Me: A late 30's OG gamer exploring the new world of MO2...about 20mins outside my starter city foraging some flowers on my Mage alchemist.
Suddenly, I happen upon 2 lovely and pleasant sounding British female voices i hear over Voip. They sound peacful and nice.
I was wrong.
"Ehh, is thot a man over tharrr?"
"Yas it tis, lets have a stab at ihm"
*running intensifies*
10/10 would get stabbed to death by 2 random chicks in the woods again.
In retrospect, i probably could have at least taken one of them, it took them forever to kill me. But I was panicked with my first pvp experience in the game I just died silently without a peep.
If either of you are on these forums... your mother smells of elderberry! or however you redcoats say it.
Suddenly, I happen upon 2 lovely and pleasant sounding British female voices i hear over Voip. They sound peacful and nice.
I was wrong.
"Ehh, is thot a man over tharrr?"
"Yas it tis, lets have a stab at ihm"
*running intensifies*
10/10 would get stabbed to death by 2 random chicks in the woods again.
In retrospect, i probably could have at least taken one of them, it took them forever to kill me. But I was panicked with my first pvp experience in the game I just died silently without a peep.
If either of you are on these forums... your mother smells of elderberry! or however you redcoats say it.