Consequences for your Actions; Murder Counts


Active member
Jan 24, 2022
Currently murder counts are a badge of honor. Its painfully disheartening to new players to get killed, and getting geared back up and by the time they are about ready to leave to get some vengeance the person who killed them is already back in town banking your stuff. Rather than going to a red town that they already have.

To Vets, this is a common occurrence, and we are numb to it. New players however will be dropping like flies quiting the game over this. Its an easy enough fix to push Red Players back to their Red Towns.

I recommend that every 5 murder counts, increase your Crim timer by 30s. & Red Players get a color change, could be that the more muder counts they get the redder it becomes until they reach 1000 and get a black name. Make it a badge of honor for these players.

If you kill people at dungeons who might have loot, won't be that bad. Murdering 5+ Calx farmers on the daily? Better take it to a red town/city or house.

TL&DR: Red Towns are ghost towns & Murders don't use them. Solution; More Murder Counts = Longer Crim Timer & Give Colored names to 'red players'
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Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
i personally think it is good that PK´s can enter the town, but we need the mechanics to kick them out of the town with TC and blacklisting players.
In addition we need changes for bounty hunting.

The problem is not missing save zones, but more players chasing the PKs. Everyone has to play their part. The killers are just as important as the ANTI RPK players. All this brings content. Save Zones would bother the murders as well as the players who want to defend their town and the guards near the GV will kill the zombies... Instead of Grifers on the graveyard being favored in the bounty hunt contracts, the bounty hunters are dispatched to distant towns like GK. This is complete nonsense!

Bounties should be regional.
The target should never be more than 3 km away and SV need to make a change regarding pets.

Now to the needed pet change !
If you get over your petpoints, you should not be able to let all of the pets attack the target !

Some bounty hunters take 5 Terrorbirds out of the stable to fast kill the target and stable them afterwards.

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Well-known member
Jul 10, 2020
i personally think it is good that PK´s can enter the town, but we need the mechanics to kick them out of the town with TC and blacklisting players.
This is how you give people tools to kill the game. You think the "good" guys who always seem to bully other players that just also always happen to be shit at the game are going to be the ones in control of anything? No.

A mechanic like that is never going to fill its function more than its going to destroy, so i'm glad TC is not going to let guilds or players control NON PLAYER CITIES. TC is about letting guilds and players control their own cities and fight over them and other points of interest for the TC specific purpose.

The second TC gets the ability to hinder or restrict access to content like dungeons or cities. The game is dead. Anyone that played through mo1 TC know this to be true.
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Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
Most new players think that nobody wants to defend them and that there are only killers, but that's just not true. They only roam elsewhere when not informed or given bounties in distant cities.
I've been a fan of the blackmailing system as it cost points and those points had to be generated by the towers. Maybe the players shouldn't be blacklisted permanently, but only for 24 hours. After that, it could cost points again.
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Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
"The second TC gets the ability to hinder or restrict access to content like dungeons or cities. The game is dead. Anyone that played through mo1 TC know this to be true."

There should definitely be no walls other than the ones around the keeps. That's why the RUst players always look for a new server when everyone has built their base. The players then camp in their safe base and shoot the players from their safe base from their watchtower.

We need many methods to get PVP without getting murder counts.

I think that you should control the cities and be able to declare certain guilds as undesirable in your territory. Once they enter the guild's territory, they should be permanently gray flagged for the guild owning the territory.

All keep owning guilds should automatically be at war with the other keep owning guilds if they are not in an alliance.

In addition, you should be able to join a faction in every city and the faction players in the other cities should be flagged orange.

If we get that, slaughtering the blue players, that not want to get involved into PVP, should be punished more severely.
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Well-known member
Jul 10, 2020
"The second TC gets the ability to hinder or restrict access to content like dungeons or cities. The game is dead. Anyone that played through mo1 TC know this to be true."

There should definitely be no walls other than the ones around the keeps. That's why the RUst players always look for a new server when everyone has built their base. The players then camp in their safe base and shoot the players from their safe base from their watchtower.
TC cities should look however the devs want them to be able to look and its besides the point on how it can affect TC. As far as anyone should be concerned non player cities have nothing to do with TC and should stay out of it. If not you'll have situations like in Mo1 and a declining player count due to the ability to absolutely deny new players even the most bare necessities of the game and that is not a feature anyone asked for.

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
TC cities should look however the devs want them to be able to look and its besides the point on how it can affect TC. As far as anyone should be concerned non player cities have nothing to do with TC and should stay out of it. If not you'll have situations like in Mo1 and a declining player count due to the ability to absolutely deny new players even the most bare necessities of the game and that is not a feature anyone asked for.

Players are able to hire guards. That is better then free wall placement with holes in the ground and that are being placed over trees and so on.
There's a reason the walls had predefined spots.
As long as the players behave peacefully, they should be able to enter the player cities.

TC should be designed to trigger PVP frequently and that us why i enjoyed the TC Towers mechanic, but it had some flawn that prevented them to work as they were intended.

Furthermore, I think it is extremely important that bolders cannot be kept in houses, only in guild banks. Otherwise, every foreign house is immediately classified as a threat, instead of the guilds being happy that many players set up houses in their area to benefit from the taxes.
This was one of the biggest design flaws in MO1.

