Concerning the state of "Beta" Release.


Aug 4, 2020
United States
This is purely Constructive Criticism as toward the States of ALpha and Betas. AS far as i know a Beta is Supposed to be Nearly a completely finished product with known bugs for testing to Full Release. Why is it that your Beta Is Far From what would be Considered a Full Release? ( all we got was a deer i mean really for a beta release I am disappointed i am) Where are Working Banks working Mounts, Working vendors, Working Player combat with lootables, Barely any of the Game is even there yet to Even Consider this A working "Beta".

ASk yourself this did you have fun not being able to do anything but combat and craftables i didnt ( having a fun game is how you get Support with a Working PLayable Beta that you can do more then run around in an empty UE4 landscape with 0 interactables cept a couple of Crates.
3/10 being nice for a Review towards this.


Active member
May 28, 2020
Inside your palisade
"A Beta phase generally begins when the software is feature complete but likely to contain a number of known or unknown bugs.[7]"

From wikipedia.

It does seem as if most definitions of the beta phase doesnt apply to the current state of the game. I dont put any weight on it tho, call it gamma, delta or epsilon stage for all I care. As long as there isnt a premature steam release.


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2020
its still combat alpha but they call it beta stress test to prepare for the beta?
nowadays people expect a nearly finished game when they play ALPHAS on steam so when they see BETA patch notes they think its almost done.
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Well-known member
Jun 18, 2020
the Jungle. Meditating on things to come.
By that definition Mortal Online 1 probably never left alpha.

But yeah, I think the terminology that they use is very confusing. Everyone who is following the development closely knows what the deal is but to a new comer it might seem like a scam and leave a bitter taste. Which is sad because I think their pace of patching and development is quick and stable.


New member
Nov 28, 2020
Isn't this just a "combat beta" on the alpha? Because if you look at the version at the bottom of the screen it clearly says alpha.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
This is how it should be, with the right development route.

MO had in house testing, combat beta, close beta stages, open beta and release. MO released with the base game they promised but most of the game where place holders and subject to radical changes after release. Combat system was never finished and was drastically changed several times to only negative results.

MO2 started with in house testing on to combat alpha, some patches ago I heard we where in alpha with beta to come right before persistent release which is called that to not call it a live release since the game will be far from base game finished and combat still subject to massive changes even though we are supposed to be out of combat alpha.

Imo the point of combat alphas/betas is to gain feedback and finish it up before next development stage, somehow this is a alien way of developing according to SV and SVs fanbois. Anyway we will see in due time if the SV way is successful in anything other than eventual failure.

I know real sandbox games are always in development but that dont mean the base game cant be finished before the games release. New content is one thing but changing your game up after release is the worst thing you can do for your game. Unless its in a good way unlike MO.