Fix Humans

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
Plz 8 more Attribute Points for full Tindramene. This could make him cool if you find two good + 4 raw triinkets. You cant lower con, Into or str on him, without loosing too much stam, mana, or damage Bonus to get him a bit faster.


Active member
Aug 13, 2020
8 more point total isnt enough when they have con under 100 when its one of the most impactful stats in the game, sido/tind/sard need more con if they want to be more viable in pvp.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
8 more point total isnt enough when they have con under 100 when its one of the most impactful stats in the game, sido/tind/sard need more con if they want to be more viable in pvp.

Agree, except I'd say sardu con, or anything +100 is 'ok.' These dudes w/ under 100 tho that's like frailty. Sardu mage could be good w/ more int or some sort of a buff. Sardu is and has been the only race that AFAIK has never been good AT ANYTHING, except resisting heat. I think humans need A LOT more atts given their low caps. I mean put it vs pure sheev for total points. Also un-nerf Kallard and Khurite. Khur has a massive att nerf from being a decent fighter in MO1, but nooot anymore.

Human should be like... 100 str, 100 dex, 105 con, 100 int, 50 psyche min height sort of atts, for like full sard. I think Tindremene needs to stay squish, but they need something else, too. Sido never really was a thing (tho I rolled some part sido pvp troll chars in MO1.) Kallard (if you were in that viking guild? :eek:), Khurite, and Tin are like the classes that we able to do something. Sid is what, a fatmage?
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Aug 13, 2020
Agree, except I'd say sardu con, or anything +100 is 'ok.' These dudes w/ under 100 tho that's like frailty. Sardu mage could be good w/ more int or some sort of a buff. Sardu is and has been the only race that AFAIK has never been good AT ANYTHING, except resisting heat. I think humans need A LOT more atts given their low caps. I mean put it vs pure sheev for total points. Also un-nerf Kallard and Khurite. Khur has a massive att nerf from being a decent fighter in MO1, but nooot anymore.

Human should be like... 100 str, 100 dex, 105 con, 100 int, 50 psyche min height sort of atts, for like full sard. I think Tindremene needs to stay squish, but they need something else, too. Sido never really was a thing (tho I rolled some part sido pvp troll chars in MO1.) Kallard (if you were in that viking guild? :eek:), Khurite, and Tin are like the classes that we able to do something. Sid is what, a fatmage?

sards should have 100 or a bit more int because of the lore, its weird that they dont. Imo they do fare better in melee than tinds just because they do have more stam and hp. if int curve basically softcapped exactly at 90 they would be alright but those 4 more points do go far. you can still get 100 int as a sardu going 2 tind, or 1 tind 1 sido which was one of my beta builds, was alright for super big groups but in small scale sheevra outclasses it 100%.

kallards and sidoians were just way too slow in mo1 that even tindremenes mixed with some sidoian could easily stickyback you, never played later mo1 but playing a char with 92 con cap just sounds like a recipe for disaster, even lower stam than they have now with their buffed str and con caps.

khurite has absolutely no reason to have oghmir levels of point total, but i feel like sv did that on purpose because of the khurite meta in mo1(yes thursar but khurite thursar was supreme, not kallard or sidoian thursar).

kallard honestly seems like the most fine human race atm but only as a pure fighter, theyre not that much worse than thursar if clade gifts werent in the game, thats what hurts them the most.

I tried to mess around on mortaldata with sidoians and fullblood just seems like too much wasted potential since they have 20 less points to spend than tind/sard, you can go min size for max str and 70 int 😂 better off mixing sidos to get better results as one.
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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
sards should have 100 or a bit more int because of the lore, its weird that they dont. Imo they do fare better in melee than tinds just because they do have more stam and hp. if int curve basically softcapped exactly at 90 they would be alright but those 4 more points do go far. you can still get 100 int as a sardu going 2 tind, or 1 tind 1 sido which was one of my beta builds, was alright for super big groups but in small scale sheevra outclasses it 100%.

kallards and sidoians were just way too slow in mo1 that even tindremenes mixed with some sidoian could easily stickyback you, never played later mo1 but playing a char with 92 con cap just sounds like a recipe for disaster, even lower stam than they have now with their buffed str and con caps.

khurite has absolutely no reason to have oghmir levels of point total, but i feel like sv did that on purpose because of the khurite meta in mo1(yes thursar but khurite thursar was supreme, not kallard or sidoian thursar).

kallard honestly seems like the most fine human race atm but only as a pure fighter, theyre not that much worse than thursar if clade gifts werent in the game, thats what hurts them the most.

I tried to mess around on mortaldata with sidoians and fullblood just seems like too much wasted potential since they have 20 less points to spend than tind/sard, you can go min size for max str and 70 int 😂 better off mixing sidos to get better results as one.

yea, I really wanna roll a sard. On my current build, it'd actually be perfect, which is funny. Pure legit sard.

