Search results

  1. LilLordFontleroy

    What kind of gambling games would you like to see in Mortal Online 2 ?

    Trading card game so we can collect cards and have rarities!
  2. LilLordFontleroy

    Now then ...

    What is the Sheevra city??
  3. LilLordFontleroy

    Give us a option to resize fonts.

    For me personally I wish I could resize the health and stamina bar area without it blurring.
  4. LilLordFontleroy

    Haven needs limits

    Yeah there needs to be an item limit or something in the haven bank. Only a certain amount of gold allowed, only a certain amount of stacks of ore, etc. I just figure they haven't tightened Haven up yet, but will for release. If they don't that's obviously a glaring mistake that will be...
  5. LilLordFontleroy

    Kill horses near guards

    Easy to do this with magic or a bow and arrow from atop a building.
  6. LilLordFontleroy

    Should the game go persistence without tc/housing?

    Wait...whaat....they should definitely have housing and TC in before release...what are they thinking? They shouldn't rush this.
  7. LilLordFontleroy

    Moving your head but not your body

    I like this (although not the most important feature) +1
  8. LilLordFontleroy

    What happened to the dev contest?

    Don't be toxic, bro
  9. LilLordFontleroy

    What happened to the dev contest?

    Well I'm glad you figured out who to blame! 💯 bruh :ROFLMAO:
  10. LilLordFontleroy

    What happened to the dev contest?

    Touche! But at the same time...this isn't such an important issue for them to broadcast (IMO)
  11. LilLordFontleroy

    What happened to the dev contest?

    Nah man he already talked about it on stream yesterday many hours ago, you must have missed it. Don't blame that on them! They didn't tell SV anything, and Henrik has requested an explanation. He has also reached out to one of their partners to check what happened.
  12. LilLordFontleroy

    What happened to the dev contest?

    We live in a rigged world, my dude.
  13. LilLordFontleroy

    The speed gap.

    I'm sort of in limbo because I rely on speed and dex/int for thievery and so if the gap remains the same I think the speed bonus could be workable but at the expense of being able to protect myself bc lack of enough health or strength. I did have success running away from some people already...
  14. LilLordFontleroy

    Riding question...

    Pet/mount is separate from your character so it doesn't automatically die when you die or respawn with you if you die, and when the pet/horse dies it dies and doesn't respawn. Usually when you die you just walk back to the closest Priest which would be nearest to where you died, then once...
  15. LilLordFontleroy

    How is the Queue system suppose to work?

    "Event"? You mean stress test?
  16. LilLordFontleroy

    Make PvP consensual

    Aahahahaha that's the funniest shit I've heard all week.
  17. LilLordFontleroy

    No 3rd person confirmed

    3rd person is for shitters, thank God they are not allowing it in this game.
  18. LilLordFontleroy

    Сolors in the Mortal Online 2 (reshade/sweetfx)

    You changed all the green grass to brown grass, how is that making it better? It just looks like a different season.