Its been a year. Lighting is still garbage. Everyone raises gama to play. Your players get headaches playing the game.
All you have to do is spend 5 minutes turning off Eyeadaption then raise the gama back up. The game looked better pre lighting changes. Everyone agrees.
Lumins will not fix the issue, This games lighting is garbage but it doesn't have to be. Supposed to be project polish, well spend 5 minutes to polish the games lighting for god sake. Im tired of having to raise my gama up to play this game and do all this color correction nonsense just to not get headaches or squint at a screen. Some of us will want to turn lumins off because the game doesnt run well in the first place, and in my opinion the lumin display we were shown made the game harder to see in which causes more eyestress and headaches.
Im ruining my eyes looking at a screen 5 times brighter then it should just to fix the contrast that the EyeAdaption plugin causes. There is literally zero argument to keep it in. People get past it with just using normal windows color calibration to "see in the dark" completely nullifying that EyeAdaption does but it still makes the game look a lot worse then it did pre aug beta.
EyeAdaption = 0, then raise up the gama by like 10 points. Problem solved.