
Active member
Sep 11, 2021
Yo this fucking Shield Armor weight thing is a joke.
I am a Alvarin and I only get 2kg in armor weight before It fucks my mana regen. So I already can not wear any armor what so ever.
This is a light shield and it is all I can wear.
Look how much it takes my mana regen down already.
It was also stated in stream that the round shields will not effect armor weight fully. But as you can see from the pic it is adding the total weight of the shield to the armor weight.
So unless Henrik lied about that, then its a bug.

Also Why do mages get punished so hard? Foot fighters can run around in heavy ass armor with barely any negatives to their stamina regen/move speed.
I am out here whit a small shield that is within my armor weight and Im taking a harder hit than a foot fighter in full steel?
Like this is fucking up my whole build. This image below is the new mage meta Is this really the "Vision" of the game? To have all of the pure mages running around naked with a fucking door on their back? Thats just silly.

So I call for an Alvarin buff that allows us a clade that adds +2 to our armor weight. Just one clade for the love of god. It would give us 4KG before we get a debuff So we could at least wear some damn clothing with out completely fucking up our mana regen. Or just make it 4KG base so Alvarin would still be playable, and the human/oghmir are still the better option for more armor weight.
Or Make the stamina regen debuff for heavy armor more present!!!!!!!!
IMO one of the 3 would make the game more fair.

Also the Alvarin Runners high clade does not work fully.
Base stamina regen
With clade Active
Its the same G fkin G.

So this patch has made my pure mage completely trash Cant wear armor nor a shield. Dont even ask me to put both on, because that is impossible.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
Reverting mana regen baseline to 4kg would be fine after the shield changes. But for some reason they just nerfed foot mages and did nothing to compensate. But buffing alvarins specifically in any way is a big no.

Also it's funny how they tried to end the mage shield meta and ended up with an even more cancerous naked with a door meta.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
Reverting mana regen baseline to 4kg would be fine after the shield changes. But for some reason they just nerfed foot mages and did nothing to compensate. But buffing alvarins specifically in any way is a big no.

Also it's funny how they tried to end the mage shield meta and ended up with an even more cancerous naked with a door meta.

I still say MO community is on a whole unimaginative. haha. They are pretty tied to their square pegs. I dunno if the naked shield is the best meta or not, but it's what they comfy with. MO is lacking in options tho fosho. Shield mages tho lol. Shields and hopping, that's what got us here, and a weird int curve.
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Active member
Sep 11, 2021
Reverting mana regen baseline to 4kg would be fine after the shield changes. But for some reason they just nerfed foot mages and did nothing to compensate. But buffing alvarins specifically in any way is a big no.

Also it's funny how they tried to end the mage shield meta and ended up with an even more cancerous naked with a door meta.
I think the 2kg clade I mentioned would not be a big buff. It would just put them on a level of not being naked with a door. As you can see .97kg over weight puts me down 8+points in mana regen and that is a Joke! Why are you so against an Alcarin buff? The clade I mentioned would really only help the mages out. Because any armor that is worth a shit weighs well over 2kg so I dont believe it would buff the dex fighters.

The base 4kg I think would be cool as well because Humans and Oghmir would still be better option for more armor. While also getting rid of the naked door meta.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2022
Yo this fucking Shield Armor weight thing is a joke.
I am a Alvarin and I only get 2kg in armor weight before It fucks my mana regen. So I already can not wear any armor what so ever.
View attachment 4818
This is a light shield and it is all I can wear.
Look how much it takes my mana regen down already.
View attachment 4819
It was also stated in stream that the round shields will not effect armor weight fully. But as you can see from the pic it is adding the total weight of the shield to the armor weight.
So unless Henrik lied about that, then its a bug.

Also Why do mages get punished so hard? Foot fighters can run around in heavy ass armor with barely any negatives to their stamina regen/move speed.
I am out here whit a small shield that is within my armor weight and Im taking a harder hit than a foot fighter in full steel?
Like this is fucking up my whole build. This image below is the new mage meta Is this really the "Vision" of the game? To have all of the pure mages running around naked with a fucking door on their back? Thats just silly.
View attachment 4820

So I call for an Alvarin buff that allows us a clade that adds +2 to our armor weight. Just one clade for the love of god. It would give us 4KG before we get a debuff So we could at least wear some damn clothing with out completely fucking up our mana regen. Or just make it 4KG base so Alvarin would still be playable, and the human/oghmir are still the better option for more armor weight.
Or Make the stamina regen debuff for heavy armor more present!!!!!!!!
IMO one of the 3 would make the game more fair.

Also the Alvarin Runners high clade does not work fully.
View attachment 4821
Base stamina regen
View attachment 4822
With clade Active
View attachment 4823
Its the same G fkin G.

