Unofficial Guild List Catalogue

Backyard Employee

Active member
Oct 30, 2021
The purpose of this catalogue is to record & track all guilds made in-game

This includes...​
  • Guilds which no longer exist.​
  • Guilds which exist.​
  • Guilds which yet exist. (A group which has yet to make a guild yet, but will.)​
  • Guilds which exist outside of the game. (Guilds which do not create a guild in-game.)​

The entries on this catalogue will contain relevant information to the guilds

This includes...
  • Guild Name​
  • Playstyle & Morality (Color Coded, PvP, PvE, PvX)​
  • Guild Leader & Officers (With contact information if available)​
  • Current City / Closest City​
  • Guild Post (Only forum-links)​
  • Minor Description (Will be written by @Backyard Employee until contacted by a Leader / Officer for a change.)​



PvP (Player Versus Player) = Guilds which actively engage in PvP. If your guild is a PvE guild which defends themselves from attacks, this does not constitute your group as a PvP group. Only those that actively seek out PvP.

PvE (Player Versus Environment) = Guilds which actively engage in the environment. Participating in killing AI, running dungeons, crafting, and the more social aspects of the game (Including RP).

PvX (Player Versus Player / Environment) = Guilds which actively look for PvP, and participate in the listed features above of a PvE guild. These guilds actively pursue both, this is not the same as being a PvP guild which PvE's to make ends meet.


Yellow = Yellow guilds are pacifists. They will actively avoid PvP, and if attacked will not retaliate. Fighting other players is not in their nature.

Blue = Blue guilds are considered 'lawful' players. They will play the game as normal, and typically fight red guilds or players who are deemed criminals by the game. They also, obviously, defend themselves.

Gray = Gray guilds are considered 'neutral' players. They don't outright pursue fights with other players or groups, but will defend themselves if need be.

Purple = Purple guild are considered 'PK' players. They actively look for PvP, even if it means breaking the in-game law. The difference between a purple and an orange guild, is that purple guilds are not in an alliance. They also don't outright kill everyone they run into.

Orange = Orange guilds are considered 'PK' players. They actively look for PvP, even if it means breaking the in-game law. They are willing to turn into murderers, criminals, etc. to do what they like. Orange guilds however are different as they are in an alliance with another guild or guilds.

Red = Red guilds are considered 'Evil' players. They actively look for PvP, and will do it by any means necessary (even if it means griefing players within guarded towns). The difference between Red and Orange guilds is that Red guilds do not hold allies, and are hostile to everyone who is not them. Hostility doesn't have to outright mean killing others on sight. (i.e. Guilds with little to no rules).


Contact Info = This will typically be a forum name, a Discord name, or even a Discord invite link.


If you wish to contribute to this page, either leave a post detailing your guild following the above format - OR - direct message me on the forums. I will naturally go through all guilds on the forums, as well as ones I know of in-game.

If any of the information is ever considered inaccurate or false, it will be changed; false information provided will be changed to accurate information (or closest to).
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Backyard Employee

Active member
Oct 30, 2021
[A] - [E]

  • [BEAR]
  • Orange PvP Guild
  • @DaChieftain
  • Gaul'Kor
  • 'An experienced Mortal Online 1 guild bringing our Dominating force to MO2. Our guild is oriented around End Game PvP, PvE, Politics, and Empire Building. We're a RPK (With reason) guild, if it isn't an ally, it's a foe. Griefing is not allowed. Activity with us is a Must. Controlling territory, Trade routes, and Points of interest daily. High tier PvP Guild with knowledgeable players willing to teach committed players. '



  • Purple PvX Guild
  • @CoxyMate
  • Unknown Location
  • Founded by a group of friends (Aussies) that have played since the Beta of Mortal Online 1. We have come in Mortal Online 2 looking to create a community of Australians to come together and simply have fun. We are chilled and down to earth true blue Australians that value time as most of us have real life obligations and are unable to commit to American and European timezones!






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Backyard Employee

Active member
Oct 30, 2021
[F] - [J]





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Backyard Employee

Active member
Oct 30, 2021
[K] - [O]

  • [LaFrance]
  • Red PvP Guild
  • @Luconuti
  • Morin Khur
  • Luconuti#7269
  • LaFrance is a French / French-speaking guild present since the alpha on Mortal Online 2. Created in early 2021, this guild has already developed according to the vision of its members in a coordinated and economical manner. We remained mainly focused on wars and clashes of all kinds.


