For the sake of reaching a broader audience and keeping the game enjoyable for those of us who only have so little time to play in the evening who, as a result, will never be as skilled as the unemployed people, I think it would be a great idea to make PvP consensual.
This could be achieved by having a PvP option for every player that, when enabled, let's them damage other players who have it enabled only.
Not only will this prevent ganking, it would make the game a lot more enjoyable for people who only really play the game for the sake of PvE, such as myself. Making it an option will ensure the people who are really into PvP will still have all the PvP they want while those who just want to have some PvE fun without being interrupted by PvP groups will get to do what they enjoy best.
Their goal is not to reach a broader audience by changing the game design. This is not that game... and we should be thankful stuff like this exists.