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  1. Highlander

    Foot Archer Possible?

    In this game bows are good to finish players with low life since they cant Block arrows without a shield, or hit mounteds. Short bows are good to kill mages, bcause they require low stamina and are fast enough , long bows instead are for sniping standing still from far and hit very hard. Cant...
  2. Highlander

    Stamina broken

    some people even started using 2 adult razorback to stamout people in fight. absurd ahah
  3. Highlander

    Stamina broken

    I see no big difference in stamina regen using light or heavy armor, sucks always, you use stamina for parry Block walk Run.. And you can Just stand still to regain.. But if u parry standing still you will Just outstam. Ironic
  4. Highlander

    Outburst nerf?

    Nerf outburst in pvp buff it more for pve. I get hit from sniper mages for 25/35s, and cant even see them.
  5. Highlander

    Bandages in MO2

    meth pipes>bandages
  6. Highlander

    bandage mechanic, make pvp great again
  7. Highlander

    bandage mechanic, make pvp great again

    I understand, but we arent talking about insta bandaging. Just reduce couple seconds the animation at the cost of couple seconds to use it again. The timer to heal the char would be the same. There is another post about it, ill link it.
  8. Highlander

    bandage mechanic, make pvp great again

    When you leave town starts pvp. You can Avoid it, run, or Just jump from a cliff.. It happens to everyone. Better fix some mechanic and interactions between players when happens dont u think?
  9. Highlander

    bandage mechanic, make pvp great again

    Thats interesting in a 1v2/3 scenario. Where u try to actual fight and parry them and hit them if they try to bandage. In other cases you will Just kite away.
  10. Highlander

    bandage mechanic, make pvp great again

    Skill still matters, but when you have no way to heal yourself with bandages bcause animation stuck while fighting.. You Just start kiting or die. Sad story. Maybe thats the intention of the devs, cant even use better gear bcause Magic ignore it and Stam regen is shit.
  11. Highlander

    Bandages in MO2
  12. Highlander

    bandage mechanic, make pvp great again

    I know, i was ironic. But 5 seconds stucked in bandage looks a bit too much. Even 3 seconds would be better at this Point. Oghmirs can Just heal with pipes, veelas can kite very easy.. I feel bad for other races that can use only bandages. But ok we have potions. 3 seconds and longer cd would...
  13. Highlander

    bandage mechanic, make pvp great again

    Yes, bcause moving hands like macarena in mid fight looks nice. when u try to bandage its a death sentence. 5 seconds in a fight feels to much imho
  14. Highlander

    bandage mechanic, make pvp great again

    Yes, Stam is already bad. And yes, no healing animation and slower cd is better than faster cd and animation 5 sec.
  15. Highlander

    bandage mechanic, make pvp great again

    When pipes were funny to use
  16. Highlander

    bandage mechanic, make pvp great again

    Never played Mo1? We are not talking about insta heals from bandags, but the ability to parry or attack after 1 second u poped the bandags. U get hit anyway probably and heals get nerf eventually.. But at least gives you the chance to parry.
  17. Highlander

    bandage mechanic, make pvp great again

    You Indeed.. Everything that slows down the pvp is bad, its the same when you try to fight some mounteds.. Pop bandage and get free hits.
  18. Highlander

    Equipment hits on weapons.

    try to fight a poleaxer with a maul, 90x100 equipment hits. what a joke game
  19. Highlander

    bandage mechanic, make pvp great again

    they added that fancy healing animation without thinking thats a pvp game. In small scale fights bandaging = DIE or let die your friends.