Why does earthquake still not dismount players yet? You can bop other players off with a maul. The tech is there for at least a place holder.
Why are spells still blinding the player to the point you cant see anything when you are casting. It didnt used to be like this but they messed up the games entire lighting with the eyeadaption plugin they added in Aug of 2021 beta. Which can just be turned off with replacing a 1 with a 0 in the .ini. next to EyeAdaption = 1.
Why doesn't fulminate and corrupt give a visual indicator? yet.
Why are our cast still fizzling for no reason, why are our cast getting interrupted right after we stop moving and try to channel.
But instead lets change magic reflect and buff the strongest mage build the mounted mage. Why are you making the game worse instead of better?