My first console was the good old NES with games like Snake Rattle & Roll (very underrated!), Mario 1-3, Mega Man 3, Duck Tales, Little Nemo, Zelda 1+2, Double Dragon 2, The Adventures of Bayou Billy (which sucked), Adventures of LOLO...
Then - I think it was 1995 or 96 - I got my first personal computer: An Intel 486 DX-2 with around 60MHZ and 4MB RAM (which I soon updated to 8MB). Harddisk was 600MB (!). It also had a 3.5 floppy disc and a CD-ROM drive. And NO connetion to the internet!
I then started tinkering around with different operating systems and switched from Win95 to 3.11, then to MS DOS (only), I even tried OS/2 Warp for some time and Linux (which was pretty hard to install back then, at least for me). I finally bought a copy of the new Windows98, which got my favorite one beside of OS/2!
My first games: Some kind of MS-DOS strip poker (?), Many discs with Shareware, Shovelware and Demos, the Phantom of the opera adventure game (Shareware), Junglebook, Pitfall the Mayan Adventure, Sim City 2000, Settler 2, the Commander Keen series, Jill of the Jungle, Doom, Heretic (which both ran rather slow on my machine) and very soon - oh surprise - I fell in love with all the Lucasarts (tm) adventure games <3
What a great, exciting time back then!

Miss my screensavers and my red eyes after a long playing session on the CTR : /