Fix Humans


Active member
Feb 25, 2022
I think its fair to make The Tindremic humans theeee most absolute best FIT mages in the lore they are battlemages. pure mages able to fight with other classes. so far we dont see this and it is the only type of charecter i wanto play , however magery(ecumenical) itself is not optomized at all and is considered a support class.... this ecumenical(magery) comes from uo and was absolutely not a support class. alot of people are playing this game to be a pure mage.. curently its not possible and henrik thinks adding necro to the game fixes mages... it doesnt... it just adds necro. once magery is actually fixed and humans are fixed capable of being the tankier 1v1 solo mage they are supposeto be then i will be back... no i dont want mages to be over powered... why cant we test it and make it close puremage vs foot soldier(withbow and melee) once thats done the game will be more skill based but im unsure it will happen.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
I think it'd be fun to get a clade that was like "citizen" or "townie" or w/e that was like -200 action points +350 profession points, or something haha.

IMHO when people say support in MO they don't mean buffs and heals, they mean that you are back line. You can support with damage. Magi are OP from 2 all the way up. They can't support themselves, really, unless they are mounted. MAMM is legit on human.

They are just so dry. One thing SV forgets is races should be as dynamic as clades. They did fix Sido con though, it didn't used to be over 100 IIRC.


Active member
Jan 24, 2022
I believe that humans excel at Hybrid builds. The problem we are facing atm, is that we do not have everything in our kit to make it viable and most Hybrids are just worse Footlighters+Worse mages. Being a mage is already hard, if you don't think so than you are a dagger mage playing like a rogue. We already invest so many points into magic and need to minmax our build I can barely fit Ecumenical 62 with everything else in the build with 18% damage bonus.

I am dealing the same damage as a mage with 110 int as a Hybrid* with 100 int I'm losing 1-2 dmg median but I'll still hit the same highs. Footfighters 100 vs 110 str is a whole lot of dmg LOST depending on the weapon you are losing upwards of 16 total damage or 5 on a swing. Mages do not scale well and I've actually decided to pull my main mage down from 110 to 100 so I can have more points in another attribute since I'm not going to be playing a fat mage for +10/+20 int. all it does for me is 10 points of mana, big woop I still go oom after 6 casts of offensive spells and I'll still have mana left over for a lesser heal or two and I regen that mana faster than I can spend it. So I'm now a healer after I blow my mageload on T-Lashing or beaming someone why does 10 mana make any difference. Every fight I've been in as a mage I die with 100% mana, or near 0% mana. There is no in-between. Magic is Also extremely CLOSE RANGE holy hell why is Earthquake 500 range + cost an opal and it deals damage to me and everyone near me, I'm better off just casting it on myself than casting it on someone else. Then you get into the fix for Magic Reflect, however now its a garentee everyone uses it. So if you did not put Spurt as your rotation than get T-lashed and for a Paladin/Hybrid I'm assuming most of you do not have high Psy so enjoy beaning yourself.

We need a skill that allows us to cast with 1 handed weapons or to cast with a weapon out. I'd suggest unarmed but you are spending the same amount of skill points as a Pole-axe/Sword user with less range and less damage overall, ontop of that Dex is the stat for it so again dagger mage is better than going monk mage that sounds BADASS (Forcefull Clade: should give us Brawling skill as a secondary or 15 in unarmed.). As a human mage cleric (Cleric should give us +5 Armor/Heavy Armor training.) is great for people wanting to have 1-2 more hits of survival or someone memeing with 40% regen at 15 armor weight cool 1 regen with 100/80 int/psy at 15 armor I'm not even hitting 50 defense in most things.

This is compounded by mages just sucking at being able to cast through things, concentration says 50% but I can tell you my knife eared friend can cast 150-200 times with 50 calamine and water and that is supposed to be 50% I can guarantee this is not the case for this skill.

Cleric also has a hard drop off you lose more mana regen by the weight to % ratio. Go ahead and play an elf and wear 4kg then go to human with cleric with 8kg. Its roughly the same with human having less regen, than it drastically drops off after and at 10kg you have 50% regen while an elf will be about 8kg with 60% regen. The cleric clade is only good for giving you a few more hits of survival and Concentration means you will not be seeing that extra cast of T-Lash or Death hand.

If you are a necromancer than you could likely just leach off of people, however necromancy is hard to get and the average player still does not have Summon/Control/Command to be a necromancer. Even fewer are spirtists that can farm the reagents and I can tell you off the top of my head how many of those are a Hybrid, 1 and he has 0% melee damage bonus. you know who will beneifit from a spell that you can cast while moving? DEX MAGES, AGAIN.

I propose these changes to make humans more viable as Hybrids since it's what their selling point is or to fundamentally rework things since most of Hybrids problems are married to Mage problems.

1. Cleric Clade; Armor/Heavy Training +5
2. Forceful; All Unarmed skills +15

These first two I can argue for and I'm willing to bet most people will agree with me on. Please for the love of god just make this change.

3. Rework Concentration; Make it a HP % interrupt chance. The higher the damage the higher the % you get interrupted. 180hp would make 18dmg a 25% interrupt while a 32 is 50% and 54 is a 75% interrupt chance. Paladins now become war casters and dex mages now need to focus on getting hit less or their 150~ish hp means they will be interrupted more. Human mages get interrupted less and fat mages can get a small buff I guess. THIS would mostly help heavy armor/high hp mages and Ogmir clade for mages would be cracked.

This one is a bit harder to swallow, however I think it will solve 90% of our problems while only making a few others to work on.

4. Erudite; Change it back to +10 in all magic schools
5. Scholastic make this clade give us +5 or +10 in all magic related skills. Mental Offense/Mental Training/Meditation/Vitality
6. Make the Lore skill actually effect Ether Lore and Multiverse Lore plz henrik It hurts to see.

These are a bit more wild but would give humans more ability to dive into magic schools. while we are losing +10 in Ecu I can tell you that most hybrids are more interested in other schools and If you want to see death handing Tanks on the battlefield or Hybrids nuking themselves with Miasma you want to go this route. While a human will never be able to outclass the other races, we will have OPTIONS.

7. Mounted Magery is an Abomination why is my pitiful range now also married to being unable to Cast while moving or turning and My Magic takes 2 times as long to charge. Mounted Magery just gives me more of my mental offense to use while riding a horse. MM should allow you to turn and speed up and slow down but slower while you can still turn its at 50% effect so that a mage can avoid hitting a tree.

This is the least likely to change and it is just a gripe. However I can tell you only Solo mages that travel a ton use this skill and I doubt any MM would want to roll with MA's to heal them since they are better off dismounting and just healing as a turret.

Edit: Typos, Don't type while drinking, I guess.

Thank you for coming to my ted talk I hope it's not too bad, I'm writing this as I'm drunk but I hope I've made some of my points. Make Humans Great but not the Kurites, Fuck Horse Archers. Gday.