If I could choose between pure sard and what I have now, I'd take the sard haha. I got good Con tho cuz I'm a Khurite, but Khurites are washed w/ dex changes IMO. Tried hard to love 'em.

I'd roll this unironically.

Edit: infact I'd argue you gotta go lean to have a khurite that is actually a unique build.


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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
I'm trying sarduccan cleric now and my experience so far is meh. I have 140 mana and decent regen with heaviest ranger armor, but can't really utilize it in small scale. Before necro you could at least cast a single offensive spell (maybe two if you're lucky) right in the start of an encounter before you had to switch to melee, but now with reflect changes even that is not the best of ideas. But even before, any alvarin hybrid could do that, while wearing mostly steel+silk, and then they had that godlike speed so could disengage at any moment to cast a few spells. Which a cleric can't do, you need to defeat that heavily armored thursar guy that has a very obvious advantage over you first.

It could be better with necro, maybe i could defeat that thursar by utilizing blinds and deathhands and whatnot, but unfortunately switching to/from melee takes too much time, and to actually cast a necro spell with a melee chasing you, you need to be in combat mode without weapons drawn, and we can't switch to/from that fast. I really feel like if we had a hotkey to switch weapons fast, this build could be viable in pvp, along with other non-alvarin hybrids. You can't effectively mix melee and magic unless you're an alvarin, and therefore you cannot be a viable hybrid.
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Active member
Aug 13, 2020
thats the thing, sheevra speed is way better than the extra mana for being a high point human, even in larger scales if you end up getting attacked, you can just run vs getting stickybacked by blainns which is the biggest meme in the game, oghmir stickybacking any mixture of humans.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
I'm trying sarduccan cleric now and my experience so far is meh. I have 140 mana and decent regen with heaviest ranger armor, but can't really utilize it in small scale. Before necro you could at least cast a single offensive spell (maybe two if you're lucky) right in the start of an encounter before you had to switch to melee, but now with reflect changes even that is not the best of ideas. But even before, any alvarin hybrid could do that, while wearing mostly steel+silk, and then they had that godlike speed so could disengage at any moment to cast a few spells. Which a cleric can't do, you need to defeat that heavily armored thursar guy that has a very obvious advantage over you first.

It could be better with necro, maybe i could defeat that thursar by utilizing blinds and deathhands and whatnot, but unfortunately switching to/from melee takes too much time, and to actually cast a necro spell with a melee chasing you, you need to be in combat mode without weapons drawn, and we can't switch to/from that fast. I really feel like if we had a hotkey to switch weapons fast, this build could be viable in pvp, along with other non-alvarin hybrids.

I was thinking more of a MA shortbow build w/ magic as well. I wouldn't put a human (non khur or kall) on the ground except for in dire circumstance. Tindremene might be OP, but I never tried it. My tin was a wep crafter.

Getting 100 int tho is nice; what's your regen and armor wt?

Alv stay OP.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2022
I'm trying sarduccan cleric now and my experience so far is meh. I have 140 mana and decent regen with heaviest ranger armor, but can't really utilize it in small scale. Before necro you could at least cast a single offensive spell (maybe two if you're lucky) right in the start of an encounter before you had to switch to melee, but now with reflect changes even that is not the best of ideas. But even before, any alvarin hybrid could do that, while wearing mostly steel+silk, and then they had that godlike speed so could disengage at any moment to cast a few spells. Which a cleric can't do, you need to defeat that heavily armored thursar guy that has a very obvious advantage over you first.

It could be better with necro, maybe i could defeat that thursar by utilizing blinds and deathhands and whatnot, but unfortunately switching to/from melee takes too much time, and to actually cast a necro spell with a melee chasing you, you need to be in combat mode without weapons drawn, and we can't switch to/from that fast. I really feel like if we had a hotkey to switch weapons fast, this build could be viable in pvp, along with other non-alvarin hybrids. You can't effectively mix melee and magic unless you're an alvarin, and therefore you cannot be a viable hybrid.

My current build is a pure sarducaan MA/MM. If you're on foot you are VERY wrong as a human. With that said you arent able to do anything better than any Alvarin. Hell Sheevras have as many attribute points as a Khurite and faster.

Even necromancy doesnt make up for the difference on hybrid builds. Sure you can cast death hand and blind, but if they are attached to you and beating your head in for 60+ a hit, what does it matter if you can cast death hand.
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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
If you're on foot you are VERY wrong as a human.
Well i don't like being mounted, literally none of my characters since beta even had swift riding. Plus, it kinda would feel like a waste of cleric clade - your armor doesn't matter much if you're on horse, your horse's armor does. Plus, 138 int fat mage does MM better anyway.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2022
Well i don't like being mounted, literally none of my characters since beta even had swift riding. Plus, it kinda would feel like a waste of cleric clade - your armor doesn't matter much if you're on horse, your horse's armor does. Plus, 138 int fat mage does MM better anyway.

