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  1. Rhias

    Feedback on AI

    Positve: + directional attacks Negative: - Pathing (being listed as known issues: Ai has some pathing issues being worked on. (Not always taking the shortest straight path) ) - Pathing²: AI does not only never take the shortest straight path, sometimes they walk circles around trees, or stop...
  2. Rhias

    If You Do Two Servers, Here's How to Make the Final Decision

    How many players are "healthy" for a MO2 map? The map is huge and with TC the community will split widely. Not even sure if we got enough players to fill this one world. Probably the towns will be crowded. But there is so much more around.
  3. Rhias

    Magic Schools Economy Feedback/Suggestion

    Meele weapons for mage's are the solution for mage's bad PVE experience? Like for real? PVE for mages should be fixed by making more efficient PVE spells Instead of giving mages a meele weapon.
  4. Rhias

    May freezes and fps breaks in area of MK keep and MK river

    Yep, but I think it's due to unfinished terrain. There are a lot of flying rocks a few meters above the ground.
  5. Rhias

    MO 2 world map

    Next time... :D
  6. Rhias

    MO 2 world map

    Updated the first post with a new map version. Contains now the Vadda backvalley area, some parts of the GK area and I enhanced the Tindrem area a bit.
  7. Rhias

    Mounted Wishlist. What we do, and do not want to see.

    I think your understanding of the word meta is flawed. Meta is the most used thing, and not the most powerful.
  8. Rhias

    Mounted Wishlist. What we do, and do not want to see.

    Directional blocking against MCs. Mounteds being slower than foot on terrain (wasn't the case with horse boosting and correctly maneuvering in MO1). Mounteds not turning to full-stamina foot fighters once they dismount. There is nothing more disappointing than getting away from a mounted zerk...
  9. Rhias

    No Books in MO2?

    I actually like the current extraction system that makes it so much easier to get your hands on it. Just put Granum in the crusher and autonatically learn all skills involved. I would love to see books for rare stuff, but not for the basics. As rare stuff I consider special armors and...
  10. Rhias

    Potions so far

    Someone figured any HOT potions out yet?
  11. Rhias

    New standings system

    If you really want to punish murders than make statloss counts only reduce by dying (and loosing stats). But don't make it by burning afk counts.
  12. Rhias

    New standings system

    Actually not a big fan of statloss counts. I already know that I will just keep my character logged in while I sleep... Which is kind of retarded.
  13. Rhias

    New standings system

    From a "logical" point of view it does make sense. You get killed somewhere and nobody has seen it. Why should you get a negative standing? But once the victim revives it will tell it to the priest.
  14. Rhias

    MO 2 world map

    That wall is still there... But you can walk from the West towards East until you reach it there as well.
  15. Rhias

    MO 2 world map

    North of Pig Farm there is a canyon leading to the coast. And from there you can follow all the way until after the Talus Mountain(=Mino Dungeon) along the coast. But then it ends to my knowledge. This will be included in the next version of my map.
  16. Rhias

    MO 2 world map

    Walk all the way north till the big mountain, and then just head east. Or start from Fabernum. :P
  17. Rhias

    More Monsters with a purpose.(bring heads to guards for silver/gold)

    I want that giant vulture flying across Fabernum and frequently picking some fresh GUTS corpse.
  18. Rhias

    no mounts in roadmap?

    Size food? Heal food? It's not like there isn't anymore than reserves...
  19. Rhias

    Steel Production Video Guide

  20. Rhias

    How often does your game crash?

    Sometimes I have a few weeks without a single crash. But in the last week or so I frequently crash ingame...