the problem is real i think ;
mo ( be it 2 or 1 ) is a pvp focused game ; let's face it , i play it because i sorta like it even thought i'm shit at pvp and that's not my first concern
let"s just say a few thing to start
1) crafting require material ( and yeah fire burn if you didn't know )...
remember this is a company the more ppl play the game , the more cash they get
and will i as a solo player , would love to play the game with 250 other ppl ( less trade concurrent , less chance of gank , etc ) they won't let it happen ( i hope so )
you both are thr proof that you can't make everyone happy ,
let me be frank here : HOW THE FK DO YOU WANT TO DO THIS ?
do you really prefer a full hardcore game that 75% of ppl can't even play and lag like sht
a full hardcore game with multiple instance that WORK
because this is the...
take my answer with a grain of salt since i don't know the full rep system ;
basically , if you make a outlaw actions in a given faction ( town ) you lose rep ( like yea murder , npc aggression etc anything when guard kill you )
under a value ( wich i don't know ) guard attack you on sight ...
you have courage ; i want maximum a 5 minute queue xd let just imagine you just wanna log in quickly to read a book or whatever , even 10 minute is too loong xd
so ; we all know more or less what's happening here ;
login queue ; lag issues ( i read that a lot , didn't experience it myself ) ; etc
i've been staying in haven till today , no problem since there are lot of haven ...
recent patch ( like 2 hours ago ) seemed to fix lot of stuff ;
but here...
given the number and size of town and farmable zone , i'd say 3k player at the same time max would be viable xd ( when i say viable , i mean you wouldn't need to run past 50 ppl to find a mob :) )
even with a server that can take in 100k player without any problem , it's wont be viable xd , the monsters/player ratio will be horrible xd
regional server or instance server , are needed , should SV wanna keep that much player
i agree that clade should be given for everything farmed or crafted ... that's why i stay in haven for now , it's boring as hell , i would really want to jump in myrland ....