Magic is stupid in mortal online 2


Active member
May 28, 2020
Yeah sure, you just wait with your hopes!! I lost them so long ago don't want to name it... like there is no reason not to have a miserable camouflage spell, or a wall right? Not like those whom play mages would like those spells right?... and if they do teleport will be a useless gismo they just like mages like naked idiotic errant boys, vales...
If you lost all hope what are you still doing here? Go play a game you actually like. Why do people feel the need to linger around stuff they clearly hate... such a waste of time.
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Mar 2, 2021
If you lost all hope what are you still doing here? Go play a game you actually like. Why do people feel the need to linger around stuff they clearly hate... such a waste of time.

Another whom just want game without magic, you should go play one of the medieval games without magic, there are dozens and older in their development.


Mar 2, 2021
I do think mage should have some changes to make his build more expensive ... if u get 3- 4 naked mages doing coordanated tlashes u can zero ppl fast at a really low cost ... can zero fighetrs in cronite etc ... ofc.. depends how good , experienced and smart they are ...thats a great loot for a low cost material.

Let me take away the bs and say what you think, really..

I do think mage should have some changes to make his build more expensive since idiots will pay... if u get 3- 4 naked naked idiots doing coordanated stupidities u can kill afk ppl fast at a really low cost ... can kill afk fighetrs in cronite etc ... ofc.. depends how big sandwich they are eatin afk, how retardedly obsessed the clowns are and how many times they try ...thats a great loot for a low cost material. And definitelly worse than what a single real player could do, so I am ok, actually enjoy these ridiculous people trying to be mages when magic does not exist, and we use them as errant boys.
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Mar 2, 2021
Well I for one am just happy that mo2 is geting stuff done

Which by being in this thread means: i play real characters not dex errants boys so fuck you all for me everything is ok since I would like mages to stay naked idits in pijamas to have 1 or 2 certain kills when I die to a better archer/fighter.


Active member
May 28, 2020
Another whom just want game without magic, you should go play one of the medieval games without magic, there are dozens and older in their development.
Your response bears no correlation to the post you quoted.
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Well-known member
Jul 10, 2020
I'm not sure what i'm more amazed by. How braindead this thread is. Or the fact that the mods seem to have taken a liking to this guy and are only applying the forum rules on other people.


Active member
Sep 15, 2020
Don't want to feed the trolls but this Not guy is obviously coming from a place of extreme inexperience or lack of skill. As someone who has been dex mage main for the last 5 years I think you truly don't understand the potential power us mages have in this game. I play a quite aggressive playstyle, when spiritism and necromancy releases it makes mages offensive potential even much higher..... In both large-scale and small-scale pvp fights I am constantly having opportunity's to hit people in full Ogh for 120dmg in 5 seconds by pushing on him with multiple death hands, sniping a target as he's trying to run away for heals with mental projectile, and with ecumenical getting fulminates, tlashes, and corrupts off at good timed moments to change the momentum and outcome of the fight. All while running faster then anyone else on the battlefield so even though my armor is not good, it's hard to hit or catch me.

Also comparing bandages to heals is hilarious, bandages have a cooldown and can only be used on yourself... they also take 10 seconds to go off and are reduced if you take damage in this time. a greater heal takes 3 seconds to cast...heals for more.... and can be spammed. You can't compare the two and all you have done in this thread is show immense ignorance about magic in this game.

If mage was so bad and useless as you make it seem in this thread why would I continue to play a dex mage for many many years..... or if I was just some support class that some people on this thread also make it seem like mage is then I would also not play, there's plenty of mages who sit in the back and just spam lesser heal and that's a playstyle that's viable I guess but it's not fun or skill-based but that's not our only option at all and in my opinion those people are not playing at a mages full potential.
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
is this a joke?
Do you mean to say that putting away your weapon and casting healing on yourself is worse than just using a bandage?
What he means is that putting away weapons and waiting for a long animation to gain a small amount of HP is better than putting away weapons waiting for a medium animation to gain a good amount of HP.

Difference between these actions are with magic heal you can instantly take out weapon after heal, you cant with bandage...
Yes, he did not understand the system.
Knew this after reading 2 of his posts...
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Active member
May 28, 2020
Hey mods whats with the censorship? This is not the Blizzard community. We can handle mean words.


New member
Nov 20, 2020
I am constantly having opportunity's to hit people in full Ogh for 120dmg in 5 seconds by pushing on him with multiple death hands, sniping a target as he's trying to run away for heals with mental projectile, and with ecumenical getting fulminates, tlashes, and corrupts off at good timed moments to change the momentum and outcome of the fight. All while running faster then anyone else on the battlefield so even though my armor is not good, it's hard to hit or catch me.

I agree, nerf magic.


Active member
Sep 22, 2020
@Not has stated a few times that for everything BUT PvP mages are worthless, I think there is SOME truth to this statement.

As it is farming mobs is much more costly to a mage than it is to a fighter as a steel sword can hit (I'll use risars for now) upwards of 100 dmg. A mage can only hit for a max of ~80 if they are an obese Huegar, as a dex mage, only about ~50 max(if you're lucky), costing reagents with each cast where the sword could be used to kill countless mobs.

This means that if you are to SOLO any sort of PvE content you are at a large disadvantage to a warrior character, and thus you are much better off making a warrior buddy or stat-ing into some strength for farming, becoming a pseudo hybrid.

Unless I was mistaken I believe there were talks of making NPCs have negative resistance to magic so a mage can actually effectively farm on their own, who knows if it actually comes to be, but I feel that this might actually solve the OP's grievances. If the complaint is wanting more diverse set of spells, you'll just have to wait till they add them, MO1 had quite a few schools by the end of it with a lot of different spell options/mechanics.
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Mar 1, 2021
Arrow alchemy potions would help mages be more OP. Slow movement potion on arrows for example would allow the mage to fire off spells whilst staying at distance.