  • [OMNI] Mors Omnibus
  • Purple PvP Guild
  • @MolagAmur
  • Unknown Location
  • MolagAmur#5667
  • Kelzyr#3728
  • The core group of Mors Omnibus started in Mortal Online back in 2012. We are a smaller scale PvP focused group of players who prefer to fight on foot. Our main goals are to form a formidable combat group, be respectable mercenaries and bounty hunters, and control territory.

  • Purple PvP Guild
  • @AtruinAugustus
  • Unknown Location
  • Our members hail from every branch of the US military, nearly every occupational specialty, all rates and ranks, from E-1 through O-6, and from duty stations and their homes the world over. We have had a game branch (cabal, clan, corporation, fleet, guild, organization, society, squadron, unit, etc.) in nearly every major game title since 2007, where we have established a solid, respected name for ourselves. With thousands of members spread across countless games, we think you'll find that we're the last gaming community you'll ever need to join!

  • [KoM] Knights of Myrland
  • Blue PvP Guild
  • @Ferrus
  • Unknown Location
  • Davis#1536
  • Knights of Myrland are the only guild dedicated to living up to the image of a chivalric knight. As such we honor honesty and honor, protecting the innocent, courteousness in action and word, and prowess in combat especially with lances. We are not a roleplaying guild. Light RP is allowed, but the main idea is to live up to the ideals of fantasy knights, and to truly be men of honor and chivalry in a game where many are willing to backstab, betray and do anything to win.
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Backyard Employee

Active member
Oct 30, 2021
[P] - [T]

  • [SLAV]
  • Blue PvX Guild
  • @Apsalar
  • Unknown
  • Slav have few rules and one of it is only polish language to be spoken. We are PvPvE RP Empire building guild of old veterans. We are a Blue guild. However we are part of a bigger alliance and therefore we roam with them. We do not accept any kind of griefing in our ranks. Our main rule is to be good guys, however we will always defend ourselves, our friends and kill our enemies.

  • The Keepers of Lourn
  • Gray PvX Guild
  • @Turel
  • Unknown Location
  • Metal inspired multi game guild is looking to make a foothold in MO2 as a PVP, crafting and taming focused mercenary guild. We have a Green knight/Druidic aesthetic. We plan to take a quality over quantity approach with our membership and hope to make comrades to last a lifetime and expand beyond just MO2. We are a guild made up of former MO1 players and completely new players and with that we have a blank canvas to carve out a reputation and legacy.


  • The Legion
  • Orange PvP Guild
  • @Tekk @Viknuss
  • Vadda
  • Mega#3275
  • Tek#6494
  • tuumor#9660
  • Turik Ireheart#3814
  • A guild created during the release of MO2 lead by Viknuss, someone who has a past of infamy. Has been at the center of controversy before. Will accept new players and train them from the ground out, and actively roams and seeks PvP. Currently is the dominating guild in Vadda.



  • [TNO] The Noble Ones
  • Blue PvX Guild
  • @Serverus
  • Bakti
  • For PvP: @Aquagenix @Qaiten
  • For PvE/RP: @[TNO]SylvaeGodSlayer @Amarria [TNO]
  • TNO is a PvP/PvE/RP Community guild. We offer diversity in role playing, PVE, and PvP, by striving to learn all aspects of the game. We push ourselves to be better as both an organized group and as a fully functioning guild community. We plan to have territory control and defend it and our allies at all cost; as we uphold our noble values in these brutal Nave lands. While we do enjoy PvP we are typically non-aggressive. We don’t PK but we will defend ourselves in all situations, utilizing our PvP knowledge, to make sure that PKers respect us in a fight.


  • The Northern Bank
  • Gray PvE Guild
  • @Raknor
  • Hyllspeia
  • The Northern Bank is a Mortal Online 2 guild comprised of both old and new players. We are focused on the mercantile aspect of the game and aim to become an economic power house in the world of Nave. We are currently based in Hyllspeia and seek to expand our area of influence by extending our trade routes throughout the content of Myrland. We seek friendly trade with all groups and entangling alliances with none.


  • [RPK!] RPK!
  • Red PvP Guild
  • @Hayasa
  • Morin Khur / Toxai
  • Hayasa#2073
  • One of the oldest guilds from Mortal Online 1 that has still existed to this day. Has earned the reputation of being the 'most hated guild' in the game due to the many past actions they've taken in the previous game such as excessively griefing new players at the Steam release of MO1. Has been at the center of controversy since its early days, however the guild offers an unparalleled experience of freedom and flexibility that almost no other guild offers. Applications to interview must be sent through @Hayasa via Discord.
  • *SPECIAL NOTE: RPK! is an extremely hated and disliked guild, joining it will assuredly put you on everyone's KoS list. NEW PLAYERS BE WARNED!
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Backyard Employee

Active member
Oct 30, 2021
[U ] - [Z]


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May 31, 2020
Regarding SLAV:
We are Blue guild. However we are part of bigger alliances and therefore we roam with them. We do not accept any kind of griefing in our ranks.
Our main rule is to be a good guy, however we will always defend ourselves, our friends and kill our enemies.
Please change the colour rating.

