Search results

  1. Rhias

    New towns, gathering & hunting

    Or did you mean just the hunting scenes? Since there were some interesting behavior in the AI which I didn't want to show in a video that is supposed to promote it. :p Oh, and in the town scenes I got naked people that rendered their armor in once approaching. Didn't look that nice...
  2. Rhias

    New towns, gathering & hunting

    If I don't cut it I got ages of video which takes even longer to upload... My line is pretty slow in upload.
  3. Rhias

    New towns, gathering & hunting

  4. Rhias

    MO 2 world map

    You got a PM.
  5. Rhias

    How to raise the skill ceiling

    Originally Henrik promised that armor crafting will have 3 different material slots to compensate the lower amount of pieces... But now it's only 2 slots, right?
  6. Rhias

    Game date release

    To my understanding they will continuously patch further content and there is no "1.0". At least end of this year it will go persistent and I assume that's when you need to buy a sub. (Correct me if somebody got different information).
  7. Rhias

    Poll: Do You Like The New Combat

    You're wrong. Below 60% life you have bigger stamina drain. If you walk out of combat mode with > 60 life you will regain stamina, but if you do the same with <60% life you will not.
  8. Rhias

    How to raise the skill ceiling

    Plate scale is shit. Wait till they patch in pansar scale like they did in MO1. And also taking 40-50 damage does not solve the issue when no hit goes through cause you can parry everything...
  9. Rhias

    How to raise the skill ceiling

    Did everyone mention so far that the time to kill takes ages? I guess so, but I still repeat it because it's an issue. Yes, there are stamina penalties on the heavier armors. But that results in even less DPS and higher time to kill when both wear heavy armor... Now you could say that they...
  10. Rhias

    Game date release

    Actually they plan "Release" / persistent world for 2020. Sub costs will be the same as MO1.
  11. Rhias

    Bad performance [FPS and input lag]

    Did it? When will Fabernum get that patch? ;)
  12. Rhias

    Buff Feinting

    How about buff swing speed instead of swing speed after feint? :D
  13. Rhias

    Poll: Do You Like The New Combat

    Also Last Oasis. Attacks are a lot faster there and I (from EU) are able to play without any issues on a US East Server.
  14. Rhias


    I think it's daggers in general. (Didn't test it since this patch). "Daggers no longer have handle Tracing. "
  15. Rhias

    Release angle of arrows too low?

    Well, I actually failed. Was shooting the vendor, and the vendor always says toro... :/
  16. Rhias

    Release angle of arrows too low?

    Hey, when I release an arrow it feels like it does not shoot straight but is released in an angle towards the ground. I aim straight towards the head of an enemy right in front of me I hit the torso. Is this just me or does it feel for others the same? Edit: I failed. Was shooting the vendor...
  17. Rhias

    Poll: Do You Like The New Combat

    No in EU. Will be a pain to solo roam. Combat to slow. Time to kill too high. Everything heavier than a sword feels miserable to fight with.
  18. Rhias

    Patch Notes Discussion

    We sometimes see getting hit from several meters far away. Let's assume the ping of the player is 200ms. If the internet/ping is the issue then the player would need to be able to move several meters within 200ms, which he is obviously not.
  19. Rhias

    Patch Notes Discussion

    That's actually fixing synthoms and not the root cause. :( Movement was already slow and now it got even slower...
  20. Rhias

    Character Limit.

    I really hope that the 1100 points currently displayed ingame are just placeholders...