Yea the broker is a mess, but it might be our fault. I put things on broker on rerolls and maybe that glitched it out (assuming everyone does this?) because I had things from various chars and it's all still on there. Can only load 1 page. Sometimes you get to buy, sometimes you don't. There's def no putting stuff on there. haha. Broker is a joke anyway, but I don't wanna sit around and spam either.
Bandits are no joke. haha.
Stable does eat horses but I'm still stackin' em. Since they added "xxxx added to your stable" that seems to work better. Imagine getting a horse to follow you back to town, as glitchy as that is, and then it gets eaten before next log in.
As for pets, I think you should be able to put your pet on someone but there should be a delay on commands. I dunno if anyone actually runs beast influence or w/e but that should be the downside. You think you're gonna be like SWITCH TARGET BEAR and it'll be like BAM. No. But eventually it should. Maybe based on the int (??) and your beast influence, it requires so many clicks to get your pet to switch a target/retreat but really, in most games, you are just letting your pet tank and draw aggro. You're supposed to do the heavy lifting. So I agree w/ you about the other stuff, but I dunno how I feel about people farming straight out with their pets unless they are just eating springbox or whatever. Same with pvp, you send your pet on a death mission, you should not be able to call it back, or pets, upon taking a certain amount of dmg consecutively, should retreat back to their master. shrugshrugshrug.
PS: Games either A gonna release in Jan kinda ehhh or B Starvault has given us a really long 40 dollar beta test. Cuz my bet is on... pushing it back. SV don't release a wack game.
ADD PICKABLES. FIELDS. Remember how carrots were? If it's a field it should have some pickables. It has things you can see but not interact with. Also, you should be able to turn in a circle in almost every place and in your line of sight there should be something to pick, this makes the world more interesting while you are wandering about.
But ground pickables... need more.
PPS: (extra p cuz of the length of my post), they did change the way the gifts were set up and said "x clades will have to reset their gifts", in patch notes, so that's one sunbeam. WAI.