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  1. O

    Poll: Do You Like The New Combat

    I am sorry I have not encountered this fringe issue and have no source of proof of your millions of players. I should probably take this time to direct you to the poll where it is clear that most people are OK with the combat.
  2. O

    Poll: Do You Like The New Combat

    The poll was conducted at the time of the free stress test, I am sure this is a good sample of unbiased players who gave feedback on their time in game. The poll results are quite clear, most people are quite OK with the combat speed.
  3. O

    Poll: Do You Like The New Combat

    Once again, may i direct you to the poll outcome. It seems most people are OK with combat speed. I don't see why the same few people seem to insist on fixing a problem that does not exist.
  4. O

    Poll: Do You Like The New Combat

    I don't agree, the speed is just fine the way it is. Seems most people agree that its pretty good right now.
  5. O

    Why we don´t need a flagging system

    I don't think any developer will ever be stupid enough to hand total control of the player experience to random potentially dysfunctional psychotic people. Didn't CHAZ teach you anything! Keep dreaming though xD
  6. O

    Poll: Do You Like The New Combat

    Have switched between naked / 14kg / 15kg / 25 and 26kg and have seen no difference in numbers on run speed stats and actual ground covered until stammed out in combat stance. Shall check again to be sure, perhaps a bug. Unless you are saying I need 64kg in the bag aswell.
  7. O

    Why we don´t need a flagging system

    I am sure number 2 is just a smoke screen for number 1.
  8. O

    Poll: Do You Like The New Combat

    I didn't notice any slowing in combat stance.
  9. O

    Why we don´t need a flagging system

    Bring back instant guard kill.
  10. O

    Poll: Do You Like The New Combat

    Perhaps with this nice combat system there might be more people playing this game in the future, that would be nice.
  11. O


    Very much like the dot / crosshair. The animation does not line up with where you are shooting though (and by that I mean the line of the arrow shaft aims to the left of the screen but the arrow goes magically straight somehow, totally fine with the crosshair being above the arrow head...
  12. O

    Combat Suggestions [Feedback]

    Hoping magic projectiles will be Darkfall style. Won't hold my breath.
  13. O

    Combat Suggestions [Feedback]

    It's called speed chess, it's not considered harder.
  14. O

    Combat Suggestions [Feedback]

    Sorry but my statement is an obvious and well known fact that you won't get around by pulling arbitrary numbers out of your nether region.
  15. O

    Combat Suggestions [Feedback]

    it just shifts balance from twitch (reactions) play over to tactical (out smarting you).
  16. O

    Combat Suggestions [Feedback]

    Not convinced that's entirely true. Ask someone to block and stand still, go behind them and hit them in the back, they will take damage just fine. It just means currently if you see someone trying to run around you, you can follow them and block them. What is it people are asking for really...
  17. O

    Combat Suggestions [Feedback]

    I agree with your overall view although I am not really fond of your personal solution, but again i see this as a side issue to my proposal. Perhaps I should have made my own thread ^^.
  18. O

    Combat Suggestions [Feedback]

    I don't see that as a certainty, perhaps different than what people are use to. Taking a few extra blocking hits instead of perfect parry while regening some stamina isn't the end of the world but does deal with some of the current issues.
  19. O

    Combat Suggestions [Feedback]

    OK. But the only reference made to stamina drain from hit from me was to point out stamina balance has nothing to do with negative effect for failing to manage Stamina and the need for such a mechanic. If there is a need to increase / decrease stamina regeneration, mitigation or pools, it is a...
  20. O

    Combat Suggestions [Feedback]

    "by making more weapons landing at one time drain any individual" Where was this suggested? How does this occur?