We were told they would just scale the trinket to the correct grade to match the stats, but honestly they shouldn't have been dropping like that day 1 and 2 so anyone that played then (including me) have several of these waiting to see how they fix it. Will they be nerfed into the ground as a cuprum should be, or will we get free gold/skadite/oghmium quality loot to reroll with our flux?

Either way, hundreds of thousands of duped gold has been introduced into the market because of it rather than remain in the RMT and exploiters banks so thats ..... a thing


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
I don't use them even now when i only need to recharge them. If it wasn't soulbound they would be even more useless. Like the best amulet i've found so far is +5 animal care cuprum trash, the rest had stats i just didn't want because either the skills were irrelevant, or they'd require me to build around them (like drop ecumenical by 16 points which would render me bricked each time i die 3 times), or had skills that aren't even in game. And it's been a month since trinkets were introduced. Things like that should absolutely be soulbound.

Now they could make it so that you could craft trinkets that you like, but that comes with its own problems. Like, people would only craft minmaxed +raw dex/str/maybe int rings and amulets with very limited set of skills, like animal care, taming, mounted archery, but not any of the "must be maxed" skills. It would be an extremely boring system. Trinkets as they are now at least add the excitement of opening a gift box. Well they did while they dropped more often than a single silver amulet/ring per 100 risar commanders.

And that mounted archery amulet isn't even that OP. Yeah you can put it on and have some MA on your character. Nice addition but it doesn't exactly turn you into an unkillable monster. I'd even say prepatch trinkets were mostly OK, the only OP thing about them was +raw stats rings. The guy can only ask 20k for it because it's a legacy item that you can no longer obtain, and post-patch silver amulets are useless trash.

it's OP, free points. It doesn't make him stronger tho, you're right, just makes his build able to do more shit. Raw + is dogshit for game balance. I got a +1 con +1 skill trinket luck trinket once, and that's it.

I just am sad the economy is so wacked, but it doesn't affect how I play.

One thing I do actually... HATE (had to inhale) about SV is their refusal to immediately address something like prepatch trinkets. I mean we're talking a few days in probably... they think their people will go ape shit if they adjust shit, same w/ wipe, same w/ whatever other nerf or pre patch issue. They think it's better to ignore it instead of just doing it asap and then making it a distant memory, like lol remember those 3 days when we had op trinkets, yea man lol.

Edit: also not sure how those % dmg reduction things actually work.
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