Hybrid haven't been meta since 2012, Thursar are stronger than ever as a footfighters high damage/high stam/high HP/high def etc that's probabky why "nobody is crying".
If thursars are stronger than ever why the majority of footfighters are khurite khurite? they are slow as fuck and the passive reg clade make them bad at receiving heals and in latest 2 patches they have been nerfed 2 times already.
They are good at 1 vs 1 duels (not chasing ofc) and even for pushing on group fights I prefer dwarves.
I doubt anyone cares about rerolling, it's more the fact that a certain race and play style is getting put in the ground by SV and their merry band of fat wizards.
Hitting the same with 50 int and 100 int was straight bullshit and something everybody knew it was going to be fixed.
This is a beta and MO2, it has nothing to do with MO1, get over it, new builds will appear, sweaters, we have already many valid builds with humans, oghmirs, etc that were non existent on MO1.
One advice, stop being toxic over build changes because this is just the beginning, many changes more will come before release, next stat curve tweaked will be probably DEX/foot speed curve.