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  1. Darthus

    Please keep movement speed the same

    Sorry, having a hard time tracking what you're lobbying for. You want movement speed to be faster and think people are against it because it favors twitch players? Neither of those are my position (being against fast movement or twitch skills being an advantage). I'm simply saying that you...
  2. Darthus

    Please keep movement speed the same

    Solair: I specifically put realism (given the fantasy setting) to get around the topic of "well magic etc", and also that realism/immersion should be aimed for, but never at the significant expense of fun. The idea being, don't just go for the obvious gamey "fun" solution (turn this into Unreal...
  3. Darthus

    please make player movement faster

    Just a shout out to you HYM. My experience if you're definitely opinionated, but you keep your discussions thoughtful and bring your opinions/evidence clearly, use polls etc. We definitely need more of that rather than just random shouting/low effort insulting one-liner posts, which is the forum...
  4. Darthus

    Patch Notes Discussion

    Just as an FYI for feedback Evelyn (thanks for the heads up about the Bandits location btw): Lag = low ping, players teleporting around, attack hits delayed etc. Low FPS = Poor performance, too demanding/unoptimized graphics. Not trying to be a nerd, but it's important for what they need to...
  5. Darthus

    please make player movement faster

    Two posts on this, someone should make a poll if they are concerned:
  6. Darthus

    Please keep movement speed the same

    Wow, first Grudge, chill a bit, you be comin' in swinging in all directions and it doesn't make for a useful discussion. Additionally usually if you're proposing a change and actually want people's opinions (not sure you do) a poll is nice. From my experience, talking about "is movement too...
  7. Darthus

    Anyone having performance issues since the newest patch?

    As the title says. I'm running a 3080 GPU in an external GPU enclosure and could run at a locked 60fps at 4k with DLSS turned on balanced (otherwise maybe 30fps). Now, it averages about 45 FPS, but has homongous drops down to single digits when turning around or viewing new content. I thought...
  8. Darthus

    Fabernum Tower Group Tour Video

    Love it. Didn't realize how huge it is, and I appreciate your super energetic and excited tone. I would recommend further editing/slicing though and less "I love my torch, torchy torch" songs while wainting for something interesting. Either just chop the areas with no interesting content or if...
  9. Darthus

    Is it time for Psuedo Persistence?

    I support the idea of slowly adding in more incentives to fight in realistic scenarios, but I don't support the wording of the poll which is to essentially move people to building and losing equipment now. The systems right now don't sufficiently support building out a replacable set of gear (so...
  10. Darthus

    In a known world... lost.

    Yeah I am like a Paladin, I take punishment so others don't have to suffer.
  11. Darthus

    In a known world... lost.

    Ignore HYMs urine poem, he has incontinence problems (along with social ones). Welcome Jybwee, appreciate your excitement!
  12. Darthus

    Dec/Jan Roadmap Discussion

    Glad you see it that way and not the often held “I had to learn it the hard way and it made me stronger, so new people just have to toughen up.”
  13. Darthus

    Dec/Jan Roadmap Discussion

    Wow, I think that's the most succinct and satisfied post I've seen from you HYM, they must be on the right track. =)
  14. Darthus

    Dec/Jan Roadmap Discussion

    A couple Discord notes from Henrik: Haven will be in prior to Persistent, and he considers it very important. Sounds like they plan to have another kinda “stress test” style event with that in to gather feedback. He claims that release speed was increased 33% in the current patch and that they...
  15. Darthus

    Dec/Jan Roadmap Discussion

    Agreed that guards aren't PvE, but they are in the interest of accessibility for EA (to give new players some sense of basic safety). PvE AI and New Dungeons implies PvE (PvE AI implies adding PvE mobs into the world/dungeons but they don't explictly say that). Dungeons with no PvE is kinda...
  16. Darthus

    Dec/Jan Roadmap Discussion

    Yeah, I saw Seb in discord confirm that the original magic implementation was intended to be very basic with a lot of placeholder fx and so this is more fully fledged. I think they were rushing a lot of these systems in a super basic way for EA at end of December, so are now considering what...
  17. Darthus

    Dec/Jan Roadmap Discussion

    Here's the current forum post updated with the latest roadmap (and history): Official link here if it's hard to read: What do you all think? Some high level things I noticed: The rest of...
  18. Darthus

    [Suggestion] SV & Community - Encourage forum activity & usage

    I will say, this sounds great in theory, but this is a horrible system for an MMO that wants to get any sort of semi-mainstream traction. This is exactly what enables people who have no investment in the overall health the game, but have played it for a while (or just happen to have more skill)...
  19. Darthus

    [Suggestion] SV & Community - Encourage forum activity & usage

    Hey I resemble that remark! And I'm one of your biggest supporters my big burly HYM. =) We get enough political division in the real world without having to bring that to our lovely peaceful idyllic MO2 community.
  20. Darthus

    Beta Patch Notes

    Anyone actually seeing different materials on armor? I made a Khurite set out of leather and it looked exactly the same on my character in the character screen (I think it might have looked different when making it, but the helm still looked like metal).