"I think the Territorial Control system from the first game will be carried over with a few changes.
A large guild with a certain number of players could build a castle. A certain radius around the castle was then indicated as their area. Within this area, the landowners could determine the property taxes for the player houses, which then automatically benefited the guild and filled their treasury / war chest. The territory of a kingdom could be expanded with the Terretory Control Tower. If the taxes were too high, this should lead to peasant revolts and that the control towers are being attacked. The guild with a castle benefited from the residents and should be interested in many players wanting to live in their area. This did not worked out so well in MO1, becuase houses were seen as a thread, becuase you could store Bolders in them. Hopefully this will not be possible in MO2. I hope that landowners will come to the aid of their residents, if someone wants to destroy their home. If the kingdom is attacked, many players might rush to the aid of its king, if they are satisfied with the sovereigns and if they have treated them well. Who knows how high the future owner would turn the tax screw. If the territory is expanded to include a city, entire cities could have been captured. The guild that occupied a city received taxes from the auction house and had full control over the laws that prevail there. The occupiers of a city could blacklist thieves and grievers. These could then be attacked by anyone and were flagged as criminalsm as soon as they entered a city in which they have been blacklisted. I was also possible to deactivate the guards, but that did not please everyone and generated great displeasure. Surely players would form up and want to drive out the ruler of the city and try to destroy the control tower. If a control tower was attacked, the guild who owned this tower and all other players got a message in the chat and tryed to defend or attack it. That lead to some huge battles.

The problem with the territorial control system was that the towers had too few hitpoints. Often these were destroyed before a major battle broke out. Sometimes the towers were only hit and the attackers then ran away.

SV has to improve this mechanics a bit this time. E.g. by repeating messages in global chat, every time a tower loses 1% of its hitpoints."
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Active member
Mar 29, 2021
i personally think it is good that PK´s can enter the town, but we need the mechanics to kick them out of the town with TC and blacklisting players.
In addition we need changes for bounty hunting.

The problem is not missing save zones, but more players chasing the PKs. Everyone has to play their part. The killers are just as important as the ANTI RPK players. All this brings content. Save Zones would bother the murders as well as the players who want to defend their town and the guards near the GV will kill the zombies... Instead of Grifers on the graveyard being favored in the bounty hunt contracts, the bounty hunters are dispatched to distant towns like GK. This is complete nonsense!

Bounties should be regional.
The target should never be more than 3 km away and SV need to make a change regarding pets.

Now to the needed pet change !
If you get over your petpoints, you should not be able to let all of the pets attack the target !

Some bounty hunters take 5 Terrorbirds out of the stable to fast kill the target and stable them afterwards.

Now You cant get 5 teror birds to kill a traget, with BM change when you get pets out of stabels will have 0 focus, if u attack with 0 focus the pet will do 1-2 dmg till the pet gets 500 focus when it does full dmg, if u have more pets then ur creature control points the pets focus will stay 0 so your target wont take dmg.
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Active member
Mar 29, 2021
Bounty Hunting is hard in 20 tryes I never seen a target, the problem it always sends you to tephra crater :devilish: ,a few times I was lucky and the target was in Fab and I was in Vadda, when I got near the guy, he logged off,I have cople storys like this 🤬.
The second problem is that when I suicide to fastravel to other citys/places you lose the bounty 🤬, to solve this porblem I had to make a new account that will do only bounty hunting, hope it works
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Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
Now You cant get 5 teror birds to kill a traget, with BM change when you get pets out of stabels will have 0 focus, if u attack with 0 focus the pet will do 1-2 dmg till the pet gets 500 focus when it does full dmg, if u have more pets then ur creature control points the pets focus will stay 0 so your target wont take dmg.

I am not into taming. Thx for the answer !


Active member
Feb 25, 2022
i mean you could just make murderers with more then lets say 20 murders have a red name and make it so its not a criminal action to attack them. they could enter towns that they have good rep in but players could still attack them. this is absolutely beneficial for TC
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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
I still think people should be red and the only downside to being red should be open pvp in the wild. Then your rep makes you either KoS or not. I mean the game needs riff raff reduction types. I am not gonna take that upon myself with the flags. I can do decs, but not that many, and I'm not taking a bunch of MCs. I think MC in MO were a badge of honor, but I do think getting rid of the titles and the leader board changed it a bit hue.

I started giving people MCs when they do some foul stuff like ATTACKING MY NEW CHAR WHILE CLADING :*( Mainly, tho, there needs to be more pvp. The game is still dead in the way that MO1 was dead, space dead... so that it's unlikely someone else is going to get involved in your pvp encounter. It is still my belief that more pop w/ better flag, better pvp would balance out better than a MC/rep sys.

People should have a lot more leeway to pvp. They really need some open pvp flag which curbs the penalties of pking, esp other open pk players, then we can shame the ones who pk and hide behind non open.

I am not feeling blood lust, per se, but it's kinda like in BDO... you can't really lose yourself in it cuz you end up red. So you gotta worry about this extra circumstance... like how the people in town are gonna treat you, while dudes are rolling up.

Dudes rolled up on my MAMM 62 MA char while I was farming bandits for clade. They were obviously trying to attack me but not hitting, I just ran (tho I should have fought, but they were not gonna hit me first lol,) I was on a jotun so I had a chance to turn around at like 50% health and almost get one of their horses, but it's just another situation that is softened by the flag system.

There's gotta be some way to introduce some open pvp in this game. Other than decs. I'd rather see that than TC atm heh.

I like PvP ( :eek: did I admit it ? :O ), but I am 9/10 not the aggressor. I don't come in over people's back and take their mobs, super rude... or worse, kill them while they are farming. Like, there are levels of WACK ACTIONS you can take. They need to find a way to make fair fights less damaging to your rep. Trust me, there are good guys or at least OK guys who want the loot of bad guys. IT WILL even out. Give us MORE pvp. There are enough consequences, and there are still big holes.