What you should for mages instead of buffing them.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021

Why does earthquake still not dismount players yet? You can bop other players off with a maul. The tech is there for at least a place holder.

Why are spells still blinding the player to the point you cant see anything when you are casting. It didnt used to be like this but they messed up the games entire lighting with the eyeadaption plugin they added in Aug of 2021 beta. Which can just be turned off with replacing a 1 with a 0 in the .ini. next to EyeAdaption = 1.

Why doesn't fulminate and corrupt give a visual indicator? yet.

Why are our cast still fizzling for no reason, why are our cast getting interrupted right after we stop moving and try to channel.

But instead lets change magic reflect and buff the strongest mage build the mounted mage. Why are you making the game worse instead of better?


Active member
Jan 24, 2022
I agree with most of this.

I agree with you on the magic blinding me. I have Photophobia, (No not scared of the light.) I am already wearing sunglasses with my monitor at dim with the gama all the way down, but I get a throbbing headache and need to close my eyes whenever I am casting a few spells. I would understand if the magic could 1-2 shot people but currently it does not, (Unless its MP that can stay the same)

Earthquake does need to have that function added to it as a placeholder, as of right now no one I know that has 100 Ecu except for dominators that refuse to pick up taming. Then again none of them use it since it is a worse Miasma.

The fizzling for no reason has frustrated me to no end.

Magic Reflect was a bad move, they need to increase its Ecu requirement to 80 at minimum for these changes to make sense.

I however think MM needed a buff, the Steel Armored MMs are not the majority. I'd have made it so our commands to the horse is lagged by 1s & we can turn at half speed. The 2x casting to 1.5x is marginal and we will see how it goes.

It was not stated however Concentration does need a buff since against players it is roughly 15% to 20% effective while against mobs it was 50% effective. This was the most painful revelation when testing with people and after 30hrs of dueling each other in fab we came to that number. Kind of insane.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
yea EQ supposed to drop you and the dude off the mount. It's a suicide bomb. Game's slowly becoming less hardcore. Keep in mind, while you can dismount someone to instant death, it requires a lot of planning and if you want your guy who popped the EQ to survive, too, even more planning haha.

But that was also when it was near impossible to get someone off a mount.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
Magic Reflect was a bad move, they need to increase its Ecu requirement to 80 at minimum for these changes to make sense.
They won't make sense even at 100 ecu. Reflect is just too good and must have for every mage or hybrid no matter the cost.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
They won't make sense even at 100 ecu. Reflect is just too good and must have for every mage or hybrid no matter the cost.
50 ecu is becoming mando for a lot of builds now because of reflect.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
The Necro clouds don't work properly. If a mage casts a darkness cloud (or however that thing is called) and a player is more than a few meters away (outside of the "animation range") he won't see the cloud when he walks into it.
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Active member
Jun 6, 2020
+1 to everything except including the fat mage buff. I suck at melee so any alternatives are good to me =p this isnt For Honor. It’s supposed to be about magic and shett.
The Necro clouds don't work properly. If a mage casts a darkness cloud (or however that thing is called) and a player is more than a few meters away (outside of the "animation range") he won't see the cloud when he walks into it.
sounds like an epic suicide mage idea


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2022

Why does earthquake still not dismount players yet? You can bop other players off with a maul. The tech is there for at least a place holder.

Why are spells still blinding the player to the point you cant see anything when you are casting. It didnt used to be like this but they messed up the games entire lighting with the eyeadaption plugin they added in Aug of 2021 beta. Which can just be turned off with replacing a 1 with a 0 in the .ini. next to EyeAdaption = 1.

Why doesn't fulminate and corrupt give a visual indicator? yet.

Why are our cast still fizzling for no reason, why are our cast getting interrupted right after we stop moving and try to channel.

But instead lets change magic reflect and buff the strongest mage build the mounted mage. Why are you making the game worse instead of better?

First mauls and axes can dismount but it really doesnt matter when they can just remount instantly after getting dismounted. In MO1 if you got dismounted you were knocked down, hence why we have KNOCKDOWN RESISTANCE as a skill. Getting dismounted in MO1 was a death sentence for anyone without knockdown resistance and you would be laying on the ground for 3-7 seconds till your character got up. And that is death in a fight.
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Well-known member
May 16, 2021
The Necro clouds don't work properly. If a mage casts a darkness cloud (or however that thing is called) and a player is more than a few meters away (outside of the "animation range") he won't see the cloud when he walks into it.
necro clouds work occasionally. some times they blind sometimes they dont. Its all janky.
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Well-known member
May 16, 2021
Just found this video. 1:25. He's taking damage from Miasma but it's clearly not visible...
yeah games broken af. Some times its works, some times it doesnt. I was litterally standing in a allies miasma wondering why I was taking damage.