If you only log on for trinkets. Your a menace. The Trinkets Should be rare as fuck. Even if its a shit trinket.
They give stats for free. Even the shittiest trinkets give you an advantage. You can argue that jewelry is common. and everyone should have access to it. But If they budge on the trinket rarities, What els are you gonna ask for?
More Relics, when that gets introduced, More "Special clades" for everyone. (Deamon Hunter, Vampirism) More rare magic schools for everyone? Demonology, Dragon Magic. More flying mounts if they actually decide to make them.
Henrik Said All these rare things like Magic schools, clade, flying mounts Are supposed to be rare as fuck. The rare magic if you obtained its secrets will then be locked once a certain # of people gain access to it. If thoes people then go AFK for a month or so and dont log in, The magic will release its self from the host, going back into the world looking for a new host.
He said if flying mounts are added into the game, Only a handful of players will have access to them. Perhaps only obtained from rare world events.
Trinkets should be the same imo. Ive seen 2 Skadite trinkets for sell. The saved like 15 attribute points just for one trinket. That is op as fuck! They also gave about 30-50 free skill points in action/profession.
I also hope once they make Jewelry crafting you wont just be able to make a trinket as good as the ones that are dropped from bosses.
I really dont want to see everyone running around with Oghmium Diamond trinkets, Getting + 50 free attribute points and 80-100 free skill points.
By "rare" you mean grindy as fuck. And making shit time consuming or grindy Is not fun it sucks ass. Making the content to have certain complexity beyond time consumption Is what this game Is lacking off.
Then the rarity of things shouldn't be attributed" to time consumption only thats like the most moronic approach any basic basic person could see that.
Same as clades and trinckets nerf, Time consuming bullshit that doesn't make any sense.
Thats how precariously SV pretends to hold players by making them grind over and over the same shitty brain dead AI or activities like fishing and such damn, what a fucking poor ass design, all the content has more roleplay value than actual utility to players.
But It's understandable they are simpletons and the only concept they have available to hold people Is to make shit grindy. But to lower drop rate/nerf after the first weeks of content release Is something they often do.
They allways give this small time window for the tryhards get some advantages, pre-patch shit or higher drop rate in this case with trinckets.
Same happened with keeps, they gave a very small windows in a terrible moment in launch for people to get keeps that cannot be undone-sieged and they just don't stop giving them more content.
Idk if SV Is just plain and simple retarded but i will never understand how these motherfuckers are so clueless and negligent with their community. Thats the fucking main reason the other game died, precisely because SV Is so careless and treats their community like shit.
I love it when people defend timesink progression, probably the same fuckers that like afk mining and say pve Is fun.