Beta Patch Notes Discussion


Active member
Apr 1, 2021
Attention, opinion:

There could be so much viable flavours like:

humans as balanced hybrids, tanky/balanced mages and balanced fighters/archers.
alvarins as swift hybrids, swift mages and swift fighters/archers,
oghmirs as chunky hybrids , high-con/bursty mages and tanky fighters/archers?
Thusars as the strongest physical fighters/archers

sure all these play-styles are possible, but not viable at all. Core Issue is imo the distribution of attribute points through the races and the caps, but i dont think we get an overhaul here.


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
Full tind hybrids are garbo tho. You have almost the same stam as a veela but way less speed and also very low hp. Only decent thing about them is the damage bonus and mana pool.

There was a whole variety of human builds you could make between full tind and a more fighter based hybrid with very low mana and higher speeds. Now theres only 1 (shitty) option.
tind sard khur khur

23 dmg bonus 75ish int max size

min size might actually be useable as a hybrid

424 speed

195 hp
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Active member
May 29, 2020
Overall great patch / update.

Int scaling could use some work although I've always seen hybrids as the hardest to kill due to the bs int scaling for low int. Now it fits better. Less then 50% of the max scales like shit which makes things flow. Having the extra scaling just made them strong mages for no reason imo. I personally like this fix. Fatmages finally show their power over dex mage.

Melee seems okay still. Who ever said it went down... wtf are you talking about? Clade skills work.. aka more damage was implemented across many chars. My thursar with 31% damage bonus said enough to prove "my" melee damage went up.

Ai tracking needs lots of love. ... lots...

1) have following pets follow slightly further behind the player.

2) fix how they receive commands. ( I told my 2 pets to follow and only 1 did. Told them to stay and 1 started following. )

3) when players are not riding, allow pets to walk freely and have less contact with the ground. ( ideally would still keep bigger rocks and trees to mess up the pets but not little bushes and random pebbles.)

4) lastly, allow players to hit there own pets without going hidden grey. ( yes, you go hidden grey hitting your pet. )

Now I will just add some other suggestions I would love to see come about in some form or fashion.

Bags: If we could rename the bags that would be cool. Not sure if you can dye bags but if not dying as well would be nice.

Mount loyalty: Would like to see if the pet is becoming more loyal. Like maybe old school slider that shows where they are at and what direction its going. Many times I've fed pets at 400 and lost them moments later by just walking away. I believe this could be fixed overall though a nice indicator of what direction their loyalty is going would be nice for newer players.

Weapons: Give back wood grips please..

Friends list: Can you add this sooner then later?!

Welp, dropped my 2cents.

Also, @Teknique big ❤ for keeping at it!!
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
  • Weapon and armor visuals FINALLY (loving most of them)
  • No more mounted long bows good riddance
  • Poleswords aren’t unusable anymore
  • Pet bags (game is playable again)
  • Can’t suicide and hand out MCs
  • Reds can’t be griefed in town
  • Greys and reds can defend themselves without rep-loss
  • Int scaling is being tested and has shown us we could use an increase in the floor (good step)
  • Improvements to AI pathing and position
  • Inventory bags are a godsend (few QoL changes needed but will come)
  • More creatures can be tamed like lizards etc.
  • Shit load of bug fixes
  • Medudu fountain is pretty cool (excited for Draco)

    What am I missing? Some amazing things this patch. Not a fan of the melee nerf though. Game desperately needs the next round of melee improvements and additions.

    I recognize we all love the game and want to play it like a final product but the truth is the game is still very much in a developmental stage. Shit is gonna keep breaking and affecting YOUR PERSONAL play style. It sucks. Doesn’t make it permanent. Intelligent feedback is important here. Plz no more reeee doa.