Guilds Masters make their own money

should we allow GMs make their own money?

  • yes

    Votes: 7 33.3%
  • no

    Votes: 14 66.7%

  • Total voters


Active member
Nov 15, 2020
What to do with copper silver and gold??? of cause we can make weapon out of it but is it truly meaning of these metals?

lets allow guild masters who control the city make their own money.

first of all we must delete all game vendors cos printing money can simply drain vendors goods out endlessly, so gm will be printing money and buy of goods out of vendors.
Instead we delete all vendors and allow city guild put their own vendors with their own goods. of cause they cant sell ore with butcher vendor so every vendor has to sell dedicated stuff, but still, guild will be supplying vendors themselves

of cause we cant allow common currency cos guild A will be printing gold coins and buy all stuff from city which controls guild B. For that we have to make dedicated coins. So if guild A controls city A then they have coins A and they cant buy stuff using coins A from city B if city B not allows them to. So evey vendor will have posibility to choose which currency they wanna trade with. It can be onlt coins A or only coins B or coins A and B or all coins in general. This way we will have economical wars and will stimulate trading.

we can easy delete regular vendors but what to do with librarians??? we can allow players who has inscripting and ecunumical magic for example write and ecunumical books and sell it. without the book it just will be very very difficult to level up, but once you ve done it you can make money and help others.

bandits and other humanoids now will have not coins but golden niggets so gm can smelt then in coins, or they can have their own coins and have their own vendors in outlaw city so you can buy special stuff with these coins.

basicaly this way we ll never have ingame inflation and will not have rmt cos tomorrow city can be sieged and guild will be changed along with currency. so every citizen and coin holder of guild A will fighting for this guild truely and protect their own finace, not cos someone told them so, but cos of a real finacial interest.
even tho guild stay forever it cant print as much as it want cos this will create and inflation and prices raise so new players will sattle in new cities and start from scratch. Besides, we dont have any limits, i mean whats a point to print many money if this way all your prices will raise??? who cares if you your sword will cost 10 or 1000 of gold? Numbers doesnt matter. Its a matter of what u can exchange for these money in comparsent to lowest good and highest good. You may say that GM will RMT. But those guild coins are not permanent and guild can be destroyed one day and if citizen find out that gm to RMT then they leave the city and exchange their coins for another city coins and this city will become weak and destroyed. Cos nobody want to feel cheated when they work hard for money which someone just print and sell for dollars. If we keep usual economy system, we still will have RMT in game but at least this way we ll have a power of controll. We can choose for what currency we wanna work and invest our time. Currupted guilds will be destroyed, but if we keep an old system RMT will never be destroyed.

regarding bosses loot. we should give as a reward not golden coing but golden nugget and/or valuable resourse which then be recreated into valueable good and exchanged for money.

the mmo games inflation is a huge problem, cos all currencies are common for entire game, and there is no economical zones or anything like it. but if we will create and currency zones it will be amazing, cos its not only create trading, caravan posibilities, but also add new stimulation to have a war, to stimulate players protect their territory cos financial zone its like additional territory control mechanic, its like a new additional game feature, when you can control, manipulate, influence, support, and dominate.

i realy hope you ll vote YES for that and star Vault will consider our opinion

have a good day
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New member
Oct 5, 2021
The idea itself is interesting and can turn into something good in the long run , but that said it will be very bad if it will be made poorly.
alot of good things can come out of this idea. i don't think removing NPC vendors is needed for this system but adding a mint office with an npc that will let you take lets say gold/silver/cuprom bars and extra payment on top of that to "mint/craft" your own currency will give the normal in game coins another value and will make another "gold sink". this game is all about world building all about the players and about guilds, pvp, controlling a territory and building an empire. even if the game will have lots of different types of coins going around won't change anything for the players that don't want to use them. on the other hand it will give more options to those that do. even know in game you can sell items for gold in the broker but also you can trade the same thing with another person for steel/wood/horse so having another type of coin won't do any harm on the other hand it will build a new market of players to play with you will see some coins going up in value so will go down in value.

