what do they mean for spinning? im ok with ground spinning and turning direction using counter feints, im just against the combat leap jump spinning, thats a different story, flying veelas in full plate swinging blades, cant really see animations.
very sad when guildmates hit the wrong home/priest button and they got teleported far away and they quit game bcause takes half an hour to come back. anyway.. imho we dont need moongates, justa a better quality of life.. as already mentioned by AnabolicMan. nearest shrine option selection...
jump people butchering for easy win now. only players attack should tik the cd delete. and why in a full loot game i cant put stolen stacks in my horse bags..?
i do it everyday, they never touch mages. babies can make it..no challenge at all. also 1 ma can kill forest trolls. they really need to nerf MAs for pve