The easiest thing to do would be to make anyone in a dungeon area local allowed (Light grey) to everyone, but that would just incentivize groups stalking dungeons just to murder people without consequence.
That other team was just looking to team up for some fun cooperation and your group decided to pull a "well placed ambush" to murder them all, clearly the system is working correctly.
Right now weakspots are heavily dependent on RNG to activate. RNG has no place in a "skill-based" game, so I would like to see the hidden weakspot values replaced with a fixed armor penetration percentage. This armor penetration value would simply be the percentage of damage that ignores...
Why are people ghosting to random cities instead of teleporting to your home priest and riding to the city with cargo? Sounds like you're blaming the devs for not planning ahead yourself. Instantly teleporting to any city would benefit alliances too much.
The real issue with Spiritism is the whole gameplay loop is just a shallow, tedious grind. Currently, you:
Grab some empty spirit boxes with at least 4 souls to farm spirits.
Use 3 souls to cast Ether Portal on yourself because unlike in MO1, you can't use priests to die while keeping your...
Right now, if you cast a spell that does not hit anything, you get a general message stating "Spell missed or was out of range." I suggest that when you cast a spell, a second ray trace with a significantly longer range is used to determine if you would have hit a target. This way, you can...
Based on Henrik's discord responses on the matter, it seems that mining/extracting is intentionally designed to be a mindless time waster to distinguish it from hunting/butchery, or in other words, if you don't like it, make money some other way.
You said the rock gathering rates don't make sense, I told you what the logic was, you keep insisting that gathering rates should be based around your arbitrary rock tiers according to what resources the rock can produce. I can guarantee your made up resource tiers make far less sense than "Soft...
Any game mechanic that involves long periods of not actually playing the game is bad game design, but reducing the time to generate materials lessens the impact of losing those materials. I would like to see some kind of minigame to greatly reduce the material extraction timers so players still...
People need to learn what issues the camping system is trying to solve:
An enemy group sieges down your palisade wall and logs out five to ten fighters inside in less than a minute. Well after you have repaired your wall, some of them log in, kill and loot your crafters/AFK players, then log...
This thread is to talk about the nourishment and cooking system shortcomings and how those issues should be addressed.
Player Hunger Value Is Not Intuitive
Player hunger is a number that normally reads from 0 to 1800, but each .01 kg unit of food eaten reduces hunger by 5.
I would suggest that...
Adding small upkeep costs to everything just pisses off players, and the costs themselves are insignificant compared to how much gold a player can make in a day.
A huge MO1 problem was the lack of real gold sinks, AKA ways to remove gold coins from the world economy. Trading gold between players just shuffles the coins around while more coins continue to collect. One potential solution is to have the server generate Auction House item listings for...
-Renaming vials was a feature in MO1, should eventually get added.
-Dye system was a feature in MO1, should eventually get added.
-Naming bags should be a thing.
-Get a shorter mount.
-[3.00DH] pots are nothing compared to what is coming in the future.
-Pickable spawns could always use some...
Everyone can agree that six minutes per stack of rock material is completely excessive, and anyone that defends it is delusional or has some way of bypassing the wait.
If you wanted to change the magic system as a whole, you shouldn't have whined solely about changing the overall int damage curve. Now hybrids have to lower their psy to maintain the same magic damage. Hybrids being dead because of the change is a pretty big exaggeration.