but to make it right i think something like this should be made:
1) an mint building with npc that will give you the option to create you type of coin.
2)you will have to bring materials like gold,silver and cuprom and pay a fee to create your own coin( the fee should be high both bars and coins you pay for it).
3)then what will happen is that the npc will mint those coins per order example : you can order 1500 vadda coins to be minted.
then those 1500 coins won't go to the person but will become an item in another npc in the same building that a player(the same one or another one ) can go and exchange for gold/silver/cooper coins. this way you won't have a massive print of money and lots of it just going around without control and on top of that players that wish to use that coin won't have to "deal" with the guild that made them but will be able to go and exchange them with the mint office.

4) the office will only work with guild masters and ones a guild master made the order of a mint his name will be putted in mint recorded for that type of coin name and only he will be able to mint more. this will make it so that others can't print the same coin or print as much as they like.
another way that can control it in a way is by making the mint system have a global cooldown and a limit on how much a guild master can print in a week/month.

but with all that been said, i don't think SV will put time into making something like this , it's an extra layer of complex to the game and its development that i don't think they have free hands at the moment to even try and start a new system.
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
37.76655478735988, -122.48572468757628
The idea itself is interesting and can turn into something good in the long run , but that said it will be very bad if it will be made poorly.
alot of good things can come out of this idea.
Interesting, yes.

This, if Star Vault were going to try it at all, is the kind of suggestion that should go onto a (very full) test server to see the results — and there isn't one aside from the server that Beta is being played on. Right?

I don't see the risk to the game's economy being worth trying to do it in steps on a live server.


I foresee unforeseen results.
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Active member
Nov 15, 2020
what you suggesting is interesting, but we cant allow everybody print their own coins. why? because coins itself has no values except the material they made of. coins are coins just because they have guild tags on it. every currency both ingame and real one havee value cos they supported by economy coomunuty entity is providing. for example us dollar is just piece of paper, but it has tag of usa government which mean usa support its currency. dollar represent an economy. so its not just you have your own coin but also what u can buy for it. there wont be many coins in game. ONLY gm who controls the city can print one so there will be number of currency as many as we have cities. so there will be few only.

what im suggesting is get rid of currency that appears magicaly from out of nowhere. instead we can make cicled sytem of money. system where money is just a tool not a real value. you can print as much coins that you want if you have anough gold, but this way you will make it even worse. if you have 100000 coins in system insted of 100 then prices go up and one coin loses its value which means people will get your coins and will melt them back into gold cos gold cost more then your golden coin. so gms must be very carefull with what they mint cos other gms will sell them 1 sword for 100 coins then melt those 100 and make their own 100 coins but in their economy they can produce 10 swords out of it and sell 100 each which is 1000 prifit. so lett it be free market cos freedom regulates itself. you dont need to control it. u have an idea that something need to be controled. but its mo2 and we all palyed ultima, so we know that more freedom we have then more we have control - selfcontrol. u cant just print as much money u want cos you will ruin your economy. in real world God do not control anyone, we free to do whatever we want but there are universal laws and if we break them we ll face a result, yett we can try to break them. same here. we ll never be happy if we will have vendor who sell is stuff for 10 gold. ONLY 10. not 11 not 1 not 100 - only 10. we ll never be happy if we always have troll who drops 100 coins loot. ALWAYs. its like a go to boring ennoying job everyday, where u decide nothing, nothing depends on you. u dont care who control territory, u can always have your 100 gold and thats it, u dont care about geo-politic

again. one city = 1 type of coing, one city = 1 guild to control. no ingame vendores, only ones who belong to guild which contol the city. this way people will use your coin cos they need money to buy off vendors.
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Jun 12, 2020
I think this is an interesting idea and reminds me of Ibarruri's coin. The problem with this is there needs to be a big enough population to support this. I don't see this being a system they want at the start of the game. Maybe after 2 or 5 years when they do another big update they can tie this in type of system into the lore and adjust the workings of it to the population size.

