Thats precisely why they said after necro are "polishing the game are working on epic games launch, trying to get some "Milestones" done like Henrique says.Switching to another game as a focus to re-release this later. Nah. That would never work. If this game were still in it's infancy I'd say develop a smaller less ambitious non-MMO title that helps develop the mechanics you eventually want to see in your MMO and use that to raise money for the MMO. Given we already have an MMO, it's full stream ahead on that front or total defeat.
"We screwed up the launch and are going to redo it after we take the game back into development long enough to fix the biggest problems!" That's been done before. By multiple other MMOs. Including FF14 to great success. I think there are a lot more benefits than risks to SV taking that route right now.
But what good is a launch on another platform if the game is tied with duct tape lol.
Spent a lot of urgent time on making alt servers then it's just been massive gameplay nerfs, some quality of life features and bug fixes with absolutly shit placeholder content.
And they actually said they were sorry, Robmo posted about it. Saying something like they don't had QA and just hired someone and they were doing massive changes in the team to work more efficiently and shite like that.
The another thread saying cities are not supposed to be safe when they do what they do.
Idk the things they say don't have a correlation with the results. Henrique said they don't make placeholder content, whole pve in this game is placeholder.