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  1. Doom and Gloom

    mountain need some love ( and fauna )

    There are mountain spiders actually, you haven't seen? There is also this mountain goat kinda creature at least in Hyllspeia. Brr I got scared when I found my first mountain spider, nasty surprise without a horse haha
  2. Doom and Gloom

    looting risar camp is too easy

    The PvE AI is a joke in all of its forms..
  3. Doom and Gloom

    horse die with no noise in pvp

    This happens with all other pets as well, bear sitting still quietly like a good boy while barraged by arrows while I'm looking at my inventory in the middle of nowhere, dies by the time I notice it took damage.. No arrow sound, no hit sound, barely visible arrows most of the time and the combat...
  4. Doom and Gloom

    Increasing Pet follow speed (Terror Turkeys excluded)

    The speed increase on follow would be the least they can do for pets. Before we get pet armor in the game.
  5. Doom and Gloom

    Materials and PVE AI and some random ideas

    Yep, their "advanced" PvE AI is really basic sadly, and lacking (getting stuck to encampment walls etc). I also think it would make sense to have some hints on material yields other than "test every possible combination" which realistically is already done so no point in your doing it again...
  6. Doom and Gloom

    Skins and other cosmetics instead of monthly fee. PS be allowed to unlock door mounted.....

    I thought the point was to allow crafting all the cool decoration or at least some of it, it's just not implemented, like most features..
  7. Doom and Gloom

    Pet Training Dummies

    What are you talking about, pets take way too many primary points already, and you cannot have lvl 125 pets if you wanna have a horse anyways. And they are weak af as we don't have pet armor in the game yet. Maybe if you are only thinking about White Bears and Terror Birds maybe they are quite...
  8. Doom and Gloom

    Magic in this game and its issues

    So we at least agree on no RNG, that is good starting point, but why do you think magic should be a class which cannot be used if you ever get surprised by someone, or try to fight PvE enemies? Do you think mages should always just be in groups behind the enemy lines or on a mount running away...
  9. Doom and Gloom

    Magic in this game and its issues

    Independent of you opinion on whether it is strong or not, why not read the post and comment on the stuff I actually was talking about, which are RNG in mechanics which makes decisionmaking less relevant, and PvE magic and other design issues/potential for more interesting mechanics etc. It's...
  10. Doom and Gloom

    Magic in this game and its issues

    4. Magic in PvE Okay, so I have played extensively as a mage and tamer since the launch, and magic and PvE really don't mix well. Unless I have a real strong lvl 125 pet, I have no chance against stuff stronger than the common bandit. These tie to the interrupt chance, so that unless I'm on a...
  11. Doom and Gloom

    Magic in this game and its issues

    Okay, there has been a lot of talk about MM vs MA recently, this post is NOT about that topic. Instead, I want to talk about the basic mechanics of magic we have in the game right now, and why they could use some serious work. 1. The logic of fixing magic later with more magic. We have heard...
  12. Doom and Gloom

    Murderers and Consequences

    I also think killing needs consequences to be meaningful, it would get pretty boring fast if you wouldn't have a real risk. If you die you just replace your gear from the bank which takes like 10 mins to make. And rinse and repeat? This isn't dark souls where you just press "invade" constantly...
  13. Doom and Gloom

    Equipment hits on weapons.

    Or maybe make the PvE enemies also do hilt hits etc.? I mean according to their website, "all humanoid enemies use the exact same rules as the players do.". Except they really don't, cannot spell shield against them and they cannot miss to name a few.
  14. Doom and Gloom

    These are the biggest issues in MO2 and how to fix them

    Cheats are surely not nice, but I think we shouldn't make the game experience worse for others just because there still are cheaters. What is someone wants to solo a boss, then they cannot anymore? Or if it will be possible some point. I think you touched the AI a bit too little, it is fucking...
  15. Doom and Gloom


    It is just ridiculous to me that they released this game after one year in early access and the literal FIRST ENEMIES in the game which are the zombies are not tested enough so that pets could fight them without problems. I usually use my bears to GY farm because they will DIE TO EVERY FUCKING...
  16. Doom and Gloom

    fix the !@$@#%@#%$ zone line south/south east of Meduli its destroying pets

    That is not the only pet issue mate.. In Morin Khur if you attempt to go up the wooden stairs with a pet (at least bear) while riding a horse, the pet will 100% time get somehow stuck under the floor or the mountain side, even though that should be place where it cannot go to. Multiple reports...
  17. Doom and Gloom

    Vote for Mounted Archery nerfs

    You saying the MA really invested to their bow and basic armor? Cmon man there is about zero investment there. Just because some other ppl who have skill points spent in wearing heavy armor can resist arrows does not mean that MA themselves shouldn't also invest to be able to deal a lot of...
  18. Doom and Gloom

    Let's put the MOUNT back into Mounted Magery

    Then you have no idea about what is balanced and what is unplayable. If you really are some "pro" and think this is fine for MM and stuff like MA is fine as it is, no wonder MO1 died. This is a ridiculous mechanic, which maybe does something if you are in a large group who protects you from...
  19. Doom and Gloom

    Thoughts on state of the game and what could make it more fun (IMO)

    Good points, crafting and taming is quite spot on. PvE I really agree with the fact that the mobs are way too difficult if you actually fight fair, if you just kite using MA they can't do anything to you. This is ridiculous, and even though kiting was removed their difficulty needs to go down...
  20. Doom and Gloom

    Vote for Mounted Archery nerfs

    I wish I could have included more options, but this was the max the poll allowed. Good to see some discussion here, I think the option to just reduce arrow damage on horses/pets would have been a good addition to the list, or then we really just need horse and pet killing to have some real...