MO2 Broke Me and my Friend’s Mice Cursor. Serious Problem!


Active member
Sep 17, 2021
My friend and I both played for the stress test. After the first night of playing my friend said, “ I’ve got to stop because my mouse is acting weird; the cursor is freaking out and I can’t click anything.” I shrugged it off thinking he did something dumb, not relating it to the game.
A few days passed and he’s not been able to fix the issue, after trying a dozen techniques, even restoring his computer to a previous state.

And now it’s happened to me! My mouse cursor is totally messed up. It’s not registering clicks, it’s selecting multiple items, it’s clicking not where the cursor is. It started while I was playing MO, trying to buy a book. I have the same symptoms as my friend. It’s rendered our computers nearly unusable.

Has anyone else experienced this? Does anyone have a suggestion to fix it?
Verify files via steam.


New member
Aug 21, 2021
Ok guys, Full update:

My friend took his computer to his buddy's house to see if they could fix it, and when he went there , the problem was gone.

I've been out of town until today. Before I left town I turned off my computer and unplugged everything. Just turned it on now, and the mouse has no issues.
Time to log into MO and see what happens!
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