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  1. Highlander

    Why the mana regen to armour weight nerf?

    18 damage bonus isnt bad for a ff, 99 dex really feels better when stickyback veelas
  2. Highlander

    Server Capacity

    weak server> make ppl quit> less ppl>problem fixed
  3. Highlander

    Hottest Char Thread???

  4. Highlander

    Clade Leveling

    I don't know how they manage to make these decisions. They talk a lot about making a hardcore game .. But you can almost finish a character on the tutorial without pvp. And as a gift you can also teleport objects and Gold wherever you want. I'm sorry they are idiots
  5. Highlander

    Clade Leveling

    I dont farm clades in haven. Make something else. And honestly i hope they will stop clade exp to 3 clades in haven, and limit all skills to 70.
  6. Highlander

    Weapon Durability

    They should remove it, or buff durability. Steel sword lasts 3 duels then u can trash it.
  7. Highlander

    Clade Leveling

    Nobody forces you to slay zombies. Try risar, sator, bandits, bosses
  8. Highlander

    Why the mana regen to armour weight nerf?

    Lean blainn 99dex 192hp 397 Stam. Max fur
  9. Highlander

    Why the mana regen to armour weight nerf?

    Lean ogh Lean oghmirs 99dex are almost same speed of humans, more than sard, kall, sid, tind, only khurite are faster. Humans are just good mounteds hybrids.
  10. Highlander

    Why the mana regen to armour weight nerf?

    just talking about foot fighters in general. for the mages or hybrids..veelas are just superior to humans. a little boost to stam would help humans, they are soo slow.
  11. Highlander

    Why the mana regen to armour weight nerf?

    good nerf, now just give +20 stam(clade) to humans, they really suck at everything except as mounteds. I really like humans.. but oghmirs are faster (99dex) and have almost 400stam. so why using humans as a foot? disappointed.
  12. Highlander

    Standing System

    i miss reds, and being red. but.. we arent in mo1 with 3 red toons and 1 blue.
  13. Highlander

    Starter Sword

    killing people in kranesh and then getting ganked by 5 kids with shortswords.. how punishing winners. bad design, remove soulbounds. maybe give them wooden sticks with 0 slider, just for parry. ahah
  14. Highlander

    Standing System

    remove murdercount into wild, after a certain range away from town u cant give murdercounts or negative standing. fixed
  15. Highlander

    Starter Sword

    best idea so far, i left haven after 1minute and went to bakti and griefed for 2 hours all graveyard thanks the shortsword, i was just bored. if I had to punch the zombies for 10minutes to find a weapon.. it wouldn't have been the same.
  16. Highlander

    Starter Sword

    agree, they should start crafting mauls with good durab for farming zombies/bandits..and then starting crafting blades if they like. i know noobs using vendor shit for days..
  17. Highlander

    Starter Sword

    agree, u can just abuse it by ressing at priest and start slay the first noob for some gear and start griefing. they wont grief if they must hit with barehands zombies until they find a weapon.
  18. Highlander

    Archery Balance

    I think bows are fine, dc short bows are perfect mages killer and usable in movement. Long bows hits like a bazooka but requires good aim while standing still. If u want to be a foot archer Just get good.
  19. Highlander

    please make player movement faster

    There is already a Cimmerian in game. There can be only one.