For those of you that have been here since Beta Thievery has always been "Right around the next corner" but has now been fully removed from the new roadmap altogether. It seems the new care bear crowd has won in keeping this playstyle that was one of the most fun to play from MO1 out of MO2.
So looks like you are going to get a new armor set instead of a wearable Tabard or Guild Emblem system so you'd actually know who your allies and enemy's are in battle.
New POI's, I bet you cant wait to go find those new broken structures that have a chest with 1 silver in it (thanks twitch stream for that funny)
A new creature! Wow one new creature, this is actually taking precedence over getting Thievery, one of the main and defining MO1 playstyles into the game. (Fun fact: MO1 actually made you sub to the game to get the Thievery abilities, They were not available in the Free to play version. This shows they knew people wanted to play a Thief and would pay to play it, they were right!)
I'll upload a pic of the Roadmap Henrik shared today if you missed the stream, but yeah, its a sad day for those of us that have waited now for 2 years to get to be able to play our thief/rouge/lockpicking class as its been completely removed from the Road map now.

So looks like you are going to get a new armor set instead of a wearable Tabard or Guild Emblem system so you'd actually know who your allies and enemy's are in battle.
New POI's, I bet you cant wait to go find those new broken structures that have a chest with 1 silver in it (thanks twitch stream for that funny)
A new creature! Wow one new creature, this is actually taking precedence over getting Thievery, one of the main and defining MO1 playstyles into the game. (Fun fact: MO1 actually made you sub to the game to get the Thievery abilities, They were not available in the Free to play version. This shows they knew people wanted to play a Thief and would pay to play it, they were right!)
I'll upload a pic of the Roadmap Henrik shared today if you missed the stream, but yeah, its a sad day for those of us that have waited now for 2 years to get to be able to play our thief/rouge/lockpicking class as its been completely removed from the Road map now.