Humans are literally built for mounted roles. Their clades even have this. This is the ONLY way humans can survive is being on a mount. The problem is nothing they can do on a mount gives them any advantage over any Alvarin or Oghmir which can also ride a mount. Alvarins are faster on foot after their mount dies, and oghmir are just as fast as most humans and wear more armor and hit harder.
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Active member
Aug 13, 2020
"Hell Sheevras have as many attribute points as a Khurite" way more actually lmao, more than sidoians too. sheevra paladin master race.
tind/sard = 490 total
sidoian = 470 total
khurite = 446 total 😂
sheevra = 474 total
veela = 466 total
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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2022
"Hell Sheevras have as many attribute points as a Khurite" way more actually lmao, more than sidoians too. sheevra paladin master race.
tind/sard = 490 total
sidoian = 470 total
khurite = 446 total 😂
sheevra = 474 total
veela = 466 total

But according to some people. "Completely balanced"
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Active member
Aug 13, 2020
But according to some people. "Completely balanced"
these are the same players who said that thur khur is balanced in mo1 when it had the best in slot stats for a physical build with none of the downsides of the other races.

also alv have gotten a ton of buffs and kept getting more anytime they changed races, pretty sure it was +8 attribute points to both, +4 str to both, and the buffs to pretty much every single clade gift that they have, totally fine when humans were suffering far worse than alv before these buffs.
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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2022
these are the same players who said that thur khur is balanced in mo1 when it had the best in slot stats for a physical build with none of the downsides of the other races.

also alv have gotten a ton of buffs and kept getting more anytime they changed races, pretty sure it was +8 attribute points to both, +4 str to both, and the buffs to pretty much every single clade gift that they have, totally fine when humans were suffering far worse than alv before these buffs.

I was hoping for more balance between the races in MO2. But instead it is more of the same. Just different master race this time. Instead of Thur-Khurs its Veelas.
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Aug 13, 2020
ive seen too many players immediately roll full tindys because they like their looks or just dont know the caps matter, then play a fighter build and start getting stomped by every other race in the game, and end up rage quitting because they dont want to be a yeti, alien elf or a leper. its sad but it happens alot and its one of the things that deters a few players away from the game, happened to a few friends ive tried to get into mo1 when they wanted to be kallards for playing nordic styles with axes and their armor.
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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2022
ive seen too many players immediately roll full tindys because they like their looks or just dont know the caps matter, then play a fighter build and start getting stomped by every other race in the game, and end up rage quitting because they dont want to be a yeti, alien elf or a leper. its sad but it happens alot and its one of the things that deters a few players away from the game, happened to a few friends ive tried to get into mo1 when they wanted to be kallards for playing nordic styles with axes and their armor.

I saw the same thing in MO1. Hell there was a whole "roman" styled legion that had like a 100 people at launch in MO1 and they were all HUMAN... that was their rule. That guild fell apart in a matter of weeks because it was abundantly clear that humans were hot trash.
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Jan 29, 2022
I probably can be categorized as one of those players as I rolled a full tind with the expectation that it would give me the most flexibility in build choices and customization. I think that has held true to a point but obviously my human is nowhere near as capable as other builds.

The issue is though that I don’t think many new MO2 players like me are going to be willing to invest the time to level up multiple characters and pay to have multiple accounts. The game simply doesn’t have the content to make it worth it and new players don‘t have the knowledge or support network to speed through things as fast not to mention vets knowing how to take advantage of terrible coding for massive profits making things easy mode for them in some respects.

In all honesty my human is meh and so is MO2 at this point so whatever. I really wanted MO2 to succeed but 6+ months later there really hasn’t been any improvements and for every bug fixed two more have taken their place. I’m almost checked out and ready to move on.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2022
I probably can be categorized as one of those players as I rolled a full tind with the expectation that it would give me the most flexibility in build choices and customization. I think that has held true to a point but obviously my human is nowhere near as capable as other builds.

The issue is though that I don’t think many new MO2 players like me are going to be willing to invest the time to level up multiple characters and pay to have multiple accounts. The game simply doesn’t have the content to make it worth it and new players don‘t have the knowledge or support network to speed through things as fast not to mention vets knowing how to take advantage of terrible coding for massive profits making things easy mode for them in some respects.

In all honesty my human is meh and so is MO2 at this point so whatever. I really wanted MO2 to succeed but 6+ months later there really hasn’t been any improvements and for every bug fixed two more have taken their place. I’m almost checked out and ready to move on.

Pretty fair assessment.
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Aug 13, 2020
when dragon ball games and mods have better race balance than this game you know something is completely wrong, my sides are going into orbit.