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  1. Kebek

    A case for permadeath

    It should take you owning a keep to have actual consequences for death in the game...
  2. Kebek

    A case for permadeath

    The main goal is to add some actual loss to death. Right now death is nothing but a minor inconvenience. Losing loot means little to nothing. Perhaps you would be more open to a system where you can regain "lives" over time? Similar to how the MC counter works. For example, after 24 hours of...
  3. Kebek

    A case for permadeath

    You must not have actually read my OP. The idea would be losing your character after 3 deaths, not every time you die. As Kaemik also said, that is a non-argument.
  4. Kebek

    Horse Bags

    First of all, props for admitting a mistake. "if you didn't care you wouldn't be talking about this so much" is a correct statement but what I care about is not having to wait for horse bags. What I care about is people dismissing other people's complaints based on a false assumption that they...
  5. Kebek

    A case for permadeath

    Ask MO players what they enjoy about the game and 9 times out of 10 they will answer "the ever present danger". This doesn't just apply to PvP players who actively engage in the killing of others but also traders or more PvE focused players who simply enjoy the danger of other human players...
  6. Kebek

    Horse Bags

    Thanks for displaying a massive lack of reading comprehension. Me: "I'm not bothered by the wait at all. Nobody is asking to have it NOW. People can wait." You: "REEEEEEE stop being so impatient!" Man, the forum's clown population is back. 🤡
  7. Kebek

    Horse Bags

    First I'll repeat myself: I'm personally not bothered by having to wait until we can move more items again on horseback. Secondly: you entirely missed the point of the complaints people have. It's not about "gib horsebags now" it's rather "perhaps you shouldn't have implemented horse weight...
  8. Kebek

    Horse Bags

    No, you made a false claim and now want to blame it on my reading comprehension. "I didn't mean 1+1 = 3, bro, you just read it wrong." Okay... "Right now you can transport more weight on foot than mounted. " True or false?
  9. Kebek

    About ARPK Guilds

    We don't have any explicit rules against RPKing but one of our few rules is "don't be a dick" and I consider ganking defenseless randoms as being a dick.
  10. Kebek

    About ARPK Guilds

    Then your earlier remark about KotO being RPK is absolutely false. Just an FYI.
  11. Kebek

    About ARPK Guilds

    This wasn't about KOTO, this was about a hypothetical guild (as I have repeatedly stated). I don't care how you or anyone else labels KOTO. Nobody cares about these "repercussions" either. If you think me trying to understand the logic behind labeling black/white is "an attempt to avoid...
  12. Kebek

    About ARPK Guilds

    Forget this situation where you get attacked by a guild. This is about a neutral perspective. You have no interactions with this guild. Why do you label them RPK rather than anti-PK? They do both. This also has ZERO to do with avoiding repercussions or whatever. Not sure why people project...
  13. Kebek

    About ARPK Guilds

    No I didn't. However, even if you RPK away from town, you also anti-PK around town. Why is it an RPK guild and not anti-PK guild then? They play 2 playstyles, why is RPK the label you choose then?
  14. Kebek

    Horse Bags

    Okay, rad this again: Yes you could, on horseback. We had saddlebags. If you're talking about "inside your char's inventory" then you're just playing childish semantics cause you know very well we're talking about being able to transport more weight on a mount than on foot. Which pawn carries...
  15. Kebek

    About ARPK Guilds

    Why? That's empire building. If you acknowledge not every guild is black or white (rpk is a black/white term) then why the need to label such a guild as rpk? That contradicts the concept of not all guilds being black or white.
  16. Kebek

    Horse Bags

    Yes you could, on horseback. We had saddlebags. If you're talking about "inside your char's inventory" then you're just playing childish semantics cause you know very well we're talking about being able to transport more weight on a mount than on foot. Which pawn carries the actual weight...
  17. Kebek

    Horse Bags

    Go easy on the mushrooms, okay (you could carry 3000+ on horseback but not on foot. In MO1 you could ride a donkey with like 3 times the max weight of your personal inventory). And this isn't real life.
  18. Kebek

    A proposal...!

    Exactly, before you know it some moron is going to ask for a PvP/PvE toggle option.
  19. Kebek

    Horse Bags

    Like I said before, I don't think it was a "bug" at all. Rather they hadn't implemented a limit to horse carry weight yet. I don't think anyone expects to be able to carry 5 tonnes when the horse bags arrive but being able to carry more on foot than on horseback is a bit off :D
  20. Kebek

    Horse Bags

    Like a jumping system without a max jump height. Which is not "exploiting jumping" just cause it has an "advantage" while it's unfinished. It's equal for everyone so thanks for proving my point. Ad hominem now? Okay. If you can't have a civil conversation may as well ignore you. Especially if...