Yo this fucking Shield Armor weight thing is a joke.
I am a Alvarin and I only get 2kg in armor weight before It fucks my mana regen. So I already can not wear any armor what so ever.

This is a light shield and it is all I can wear.
Look how much it takes my mana regen down already.

It was also stated in stream that the round shields will not effect armor weight fully. But as you can see from the pic it is adding the total weight of the shield to the armor weight.
So unless Henrik lied about that, then its a bug.
Also Why do mages get punished so hard? Foot fighters can run around in heavy ass armor with barely any negatives to their stamina regen/move speed.
I am out here whit a small shield that is within my armor weight and Im taking a harder hit than a foot fighter in full steel?
Like this is fucking up my whole build. This image below is the new mage meta Is this really the "Vision" of the game? To have all of the pure mages running around naked with a fucking door on their back? Thats just silly.

So I call for an Alvarin buff that allows us a clade that adds +2 to our armor weight. Just one clade for the love of god. It would give us 4KG before we get a debuff So we could at least wear some damn clothing with out completely fucking up our mana regen. Or just make it 4KG base so Alvarin would still be playable, and the human/oghmir are still the better option for more armor weight.
Or Make the stamina regen debuff for heavy armor more present!!!!!!!!
IMO one of the 3 would make the game more fair.
Also the Alvarin Runners high clade does not work fully.

Base stamina regen

With clade Active

Its the same G fkin G.
So this patch has made my pure mage completely trash Cant wear armor nor a shield. Dont even ask me to put both on, because that is impossible.
I am a Alvarin and I only get 2kg in armor weight before It fucks my mana regen. So I already can not wear any armor what so ever.

This is a light shield and it is all I can wear.
Look how much it takes my mana regen down already.

It was also stated in stream that the round shields will not effect armor weight fully. But as you can see from the pic it is adding the total weight of the shield to the armor weight.
So unless Henrik lied about that, then its a bug.
Also Why do mages get punished so hard? Foot fighters can run around in heavy ass armor with barely any negatives to their stamina regen/move speed.
I am out here whit a small shield that is within my armor weight and Im taking a harder hit than a foot fighter in full steel?
Like this is fucking up my whole build. This image below is the new mage meta Is this really the "Vision" of the game? To have all of the pure mages running around naked with a fucking door on their back? Thats just silly.

So I call for an Alvarin buff that allows us a clade that adds +2 to our armor weight. Just one clade for the love of god. It would give us 4KG before we get a debuff So we could at least wear some damn clothing with out completely fucking up our mana regen. Or just make it 4KG base so Alvarin would still be playable, and the human/oghmir are still the better option for more armor weight.
Or Make the stamina regen debuff for heavy armor more present!!!!!!!!
IMO one of the 3 would make the game more fair.
Also the Alvarin Runners high clade does not work fully.

Base stamina regen

With clade Active

Its the same G fkin G.
So this patch has made my pure mage completely trash Cant wear armor nor a shield. Dont even ask me to put both on, because that is impossible.