If you wanted armor weight on a mage you should have picked oghmir or human instead of sheevra. Its like this guy wants the best of all worlds. Fastest character with impenetrable shield and mana regen to spam magic that ignores footies expensive tung+ armor sets. Clearly unbiased ideas about balance here.
Another person missing the point.
Its like this guy didnt even read the post.
This was never the case. Before 2 months ago.
It completely fucked over the dex mages with the shield armor weight.
Footies loose nothing for heavy ass armor, they still get to run up on you full speed, and 2 shot you. Because you are restricted to a shield or armor. Also all you have to do to get past the not so "impenetrable" shield is just dont fucking hit it. Aim for the legs.

Even if u miss you can still do upwards of 40+ damage.
The point is bc i have to spell it out for you. Is this is an insanely damaging nerf to dex mages. And I dont mean Dagger mages they are not mages they are hybrids.
You should not be forced to take FF skills as a mage. That makes you a hybrid.