There are 10 towns now but I don't think that should mean there are 10 possible coin types. In MO1 they had a system where you could pick 1 of 3 factions like red, blue, and yellow and try to earn your faction points over the others. They should use a system like that so maybe your guild politics means the guilds from Gaul'Kor, Bakti, Tindrem, and Moh-ki agree to use the same coin. Having a land with 10+ different coins would be too much hassle IMO especially when they expand the continent.

I do want to feel like I'm part of an ever changing world and introducing new currencies would help with that. Only time will tell though how players build up the world if we'll even see an opportunity for this.
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Active member
Nov 15, 2020
I think this is an interesting idea and reminds me of Ibarruri's coin. The problem with this is there needs to be a big enough population to support this. I don't see this being a system they want at the start of the game. Maybe after 2 or 5 years when they do another big update they can tie this in type of system into the lore and adjust the workings of it to the population size.

There are 10 towns now but I don't think that should mean there are 10 possible coin types. In MO1 they had a system where you could pick 1 of 3 factions like red, blue, and yellow and try to earn your faction points over the others. They should use a system like that so maybe your guild politics means the guilds from Gaul'Kor, Bakti, Tindrem, and Moh-ki agree to use the same coin. Having a land with 10+ different coins would be too much hassle IMO especially when they expand the continent.

I do want to feel like I'm part of an ever changing world and introducing new currencies would help with that. Only time will tell though how players build up the world if we'll even see an opportunity for this.
thank you for your support. its a good point about 10 currencies but 10 is a maximum number and its not critical. for example, one guild can own 10 cities, or 2 or 5. another thing is that if guilds will have an alliance that means their city vendors can accept both coins equally. it is still good that there are different coins even in alliance cos ppl are free to break up. but game mechanics should allow trade alliance coins equally. it can be done by ingame option in vendors, say sell this sword for 100 gold coins of any allies coins, including our own. this way economically all your coins will have the same value. but it can be done this way - sell this sword for 100 our own coins and 150 any ally coins or 150 guilds A coins and 200 guild B coins. This way we can regulate the economy and coin value. Or we can prohibit one particular coin in your city. How prohibit? Where. The thing is that we can put currency stockmarket vendor where players can exchange their money. And this is really true economy. Owner guild can say - well, we trade only for our own coins, so plz, if you wanna buy our coins go to stock market and buy our coins for your coins and while you have now our coins you can buy our goods.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
I like the idea of printing the own coins would be funny with alternative currency based from ingame metals. WOuld be worht nothing at first i guess like the crypto market once was.

But i first misread the title and thought you talking about game masters and i instandly hit no. And said in my head are you drunk boogis.
No Game master ever should print money, items or whatever. holy crap.

so please change the title.
I bet many people instandly hit no, just because they thought you talking about game masters and not guild masters. Or guilds in general. Many guilds are also completly democratic xD there is no master.

Please define the stuff that its clearly for everyone and that noone can interpret wrong stuff into your writings. Im glad that I read your post and quickly realised you talking about making ingame metal to ingame money and not cheating gold into the game.

please change the poll title aswell.
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Sounds like an awesome idea, if its well thought through... and implemented well.... okay this will never be a thing :(
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Active member
Nov 15, 2020
I like the idea of printing the own coins would be funny with alternative currency based from ingame metals. WOuld be worht nothing at first i guess like the crypto market once was.
brother, i assure u it will work. cos once a guild has power over the city they will force ppl to use their currency, but i see where u coming from. u meen it will be worth not more then a gold itself and you right. but with economy growing, currency will grow as well. if for 10 coins of city A you can exchange 10 times more goods then for currency of city B then on currency stockmarket coins A will cost 10 times more.
another thing i can add that yes, top guy will be corrupted. but they gonna be corrupted anyway even with old system. Besides you only can be corrupted withing your own economy zone. other city guild will corrupted in its own way, and both sides know that they have an access to unlimited power of money printing and thas how economy and normal wars will start. guild A printed own money and go to stockmarket of city B and buy all their currencies and then buy all goods from city B. This way city B economy will collaps cos no goods on a market and bunch city A coins in a pocket. What to do? you can take those coins and go to city A market and buy all their goods as a come back. So now city A has no goods in shope but bunch of their own currecies. This is no good. So this is economical war. And thats how real war can start. So you really have find a balance and trust to each other and dont be greedy. U have to be wise ruler, u have to be carefull which currency to trust and what politic to perform. stockmarket vendor is free to use for everyone. you can put buy and sell orders and invest in everything you want. so you the one who desides. you u can see that guild A perform a fear play, they strong and relyable and trustworthy you can buy their coins, you work for them, its your choice, but if they are corrupted u still have a choice to leave them, get rid of their coins. and buy another coins or goods. at least u have freedom of choice, which for current system we dont have one. we have like one coin and thats it. its like a centralized government.

