Does this game focus TOO MUCH on PvP??


New member
Jan 22, 2022
Ive kept an eye out for this game for quite abit now, and i use alot of time watching youtube videoes etc.

Its such a nice looking game, but i cant help to think... Why all the focus on PvP? Why limit the player base/potential like that?

Personally, i dont see why this game doesnt have stuff like (just to name a few);
- breeding
- farming plots/gardens etc
- fishing boats

I think ALOT of people are looking for that 1 particular game, where they can do whatever they want, whenever they want. Yeah you can do that now in MO2, but its lacking the environment and freedom to really be exciting.

If this doesnt change, this will just be another 3 month of playing -> next MMORPG. We have enough of that allready.

Please dont limit yourself, make this game great with tons of freedom.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2021
Well pvp games are easier to make since they are fueled by player content and not millions of dollars of new dungeons and gear sets every month. Also yeah it's a niche game, not everyone is going to enjoy it. That's fine though. Not everything has to appeal to the lowest common denominator
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
The game will get breeding and farming soon, we already had both in MO1. Breeding is not implemented, farms had been a player structure to be build next to a player house, and boats are planned.

Many players don't believe me when I'm telling them that MO is NOT a PvP game but a game with PvP parts. And it depends on the players themselves to chose how large their PvP part will be. For myself PvP takes a very low part of my gaming time, for sure less than one percent, and I'm talking about more than 10 years in MO1, which I played already in beta and then from release day on.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
Personally, i dont see why this game doesnt have stuff like (just to name a few);
- breeding
- farming plots/gardens etc
- fishing boats

MO1 had all that, except the boats. Pretty sure MO2 will also get it in time.

pve mmos are a dime a dozen. A lot of them much prettier than MO2, and with a crapload more content.

we are all here for something else. MO2 is that something else.


New member
Jan 22, 2022
The game will get breeding and farming soon, we already had both in MO1. Breeding is not implemented, farms had been a player structure to be build next to a player house, and boats are planned.

Many players don't believe me when I'm telling them that MO is NOT a PvP game but a game with PvP parts. And it depends on the players themselves to chose how large their PvP part will be. For myself PvP takes a very low part of my gaming time, for sure less than one percent, and I'm talking about more than 10 years in MO1, which I played already in beta and then from release day on.

Thanks for the reply.

May i then ask, what do you do in the game currently?


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Thanks for the reply.

May i then ask, what do you do in the game currently?
If I wasn't leading a group that helped protect new players my original plan was to fish and cook and sell food out of my own little inn named Piet's Place and play music and have tavern games. The game I don't think focuses on PVP I think the content creators mostly do. Look into the ashen order? I think that's what they are called they RP and they are planning to put a lot of rp and hangout tavern type games into the game to just hang out with too.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
May i then ask, what do you do in the game currently?

You can run into dungeons with guild mates or you can become a trader e.g. by working with the Tindrem broker, craft and sell items, or tame horses and sell in the city. I myself are going deep into alchemy, which I did before in MO1 over years, and I have to gather materials all over the world, transport them and craft potions. There are many options.


Well-known member
May 29, 2020
The game on launch will appear to be pvp-centric due to barebone features that are not fully fleshed out, though in time that will likely change as SV adds more systems and expands existing ones.

I personally don't engage in pvp unless I'm cornered and have no other recourse, so most of the time I'm setting my own goals and doing what I need to do to meet those goals.

In that respect, you could say that pvp is at the back of your mind in every activity you do in the game, but not everything you do involves pvp.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
Ive kept an eye out for this game for quite abit now, and i use alot of time watching youtube videoes etc.

Its such a nice looking game, but i cant help to think... Why all the focus on PvP? Why limit the player base/potential like that?

Personally, i dont see why this game doesnt have stuff like (just to name a few);
- breeding
- farming plots/gardens etc
- fishing boats

I think ALOT of people are looking for that 1 particular game, where they can do whatever they want, whenever they want. Yeah you can do that now in MO2, but its lacking the environment and freedom to really be exciting.

If this doesnt change, this will just be another 3 month of playing -> next MMORPG. We have enough of that allready.

Please dont limit yourself, make this game great with tons of freedom.

This game is severely lacking in content and they focused on bringing over the pvp mechanics (altho arguably in not-the-best way) before everything else. Those things you spoke of were in MO1. Mo1 had a lot of great content, even when they added in 'free placement' territory control. I just think for whatever odd reason they didn't realize people would just use it to exploit the game. Haha.

We are all hoping, even the most bloodthirsty pvper is (deep in their heart!) that they add in more content!

Fishing boats there were not, but 'boats' is a meme. If you want a fishing boat, go to Tox and jump on a boat and fish ;)


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
A padded room.
The nature of the game being open pvp brings a lot of pvpers to the game.

So there are naturally many that do primarily focus on that part of the game.

But this game by design is intended to be a full open world roleplaying game where you can exist how ever you want.

