UI as MAJOR factor in game accessibility to new players & UI BUGS


New member
Nov 26, 2020
From Portugal
Beyond having the UI be a smooth experience, the UI should be the major step for the game to be more accessible to new players.

Notices are a big part on helping players understand whats going on, either for new players or new features. Here are a few examples. If you put your mats on a grinder or crusher and extract you are given a timer below your mana bar, this timer will depend on the quantities you put inside the grinder. This means you might have to wait 1 or 2 minutes and if you remain in place things will eventually drop in your inventory, if not they will appear in a bag next to the grinder. If a new player uses all his extract mats on a single go for the first time he is left with the feeling 'did I just loose my items? I received nothing back' and its just the icon is too tiny to notice. Or in the case you pick up/buy/are given too many things , you can't move other then rotate and as a new player you think you're bugged, you're stuck and this can seem obvious but it's not for a new player. What's missing? a simple notice telling the player the grinder is processing the materials like' items are being extracted'. That will instictly make you search for a timer somewhere and at least let's you know you're waiting for something or a 'you're overcumbered' notice on the 2nd case.
A lot of small UI things like this are lacking and can make the game more acessible but not any less hard or complex. And no, leaving this text in chat is not a better solution, chat is random and could easily be overcumbered by users and the important notice be overlooked or not seen at all. So I'm of the personal opinion, even those notices we already have on chat should be moved either to a different window, to the top of the screen, right of the player health bar(looks the most clear but discreet to me) or both and leave just the most important notices to pop up on screen and also on a notice UI-board.

If the UI informs you on things that already happened like 'you're overcumbered', 'you're bleeding', 'you're poisoned (without saying which poison)',etc the understanding of the game mechanics that a lot of new players are unaware of can become more acessible for players who would have to go through that experience to get the knowledge anyway but the UI won't allow them to feel so lost as what's going on and what's causing it. If devs are taking this into consideration everytime, that would make a giant diference for new players or when new features are added, it's a giant upgrade on acessibility, without making nothing easier.
It is also important to work on bugs, for example: how when you close main menu you get stuck on hotbar menu everytime or how split stack doesn't have a close button and if you're inventory shows up low on screen and the item is low too so the split stack menu remains there even after you close you inventory until you log out. And many other bugs players have reported.

Please feel free to leave your sugestions to improve UI, acessibility through UI improvements without changing the dificulty of the game and also report other UI bugs that aren't usually considered bugs, maybe just bad UI design (with pictures if possible).


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New member
Dec 10, 2020
So I will throw my 2 cents into the ring as I am exactly the player being described here. I am not a MO1 veteran of 5+ years, instead I am a brand new player as of 2 days ago.

f you put your mats on a grinder or crusher and extract you are given a timer below your mana bar, this timer will depend on the quantities you put inside the grinder. This means you might have to wait 1 or 2 minutes and if you remain in place things will eventually drop in your inventory, if not they will appear in a bag next to the grinder. If a new player uses all his extract mats on a single go for the first time he is left with the feeling 'did I just loose my items? I received nothing back' and its just the icon is too tiny to notice.

This is definitely a thing I can imagine a lot of players finding. This game handles things like this differently than most I have seen where you keep the window open and a progress bar is shown. In fact the only reason I had any idea of what was going on was that I had seen it in a video that told me of the games existance, I even had a hard time finding the timer knowing that it existed.

It is also important to work on bugs, for example: how when you close main menu you get stuck on hotbar menu everytime

This is also something I have found, I opened the menu and then had to spend ages figuring out a way to get movent control back after oppenening it (v doesn't seem to work).

One big thing that could be improved is a simple thing of opening the inventory when opening a trade or crafting window, if you open a craft window it is 100% garunteed that you will need your inventory but it doesn't open automatically. Also, I do't know if this is intentional but there is nothing to tell you how much of a resource will be used when, for example, crafting a weapon. Several times I have tried to craft something, picked materials, details, compeonents etc only to be told I don't have enough. If you were making something in real life you would know how much you were putting in, even if it is just a confirmation message saying how much will be used after licking craft.

If the UI informs you on things that already happened like 'you're overcumbered', 'you're bleeding', 'you're poisoned (without saying which poison)',etc the understanding of the game mechanics that a lot of new players are unaware of can become more acessible for players who would have to go through that experience to get the knowledge anyway but the UI won't allow them to feel so lost as what's going on and what's causing it.

My suggestion is to have a message to tell you something that wiould be very obvious in real life but not in the game, if something is too heavy you would know immediately upon picking it up but in this you just suddenly can't move. This also ties into my earlier point about crafting numbers.

I hope this makes sense to everyone


Active member
Nov 21, 2020
I think these issues OP pointed out are very important. However i think they can be fixed with a proper tutorial in Haven island, rather than at UI level.

for instance, once you learn how extracting works, you don't need the UI to remind you everytime. after a while it becomes annoying, making the change more detrimental than useful.
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New member
May 29, 2020
There's a few UI bugs. This stuffs TLDR.

  • If you enlarge player or self UI and place it in center of screen it overlaps in game - so you have to move player UI constantly.
  • UI hotkeys (1-0) disappear when switching over to fullscreen and back to windowed mode.
  • Hotkeys for bandi does not reappear when picking up loot. Need to rebind.
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New member
Nov 26, 2020
From Portugal
I think these issues OP pointed out are very important. However i think they can be fixed with a proper tutorial in Haven island, rather than at UI level.

for instance, once you learn how extracting works, you don't need the UI to remind you everytime. after a while it becomes annoying, making the change more detrimental than useful.
I would propose that too if haven is mandatory, if it's not, I think these are necessary cause there's always gonna be ppl skipping it thinking its unecessary since it's not manddatory , even if it says 'extremely advised for new players', but there should be an option on settings to turn it off for whoever wants to do that either way.


Active member
Dec 3, 2020
I imagine Haven tutorials working something like this:

To get on the boat to Myrland, you have to have a key/token/whatever. To get the key you need all the pieces, and each tutorial quest sucessfully completed (combat, crafting, etc) gives you a key piece. Finish tutorials, combine key, get on boat. My .02

I say this b/c Grast may be right, that better tutorials may be the way to go.
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