So this patch has made my pure mage completely trash Cant wear armor nor a shield. Dont even ask me to put both on, because that is impossible.

On the shield issue... uh use a lighter shield? Or just go without.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
Yeah the shields changes were a joke. Made the foot mages have even less reason to reach for better gear like cron shields ect.

Meanwhile mounted fat mages can ride with shields because they get 10kg armor weight from clades. And they got buffs to cast speed. What a joke of game balance. I can wear a 5kg axe on my back no armor weight but I cant wear a 1.9kg molarium shield? Which added the extra dynamic of facing to the opposite swing direction to block with a worn shield.
They just fucked over foot mages that were not anything special while buffing the shit out of a very strong but boring class. Now there is no reason to farm for metal or wood for shields as a mage. And they push people to play a less fun class that is just broken OP with only the worse of the worse players being able to die while playing it.

Everyone is complaining about equipment hits EXCEPT for shields but they refuse to remove something that every PvPer hates and makes no logical sense. But instead they just remove shields from mages because having a shield was a "problem"

They need to just suck up their pride and do complete reverts. They are fucking this game up so hard, Im back to being scared of patchs now. Every patch before the Necro patch was "What is SV going to break this time" "what are they going to over nerf or over buff".


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
Why are you so against an Alcarin buff?

Because alvarin is already the best and basically the only clade for a foot mage (it's also either best or a solid choice for any build in the game, no other clade enjoys as much versatility). Why buff the already strong clade? If alvarins were to be buffed for magic, SV would just consider that it was a buff to mages in general, since 95% of foot mages are sheevras, and all the non-meta mages will have to suffer for it.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2022
Yeah the shields changes were a joke. Made the foot mages have even less reason to reach for better gear like cron shields ect.

Meanwhile mounted fat mages can ride with shields because they get 10kg armor weight from clades. And they got buffs to cast speed. What a joke of game balance. I can wear a 5kg axe on my back no armor weight but I cant wear a 1.9kg molarium shield? Which added the extra dynamic of facing to the opposite swing direction to block with a worn shield.
They just fucked over foot mages that were not anything special while buffing the shit out of a very strong but boring class. Now there is no reason to farm for metal or wood for shields as a mage. And they push people to play a less fun class that is just broken OP with only the worse of the worse players being able to die while playing it.

Everyone is complaining about equipment hits EXCEPT for shields but they refuse to remove something that every PvPer hates and makes no logical sense. But instead they just remove shields from mages because having a shield was a "problem"

They need to just suck up their pride and do complete reverts. They are fucking this game up so hard, Im back to being scared of patchs now. Every patch before the Necro patch was "What is SV going to break this time" "what are they going to over nerf or over buff".

You can wear a lighter shield. Or use your foot speed to not get hit. OR perhaps use terrain as cover. OR perhaps adapt, improvise and overcome.


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
Also Why do mages get punished so hard? Foot fighters can run around in heavy ass armor with barely any negatives to their stamina regen/move speed.
just a friendly reminder that mages also ignore all that armor the fighter is wearing, and do full damage while naked wiith a few silver in regs. While that fighter could be in a 1k+ gold armor set that does literally nothing.

Note I'm not saying I want Sv to screw mages. I just think this games designed like shit and thats the problem, not the shield change. Mages shouldn't get mana regen at 2kg, thats retardedly low and has no thought put into the number. Especially with how they made armors work in this. MO1 you could wear mega light fillers, this game you cant, so armor weighs more in general. It should be 4kg min, and humans can keep their dumb +2.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
Yeah the shields changes were a joke. Made the foot mages have even less reason to reach for better gear like cron shields ect.

Meanwhile mounted fat mages can ride with shields because they get 10kg armor weight from clades. And they got buffs to cast speed. What a joke of game balance. I can wear a 5kg axe on my back no armor weight but I cant wear a 1.9kg molarium shield? Which added the extra dynamic of facing to the opposite swing direction to block with a worn shield.
They just fucked over foot mages that were not anything special while buffing the shit out of a very strong but boring class. Now there is no reason to farm for metal or wood for shields as a mage. And they push people to play a less fun class that is just broken OP with only the worse of the worse players being able to die while playing it.

Everyone is complaining about equipment hits EXCEPT for shields but they refuse to remove something that every PvPer hates and makes no logical sense. But instead they just remove shields from mages because having a shield was a "problem"

They need to just suck up their pride and do complete reverts. They are fucking this game up so hard, Im back to being scared of patchs now. Every patch before the Necro patch was "What is SV going to break this time" "what are they going to over nerf or over buff".

1000% I never thought the shield thing was imbalanced. I just think it's derpy. I don't think it reflects well on the game like in videos, etc.