Backyard Employee

Active member
Oct 30, 2021
Regarding SLAV:
We are Blue guild. However we are part of bigger alliances and therefore we roam with them. We do not accept any kind of griefing in our ranks.
Our main rule is to be a good guy, however we will always defend ourselves, our friends and kill our enemies.
Please change the colour rating.

Done. I've also credited your comment and fixed any grammatical issues to better describe your group.


It should also be noted to other forum users this thread will be a heavy work in progress. There is over 80 posted guilds (plus those not posted).


Active member
Dec 2, 2020
I'm surprised you're still missing some big guilds that have been around for a long time on the list- like KOTO, Integrity, DracoSilvam. But you've put this Russian "guild" Legion on the list, which doesn't even exist in-game.

Backyard Employee

Active member
Oct 30, 2021
I'm surprised you're still missing some big guilds that have been around for a long time on the list- like KOTO, Integrity, DracoSilvam. But you've put this Russian "guild" Legion on the list, which doesn't even exist in-game.

Probably because I'm following the most recent guild posts and working backwards. Also it doesn't matter to me if a guild is bigger, exists in the game, or has more relevance. The top post should explain this pretty clearly.
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Well-known member
Oct 14, 2020
Yeah Acolytes is not in any alliance idk why we're orange. We'd fit the Purple color best


Active member
Aug 7, 2020
BeastMasters A Evil Criminal Guild. For HardCore/Skillful PvPers Only. Join if you like being the Villain. Please Add the BeastMasters Under The Orange Category. PVP guild, I'm the Leader @PoisonArrows on Forums. My Officer is Pandah Sykes#3932 on discord. We Migrate between Meduli and Tindrem. Current City is Tindrem right now. If there is a selection to put guilds with allies as Evil we are as Evil as they come. But we made friends with the Miscreants which is another well known evil guild. But we want to be known as Evil. Maybe put our name as Evil in this color.
We have killed untold thousands with all of our Murder Counts Combined. And look to actively kill more and become the most hated. We organized the Reputation PvP Protest to kill as many players as possible to make the devs listen. If RPK is most evil in MO1 for killing noobs in release. Then BeastMasters is more evil by default for killing noobs in beta and organizing entire blood bath events. We are active in MO2 much more then Rpk hands down. Please put us as most Evil.
Dec 23, 2021
[Hungarian Templars]
  • Blue PVX Guild
  • Unknown Location (Mostly Meduli,Jungle)
  • Mahone#4447
  • We are beginner good guys.


New member
Jun 27, 2021

OKZ is more of a blue guild, than a purple guild. If the color could be changed we would appreciate it.


New member
Dec 18, 2021
Excuse my lack of MO1 politics knowledge, my FFA experience dates back to Asheron's Call 1/2 Darktide days.

Back in those days, anti/honor guilds (blues) not only defended themselves and attack RPKs, but also could be at war with any other guilds/allegiances they were in conflict with.

Blues were PK'ers, just PK'ers that attacked with a reason.

Is this not the same in MO?
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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2021
My Mind
Excuse my lack of MO1 politics knowledge, my FFA experience dates back to Asheron's Call 1/2 Darktide days.

Back in those days, anti/honor guilds (blues) not only defended themselves and attack RPKs, but also could be at war with any other guilds/allegiances they were in conflict with.

Blues were PK'ers, just PK'ers that attacked with a reason.

Is this not the same in MO?
This is not actually official. This is someone's interpretation. Take it all with a grain of salt, including the labels and definitions of such labels.

It was not so long ago I posted my own version of this and it didn't take well. There is no definitive definition of guild typing.

Favonius Cornelius

Active member
Jun 4, 2020
The Empire
  • House Cornelius
  • RPG, Economics, Politics, Religion, Metaphysics, Parapsychology, Astralprecognition, Magocratic Archaeology, Gray (neutral)
  • Favonius Cornelius
  • Tindrem
  • Guild Post: TBD
  • Comprises the personal household of Tindremic patrician Favonius Cornelius, his hired guards, agents, traders, craftsmen and clients.
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