Polearms + 200% damage to mounts and 100% more likely to dismount on normal attacks if on foot. This is reduced to 100% more damage and 50% more dismount chance if mounted. Lances are treated as a polearm for this ability.
No bonus to spears.
Spear stance - Takes 1 second and 50 stamina to adopt. Cannot sprint and slow turning while active. Parries mounted attacks for 100% of damage and deals 300% weapon damage as a thrust to enemy mounts with auto-dismount. Taking melee damage breaks stance for three seconds. Lances outrange 1h spears and the defender takes 25% damage with the parry (meaning lancers can break 1h spear formations if they hit with their lance), but polearms outrange lances.
NO BUFFS to current polearms against infantry or else the ones that get buffs are reclassified to spears for the purposes of these bonuses. The downside of a weaker melee weapon that costs 100 more primary points is part of the balance. Weapons that are fully viable against infantry and counter mounts would be run by literally everyone. That's part of the reason spears get such terrible bonuses in comparison to polearms as well. Because they are already good.
No bonus to spears.
Spear stance - Takes 1 second and 50 stamina to adopt. Cannot sprint and slow turning while active. Parries mounted attacks for 100% of damage and deals 300% weapon damage as a thrust to enemy mounts with auto-dismount. Taking melee damage breaks stance for three seconds. Lances outrange 1h spears and the defender takes 25% damage with the parry (meaning lancers can break 1h spear formations if they hit with their lance), but polearms outrange lances.
NO BUFFS to current polearms against infantry or else the ones that get buffs are reclassified to spears for the purposes of these bonuses. The downside of a weaker melee weapon that costs 100 more primary points is part of the balance. Weapons that are fully viable against infantry and counter mounts would be run by literally everyone. That's part of the reason spears get such terrible bonuses in comparison to polearms as well. Because they are already good.