It may be limited in content currently but a non pvp focused player can learn a trade and make a living even at this point.


Active member
Oct 16, 2021
breeding was said to be heavyly nerfed so it won't really be that enjoyable

Certainly a game mechanic doesn't need to be OP or even strong to be enjoyable?

There many "avarage powdered" features that are fun. Like Alchemy isn't even that powerful right now, but people seeking a challenge enjoy it.


Well-known member
May 30, 2020
Trust me, without pvp the game dies, (we saw this in the first game.) Plus, alchemy is super powerful!


New member
Jan 15, 2022
I liked the way Albion did it. Areas of the world you could play safely but get less resources. If you wanted the good farm you had to go out into the dangerous pvp areas to get it. This made space for both kinds of players and didn't force people into pvp areas if they wanted to carebear it up. MO2 would be wise to do something like this but I know it will never happen.


Dec 14, 2021
Ive kept an eye out for this game for quite abit now, and i use alot of time watching youtube videoes etc.

Its such a nice looking game, but i cant help to think... Why all the focus on PvP? Why limit the player base/potential like that?

Personally, i dont see why this game doesnt have stuff like (just to name a few);
- breeding
- farming plots/gardens etc
- fishing boats

I think ALOT of people are looking for that 1 particular game, where they can do whatever they want, whenever they want. Yeah you can do that now in MO2, but its lacking the environment and freedom to really be exciting.

If this doesnt change, this will just be another 3 month of playing -> next MMORPG. We have enough of that allready.

Please dont limit yourself, make this game great with tons of freedom.
This IS a full loot pvp game. The whole game was built around this idea. The goal was not to build another theme park to put people to sleep. I think you bought the wrong game and need to go back to world or warcrap or whatever clone you were living in.


Active member
Oct 16, 2021
This IS a full loot pvp game. The whole game was built around this idea. The goal was not to build another theme park to put people to sleep. I think you bought the wrong game and need to go back to world or warcrap or whatever clone you were living in.

Ahhh the good old toxic response MO players are infamous for, that chases away potential players.

I'm sure you are just joking, cause this is so cliché.

To the OP:
This game revolves around the drop loot concept. That doesn't mean every player is going to kill you on sight, few actually do.

As a player you just need to realise that it is this that makes Naive turn. When you lose loot, don't see it as damn I just lost all the things I worked for. See at as that was a thrilling encounter, the rush of danger and now I get to adventure again to rebuild my loot!

There is TONS of freedom, in fact, you as the player determine your own quests, no NPCs to tell you wat to do.

Albanjo Dravae

Well-known member
Dec 20, 2021
I wouldn't say that they focus too much on PVP but they did focus on getting some of the fundamental pillars of the game working.

It is silly to stablish an antagonistic dichotomy between pvp and pve since the game is not ment to be like that, its a closed system where everything its supposed to influence in the players day to day activities.

PVE is in bad shape, crafting classes are simplified, cooking is placeholder. Still haven't tried alchemy but from what i can tell its still a very basic thing.

They are adding bosses with interesting mechanics to the world and i applaud that, yet the game is missing the 2nd degree" of PVE which more than actual creatures and gatherables is their access and utility into the world, the puzzle side, the unknown, the variables and the experimental approach of the world. Right now most of the PVE is literal straightforward.

I want to see more PVE skills specially related to gathering and gathering tools to be a thing. I suggested for MO1 they added professional gathering skills which allowed the creation and use of harvesting tools that could improve either the gathering yields or gathering time, how efficient would gathering be depending on the tool you use and for what. Butchering knifes, scycles, harvesting knifes, hair or wool scissors and more.

They did introduce crafter made pickeaxes and axes for gathering but it was completly poorly designed placeholder content. It only gave the tools more durability depending on the material they were made.
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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
All they need to do to 'balance breeding' is create pre-set caps for each breed. This is so simple, it's dumbfounding that it was never (at least not before I quit) implemented into MO. The fact that you could take the best stats and putting on A. The strongest horse (BULL) or B. The lowest PP Lyk or Molva... was just bad. If you allow people to breed within the parameters of the breed it pops as, it's balanced AND it still is powerful because.... all mounts should have uses. You breed a Jotun and a Desert, you have a chance of getting a slow desi w/ max desi str (like 500 heh,) or a Jotun w/ 900 str and 40 speed. OR in some rare occasion, you get some monster pop of something w/ max both. Take the mechanics of the last game and just run it thru caps of the end result breed. Let the best of the best mounts, like 'unicorn' horses be wild caught and unbreedable. Make them kill everything they try to breed with.

Put a big limit on breeding though, the leveling up wasn't enough because you get babies and can re-breed. You shouldn't be able to just manufacture mounts all of the time. You should have to go to the spawn, too.

The way I look at systems is... the harder they make them, the more chance I have of being good at them where as most casual (sell me breeding pair plz ppl) will drop out. Rahhh.