If you say so, and if what you say is true, and who knows? Because that phrase is peculiar to your post, meaning no-one else used it, and you didn't use the quote function, or name a username, so I'm going to file what you said under "Alternative Facts" for now.Someone further up also said that potentially the playerbase is veteran players wanting Mortal Online 1 but with a new 'coat of paint'.
- It would almost be more convincing if you stated your opinions about what the playerbase is and what it wants as your opinion, and not refer back vaguely to what someone else kind of said but not in those exact words.
- Hey, at least I read what you said. Don't blame me for reporting the impression you made by the way you said it.
If I'd had a dollar for every time someone in Mortal Online 1 told me "Oh, just mine AFK, it's what I do", I would have had enough to pay for one of my many, many months of subscriptions over the years.Mortal online is the very definition of leaving your game on whilst you do other things.
- I didn't believe everyone who said they did that, not then, and not now. People like to try to mislead, and love to brag about stuff they supposedly got away with; that's Mortal humanity for you.
The same might apply to Gathering, Extracting, Butchering, and a few other things I did with various characters.
IF at this point, @Lord Hair Remover , you're at least slightly bored with stories of personal experience & viewpoint in MO1, then we might be-- if only briefly-- on the same page.
Server regions would be a solution, not a problem. If EU players didn't choose to go play 'where US players might have the advantage' from being served closer to home, the reason why would be obvious.Why would server regions even be a problem? You could still choose where to go - so if EU players wanted to play with US players they could and vice versa.
I know some people will argue and say that kills the true meaning of a game like this, but if horrible balance, bad optimization, boring mechanics & features, and a single server with combat balanced around high ping in mind is the vision of an "amazing game" then this community is Jonestown 2.0
- The meaning of an international one-server-bank world is amazing. (It would be amazing if such a thing could work for everyone.) The reality may not get good enough no matter how hard anyone tries. The internet has not abolished time & distance.
- 'Amazing' isn't even the same as good. 'How does it amaze you?' is the important question. It's an overused word, like 'incredible', possibly because when you try to pin it down it has not much meaning-- it's just a feeling.
- Incredible, like unbelievable, has a literal meaning of "not something that can be believed." People don't seem to notice that some things called incredible should not be believed-- because they are false. Think for one minute about who it was that recently popularised those words.
- I'm gonna quibble that this community would have to be Jonestown 3.0, because there's been a Jonestown 2.0 already over the last couple years-- but prudence (and the Forum Rules) forbid me to say what I think 2.0 was.
Good idea, though I'm not sure a server for Australia would work even just on that continent with a cap that low.(But I will say too, each server should have ping caps.. maybe 150 at highest).
They would have actually made me want to REPENT` , if I had tried them.There was tedium in 1, like spamming hunger macros @Golgotha that was awful.

I think some of the Aussies would try it (it might not be that much better for them with a US server, but they're already playing with whatever degree of difficulty) and so would some of those living in Europe. It might be educational for them.You kiddin' I'd take a USA server, BUT I WONT SEE MY EURO FRIENDS ZZZZ. DA AUSSIES.
Oh, please. It's a safe assumption that you might. Even if your response to strangers is usually "Hi. Are you hungyr?", you must know this.People who are PTSD'd so that they see someone come up and are like AM I GONNA GET GANKED?
Release before everything present pre-TC in MO1 is in there is a premature birth. Risk of neo-natal death, damage from all the oxygen that will be required, and might never grow up to be sturdy or bright.it's definitely shaping up to be disappointing... if it goes on to release like this.