have u noticed, in real life once someone have a power they start to print ther own money? why? have u thought? why dont they sutisfied with someone esles money? why they need their own? think about it


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
37.76655478735988, -122.48572468757628
have u thought? why dont they sutisfied with someone esles money? why they need their own? think about it
I think there are a small bunch of U.S. territories and maybe 8 sovereign nations that use the U.S. dollar as their official means of exchange; some other countries use it unofficially. The U$ dollar is the reserve currency for the majority of foreign banks, but some countries use the euro or the LOL CPC money, instead. So, whether they are satisfied with the situation or not, there are places that are either using someone else's money, or basiing what theirs is worth on someone else's.

But Canada and Ireland have some of the best-looking money.


Active member
Nov 15, 2020
Yes. It's because at that period of time usd equal to Golden standart of past times. Another words usd is equal to gold now. At 70s USA disattached gold from usd, and it's not supported by gold reserve anymore, cos one word of USA is enough just to say - we are the gold, so back off. So now reserve currency is usd, like gold. But why to have usd reserve, and use your own currency in amount which equal of usd reserve, if u can just use usd in a first place?


Nov 2, 2021
Taking the E out of PvE :)
We just need money sinks in game to prevent rapid inflation... soooo, MORE npc vendors!
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Active member
Nov 15, 2020
Another idea in this idea what can bring balance is that guild master do not get their money directly, cos it will bring corruption and unlimited wealth in a hands of few. We dont want that of course. Thw way how we can avoid it is like that. We dont allow frashly printed money in a hands of GM or high ranked guild members or even any members. Instead money goes to vendors or any other facilities of the city where they can be laundried. I ll give you an example. So money dont go to hands of guild which control the city directrly from printing. To be able to get money in hands guild has to put it through economy and get back in form of collection.
It can be tax, licenses, books and so on. Once money went through an economy then it can be use by guild. So, i forgot to give u an example.ok. you ve just printed 1000 gold, right? so u cannot just take those money and have a party. money goes to city account, and then you can desttibute them withing the city, like vendors. you come to vendor and you see that he has 0 coins on his accountm which meant if ppl selling him goods he cannot buy them. so you adding coins to his account and someone selling him a sword for 10 gold. guy who sold a sword paid 1 gold of tax and this money you can use in any way you want now. so these are clean money which been put through an economy and citizen got them (9 gold) in his pocket. Later this citizen bought a horse from you for 5 gold and paid 1 gold tax so now you got 6 clean gold coins in you pocket. In city budget. then citizen put his horse in stable and you taxed him for having one horse regirsted in this stable, like a car rego in real life. so you charged him 2 gold. And also this horse stayed in stable for 3 days and stableman had to feed it so this is onother 1 gold. So this way you took back all his money he got from u by selling you a sword. And this money you can use now in any way you want as a city owner. Most likely you will want to save them cos you might need them in case of war or on any emergeny occation, cos otherwise you cant just print bunch of coins and pay everyone. to pay someone u must laudry your freshly printed money.

there are bunch of other ways to make money as a city owner. for exmaple i ve already suggested bail tax for criminals who want to get out of jail and many other ways too.

ps - important thing is that there is a city vendors and private vendors in private shops (every vendor of course must sell what it made for. mining vendore must sell only mining products not food) private shops paying tax, city vendors dont. there is always compitition between private and city. if city prices are too low then privates buy all products and sell in there shop and vise versa. so there will be the balance
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