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  1. E

    Magic Damage

    So three mages can delete most players instantly... I wonder what chances one mage has against 3 foot fighters then ? (also when fighters can easily have bows too)
  2. E

    bad performance, framderops with i7, GTX 2070s 16gb RAM, ssd - please read - thank you!

    in the jungle when you get close to sator spawns you get huge FPS drop. I dont know if it's fixed, I havent been in the jungle for the past month and I suppose is the same drop for other animal spawns
  3. E

    Pets with bags cannot be stabled and we cannot unequip bags

    WTF ?? please either have the stable man automatically unequip empty bags like we had in MO1 or fix the pet window so we can personally unequip them
  4. E

    Mage Death

    Yes, you can buy the Ecumenical Book from the Vendor for 1g. For all the rest of mage schools there is an arduous path of farming or investing hundreds/thousands of gold coin (per spell) to acquire. So no, its not like going back to the Magic Vendor with 1g and getting everything back.
  5. E

    Mage Death

    NO. Their spells are actually memorized, with the spellbook just a representation of the acquired knowledge.
  6. E

    Suggestion To Buff Mages. (Yes i know)

    Sure. Except no, you can not farm solo right now as a mage. MAYBE a fatmage on horse and that will be 10 times slower than a mounted archer or even a foot soldier. You can kill stuff with a pet but what's the point when you cannot carry the fruits of your labor? There is more to the game than...
  7. E

    Housing QA

    I just realized what majestic housing we could have had with like 30 blocks in a 10x10x10 cube. (And with stair blocks that can be stacked on top of each other)
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    Suggestion To Buff Mages. (Yes i know)

    I agree, this would be the perfect solution, and if the interruption chance would start from 50%, as in 50% interruption without any Concentration. Another more compromising solution would be if Concentration would work more like Knockdown, increasing a damage threshold for interrupting. For...
  9. E

    Beast Masters should be able to do solo PVE

    "Beast Mastery" skill does nothing in game right now, so everybody can drop it until it is implemented. But I suspect pets have the full potential of their attacks anyway, as if we all had 100 BM. The direwolf (and bears) when sometimes run away from the target it is because they are doing a...
  10. E

    Weakspot with bow bugged?

    Actually, all animals (in MO1) have some sort of resistance against blunt/pierce/slash/magic with the mini bosses having more and the likes of pigs and springboks having none. In MO2 the only animal I saw having any resistance is the Troll, and it has a lot. But I am sure they will get their...
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    Weakspot with bow bugged?

    This could also mean your target has little to no defense/armour to begin with. Test your bow on the training dummies to find out the maximum damage it does. The dummies have no armour.
  12. E

    Soul wound - A murder count alternative

    Just make local grey to the owners anybody close enough to siege. Except declared friendlies/allies. After a 10 seconds warning. Same for exiting the area, 10 seconds to lose the local grey status.
  13. E

    Small Change that Helps Balance Dex Builds

    The "Stam regain while standing still" Alvarin clade gift gives a 10% bonus as far as I have tested. Which combined with the small stamina pool is not impressive at all. I'ts 10% I thought animals let Alvarin get closer before they start running away...
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    Performance issues

    what resolution are you playing with ? use the monitor's native resolution and lower the resolution scale slider in video options. DLSS would have better results but it's not an option for your card.
  15. E

    Make it so you need Lore to see Resource Name

    I like the hiding of ingredients in cooking product names. Even better let us name them just like the potions. And I would like the option to combine foods, again like we can potions. Not bread with beer but beer with beer, bread with bread, soup with soup and so on. This way the product can...
  16. E

    Patch Notes Discussion

    I only saw as ghost, it's a bandit (in bandit camps) with a bow and a flask hanging from the belt. I guess it shoots arrows and throws Molotov cocktails ??
  17. E

    Pets suggestions

    I did have Animal Care most of the times. And 100 PP. So multiple lower pets (horses, jungle lyks) did stop lvling. Also the Stone Lizard stopped at lvl 102, Guardian Minotaur at lvl 109, Red Megnaton Soldier at lvl 85, Red Akrep at lvl 109, etc. Maybe there was a check that only stopped...
  18. E

    Pets suggestions

    I am assuming you are referring to the 1h per level when you park them. Yes, that is way too long. But you do have more options: when attacking pets level up every 15 mins. So just attack the training dummies. Also, Animal Care used to halve the timer in MO1 and I guess it will do the same in...
  19. E

    Pets suggestions

    I leveled up a horde of pets in MO1 and I can assure you they stopped leveling before you didnt have the PP to control them.
  20. E

    Upcoming Twitch Stream

    30s to log out, but how much time until the character leaves the world ?