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
Have you tried the right click button. Mages shouldn't even be able to block, giving them shields was a huge oversight. Good change.

You literally posted a picture of a mage with a house on its back. Why would you think that's a good idea?

I'd argue for not being able to cast with shields equipped at all.
Last edited:


Jan 2, 2021
Its 1 button to equip a shield and it doesn't even cause an animation unlike taking clothes off. Just take the shield off when you need to regen and aren't getting dove. I feel like this is just a "get gud" kind of moment.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
Its 1 button to equip a shield and it doesn't even cause an animation unlike taking clothes off. Just take the shield off when you need to regen and aren't getting dove. I feel like this is just a "get gud" kind of moment.
The issues not the mana regen, its the armor weight. swaping shields on and off is fine but it already makes the set too heavy and you have to shove points into armor training. rely was not a reason. Where foot fighters having a issue with not hitting the legs of mages?


Jan 2, 2021
That's a fair argument, and yeah now if you want to run an extra 2kg shield you gotta throw in another 10-15 points of armor training. But there's trinkets now so you don't really need to change a build for it. Just run a trinket with armor training or a lesser valued stat and push points there.
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Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
Neither the Mages nor the slower footfighters like Ogmirs and Thursars are happy, as the Towershields have been tried to balance.

1.- The mages complain about not being able to wear armor anymore and demand that the mana regeneration penelty kicks in 2kg later. So with 4 kg instead of 2 kg

2.- the footfighters are unhappy because the tower shield doesn't slow down their wearer.

The explanation of why the Tower Shield buffets the Alvarin so much and why it destroys the game's catchup mechanics.

The Towershield buffs the Alvarin far too extreme, as the Towershield totally destroys the catchup mechanics of this game. There is no slipstream in MO2 ! The only mechanic that allows the chaser to catch up is bringing your opponent below 60% health with your bow. Below 60% health, a player regenerates stamina more slowly, which allow the chaser to catch up. The problem with the Alvarin in combination with a towershield is that you no longer can bring the Dex-Fghter below 60% health if he runs away. The shield covers the entire back when he is sprinting outside of combat mode.

A player is running slower while sprinting while out of Combat mode, but an Alvarin out of Combat mode will still run as fast as a Human, Ogmir, or Thursar in Combat mode ! This allows the Alvarin to carry his shield on his back while running away and use his speed buff to gain distance and be invulnerable, while running away. He won't gain any further distance without his buff, but the pursuers won't be able to catch him unless the Alvarin can be brought below 60% health !
This need a fix !

Now to the Fix
Add a Str requirement for Towershields ! It could require 123 Str. A number that an Alvarin Dex Fighter could never reach ! He should be able to wear the shield, even if he have less Str, but a player not meeting the str requirements should be slowed down by the tower shield by at least 4 %, so that the Alvarin can no longer outrun the other classes out of combat Modus
while he is invulnerable when running away with a huge Towershield on his back.


Active member
Sep 11, 2021
Its 1 button to equip a shield and it doesn't even cause an animation unlike taking clothes off. Just take the shield off when you need to regen and aren't getting dove. I feel like this is just a "get gud" kind of moment.
yeah let me just level Meditation as well, Bc you can totally sit down and rest during any engagement. 🤡

Now to the Fix
Add a Str requirement for Towershields ! It could require 123 Str. A number that an Alvarin Dex Fighter could never reach ! He should be able to wear the shield, even if he have less Str, but a player not meeting the str requirements should be slowed down by the tower shield by at least 4 %, so that the Alvarin can no longer outrun the other classes out of combat Modus
while he is invulnerable when running away with a huge Towershield on his back.

This is dumb bc the most efficient way to carry anything is on your back, It scientifically the most effective wat to carry any load while causing the least amount of encumbrance. If you want to be realistic.
Also having to be an Oghmir just to be able to properly use a shield is an insane.


Active member
Jul 2, 2020
you dont need 100% mana regain and to think that you do says more about you than you realize.
you only need enough mana back to always be able to cast a lesser heal.
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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
Mages shouldn't even be able to block
That's basically what most footies think - mages should do nothing but heal them and unable to even defend themselves. Aaaaand please give us mage resist armor 'cuz we don't feel like sacrificing anything for psyche (yet we still call mages OP), also reflect changes were good.

Since 90% of the playerbase are footies no wonder we get shit changes like this.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2022
The issues not the mana regen, its the armor weight. swaping shields on and off is fine but it already makes the set too heavy and you have to shove points into armor training. rely was not a reason. Where foot fighters having a issue with not hitting the legs of mages?

I have armor training on my mage, I had armor training on my fat mage in MO1 also. Perhaps you should suck it up buttercup and get armor training like everyone else. Or learn to run without a shield.