What to do in game?


New member
Sep 6, 2021
Hi all!
I just joined the stress test 2 days ago and have never played MO1, so I am completely new to this game.
I can really feel inside me that it's a good game and has lot's of potential.
However, I am struggling to figure out what to do in the game, except of crafting and killing zombies.
If I understand correctly, I have trained all my profession skills, since it's showing me 0/1200 and nearly all combat skills are done as well 63/1100

So I am wondering, what else can I do except of crafting and fighting zombies? I spent 2 days in Haven and just arrived to Meduli.

Please advice and thanks in advance, I appreciate.


Active member
Aug 7, 2020
Hi! Most of the player base is testing different builds to find the right fit for the game before release in October, so you came at a good time to get the same advantage the rest of us have. The remainder of the time we all practice our skills in combat.

Here is a list of some things to do in game,

Explore the different cities, learn all the different professions and where the spawn locations are.

Experiment with Weapons/armors to find the one that you like best.

Go to all the different dungeons, there is one in Meduli :) and several others scattered through out the map.

Play as a Foot Fighter, Then a Foot Fighter/Foot Archer. Try being a Mage, try out being a Tamer, Try out Mounted Combat Warrior.

Test the different Clades, (They are essentially Buffs to your character and work different for each race)

Certain Monsters Spawn in different areas. Fight them all, they all drop different items and Carcasses that you can butcher at the butcher table for resources to be used in crafting. You have Cougars and Taur Dogs near you in Meduli. Sators are in the Jungle, Bears can be found in the woods, and White Bears are near the White Mountains.

Discover and Fight all the different bosses.

These things should keep you busy, until the game releases in October. If you want help in game or someone to play with you can message me here on the forums, I am always looking for fresh recruits to join my guild and happy to help new players!



Jun 17, 2021
Some ideas for you -

Travel to some of the ruined keeps while they are still ruins and not rebuilt into mighty fortresses
Visit the jungle and try and find the Sators and some exotic plants, there are things in there that don't grow anywhere else
Cook some food, see what you can find in the farm south of Tindrem. Try making beer or bread, or something strange with the advanced cooking tools.
Try to sell some stuff on the broker. Seadew is a good bet if you're in Meduli. Alchemists will buy it for their potions.
Ride through the steppes on a horse with the wind in your hair
Make some gear and gift it to a noob - now you're the one helping out


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
The first thing I would recommend is getting yourself a trusty steed.

The 2nd thing would be buying an asymmetrical bow from the broker.

Optional you can see use your profession skills to bowcraft and horse armor craft.

You can still shoot a bow from horseback regardless if you have the mounted archery skill or not because game is good.

At that point you can basically kill any run of the mill mob and butcher their carcass, or you can bang 7 gram granum nodes and put them in your horse.

You can either sell the rocks or become an extractor.

I have spoken

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
Hi all!
I just joined the stress test 2 days ago and have never played MO1, so I am completely new to this game.
I can really feel inside me that it's a good game and has lot's of potential.
However, I am struggling to figure out what to do in the game, except of crafting and killing zombies.
If I understand correctly, I have trained all my profession skills, since it's showing me 0/1200 and nearly all combat skills are done as well 63/1100

So I am wondering, what else can I do except of crafting and fighting zombies? I spent 2 days in Haven and just arrived to Meduli.

Please advice and thanks in advance, I appreciate.



May 3, 2021
Also always keep in mind it is a social game. Many different people are in this game. Some play it heavily for the PvP, some like trading and making money, some build empires together and some are crafters for hire, etc.

My advice would be to find a group of people you enjoy playing with. It doesn't even have to be a guild. You can be friendly and vibe well with a group of players or a guild and enjoy your time with them, go on adventures or PvP roams / battles together. It gets a whole lot better when you are a part of a collective. It's what the game is built around.

EDIT: Hell, you can even mingle and vibe well with several guilds and groups especially as a trader / supplier / mercenary / crafter / etc.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Hi all!
I just joined the stress test 2 days ago and have never played MO1, so I am completely new to this game.
I can really feel inside me that it's a good game and has lot's of potential.
However, I am struggling to figure out what to do in the game, except of crafting and killing zombies.
If I understand correctly, I have trained all my profession skills, since it's showing me 0/1200 and nearly all combat skills are done as well 63/1100

So I am wondering, what else can I do except of crafting and fighting zombies? I spent 2 days in Haven and just arrived to Meduli.

Please advice and thanks in advance, I appreciate.
Raise your reputation, thats most important thing in this game. Be known. Choose your way and make the world knows you.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
A padded room.
Think of it in terms of actually living in the world rather than a game that gives you specific tasks to perform.

Its your life, live it the way you want to!

Explore the world. There is much more to experience now that you have left haven.

Try to survive the challenges that come up. AI, PVP, financial, social, political, ect...

Learn as you go and grow from your experiences.


Well-known member
May 29, 2020
I'm glad you asked that question, it shows you actually want to learn and find your place in the world of Nave. So, welcome aboard.

Just a few off the top of my head:

- Tame horses to keep for yourself or sell to others, everyone is going to need one the moment they start playing.

- Become a master weaponsmith or armoursmith and put your name on every weapon and armour you make, and even name them. If you are good at what you do, your name will be known far and wide.

- Learn where each town is located and how best to get there without getting chewed up or shredded to pieces by the dangerous wildlife (there are many, now), and offer your services to those who need you to guide them to those towns.

- Provide armed escort for travellers and transporters who are hauling goods between towns. Player bandits acting alone or in small groups will likely not try to rob a travelling merchant guarded by a sizable army of player bodyguards.

- Build a house (when the feature arrives later after persistent launch) and live out your life, or build a town with your friends somewhere. The world is six times larger than that of the first game so there's plenty of real estate locations.

- Live the life of a player bandit who profits off the lose of others. Be warned however, there are no multiple character slots, your MO2 account is tied to your Steam account, and monthly sub is required for each account. This means your words and actions carry far-reaching consequences, and more so as a player bandit. Expect player bounty hunters and angry and vengeful victims of your dastardly deeds to roam the countryside in search of your whereabouts, turning you into a fugitive. With the world so big now, there are plenty of places to hide, and you will likely become allies with other player bandits. So, choose wisely.

- With the recent departure of one of our long time veterans of the first game who used to run a banking and mercantile empire spanning two continents, there is now a void which other ambitious players may be seeking to fill. If you are good with managing money and relations with customers, you may become the next financial mogul of Mortal Online 2.

This is just a small sample of what is possible, your own imagination will likely be able to come up with many others.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
37.76655478735988, -122.48572468757628
Explore the different cities, learn ... where the spawn locations are.
These quoted parts are fun and also a bit easier to do before you get a reputation or are adopted or assimiated into a group. Afterward, you will find you've acquired your group's reputation, enemies, and goals (which, though worthy, may make demands on your time that keep you from doing much exploring).

Aside from that, "what @finegamingconnoisseur and @Amadman said".

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