Thievery Removed From Roadmap


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2022
For those of you that have been here since Beta Thievery has always been "Right around the next corner" but has now been fully removed from the new roadmap altogether. It seems the new care bear crowd has won in keeping this playstyle that was one of the most fun to play from MO1 out of MO2.

So looks like you are going to get a new armor set instead of a wearable Tabard or Guild Emblem system so you'd actually know who your allies and enemy's are in battle.

New POI's, I bet you cant wait to go find those new broken structures that have a chest with 1 silver in it (thanks twitch stream for that funny)

A new creature! Wow one new creature, this is actually taking precedence over getting Thievery, one of the main and defining MO1 playstyles into the game. (Fun fact: MO1 actually made you sub to the game to get the Thievery abilities, They were not available in the Free to play version. This shows they knew people wanted to play a Thief and would pay to play it, they were right!)

I'll upload a pic of the Roadmap Henrik shared today if you missed the stream, but yeah, its a sad day for those of us that have waited now for 2 years to get to be able to play our thief/rouge/lockpicking class as its been completely removed from the Road map now.

Thievery Removed.PNG


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
I can't look @ a pic of Henrik without hearing Krank's voice LOL.

START OVER HENRIK. We need to form a focus group.

If you have a ten year plan and start off wrong, it makes more sense to start over?
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Active member
Jan 27, 2022
I am a bit dissapointed but not suprised about the lack of thievery. Last 2 roadmaps favored a lot of mage content and had very litle stuff for footies so the large amount of footie community probably all voted for basically anything footie or PvP related which thievery isn't.

Personally, I wanted second character slot to get a footie character so all of these are pretty good too. As unfortunate as not having theivery in the forseeable future is, as long as they add any new cool content to keep us busy I can wait, especially when I'll be getting good on a footie once the Deva system is in.
  • Haha
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Active member
Dec 2, 2023
This vote was clearly fake.. Nobody voted for half of the stuff on this list.

I'm expected to believe "new creature" won over thievery?

New armor set ? LOL

New armor set was the least exciting thing on the entire list, and we don't even know what the armor set would look like.. Who would vote for that?


So obviously fake.

I'm literally waiting for thievery, if i don't see it soon i'm done with this game.

The game has no rogue class.. It is like it is missing a key archtype.

You've got mages, you've got armoured knights..

Can we have a more stealth based high risk high reward melee class please? Rogues are a key archtype in fantasy medieval settings. I literally can't believe it isn't on the roadmap.

As someone said above, it is like the game is missing something key without it.

Doom and Gloom

Active member
Mar 12, 2022
It is just ridiculous, the damn fast travel option was the thing sorely needed to be the very next feature, and it didn't make top 10 hah. We will never see the amount of votes or distribution, also can't know how many ppl made more than one vote.

Combat polish could mean anything from Henrik changing one number and saying it's polished now to complete rework. I'm guessing the former though.

Only good thing there is the second char slot, maybe combat abilities are okay as a concept, but they will be buggy, useless, and/or OP, like the pet abilities.

Just adding more broken creatures without developing a proper AI, not making the previous mechanics work well and be interesting to use. Not fixing the map topography (this wasn't even an option lol). There is no point in spending 6 months on a new dungeon when the dungeon system doesn't work in this game with just one server and camping guilds. Talk about again the mob AI there etc. Probably going to create more ridiculously rare and expensive items that most ppl will never see.

Well, maybe the next roadmap in 2 years rofl..


New member
Aug 6, 2023
How exactly did thievery work in MO1? I'm new to MO and don't know it. I only know that thievery was supposed to come with poisons and traps. As a Dex-Dagger-Bow player, I thought it would fit in well, which is why I voted for it.


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
How exactly did thievery work in MO1? I'm new to MO and don't know it. I only know that thievery was supposed to come with poisons and traps. As a Dex-Dagger-Bow player, I thought it would fit in well, which is why I voted for it.
Basically you ran around naked and pick pocketed people with 0 risk around town.

But once you pick pocketed someone you became “hidden grey” and if someone pushed you’d go grey for like 10 minutes and the guards would eat that ass. Then you had to wait an annoying amount of time to go blue again and rez.

It sounds pretty bad but I never really had anything of import stolen from me, and on the flip side managed to steal a few goodies like house deeds and stuff.

Lockpicking was a sub skill and quite a fun way to make money.


New member
Aug 6, 2023
Basically you ran around naked and pick pocketed people with 0 risk around town.

But once you pick pocketed someone you became “hidden grey” and if someone pushed you’d go grey for like 10 minutes and the guards would eat that ass. Then you had to wait an annoying amount of time to go blue again and rez.

It sounds pretty bad but I never really had anything of import stolen from me, and on the flip side managed to steal a few goodies like house deeds and stuff.

Lockpicking was a sub skill and quite a fun way to make money.
From a role-playing perspective, that actually sounds cool to me. Gameplay technical improvements wouldn't hurt^^

Were there already poisons and traps as skills in Thievery back then? If so, was it useful for archers or dagger players?


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
From a role-playing perspective, that actually sounds cool to me. Gameplay technical improvements wouldn't hurt^^

Were there already poisons and traps as skills in Thievery back then? If so, was it useful for archers or dagger players?
Nah it wasn't combat related in any way, unless you pick pocketed the guys weapon if he had it unequiped lol, no poisons, nothing like that.


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2022
From a role-playing perspective, that actually sounds cool to me. Gameplay technical improvements wouldn't hurt^^

Were there already poisons and traps as skills in Thievery back then? If so, was it useful for archers or dagger players?
Also your Int would roll against their Int to see if they would even get a message telling them you just Snooped or Pick-Pocketed them. So the big dumb guys were easier targets if you had a high Int thief 😁


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2022
Other fun things to do as a Thief was to steal the enemy mage reagents on the battle field so they could not cast any more spells, lol...

What else was there, oh you could also use the skill to plant things on people too, so if you could catch a guy outside of town and put something illegal into his pockets you could then follow them into town and take their stuff once a guard killed them, lol... 🤣


New member
Aug 6, 2023
Other fun things to do as a Thief was to steal the enemy mage reagents on the battle field so they could not cast any more spells, lol...

What else was there, oh you could also use the skill to plant things on people too, so if you could catch a guy outside of town and put something illegal into his pockets you could then follow them into town and take their stuff once a guard killed them, lol... 🤣
men, that sound so cool. i like stuff like that :D


Active member
Dec 2, 2023
How exactly did thievery work in MO1? I'm new to MO and don't know it. I only know that thievery was supposed to come with poisons and traps. As a Dex-Dagger-Bow player, I thought it would fit in well, which is why I voted for it.
As far as Henrik was saying on stream (not sure which stream it was), he said thievery would come hand in hand with assassination.. So bascially.. The whole rogue style of play would've been with thievery.

They were talking of having lighter armor increasing weakspot chance with weapons. I think on MO1 there was a backstab sub-category of dagger if i'm not mistaken. I checked one of the wikis and it says there was, but never played it.


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2020
How exactly did thievery work in MO1? I'm new to MO and don't know it. I only know that thievery was supposed to come with poisons and traps. As a Dex-Dagger-Bow player, I thought it would fit in well, which is why I voted for it.
I had fun when playing thief Years ago. When you Need a Key to open the Door of your Building and the Key could be Stolen , you Need skill abilities to enter and escape from a Building, you Need High intelligence to Hide from your victim, basically you Need knowledge of where you act . Also there was lockpicking to open closed chests, i Remember chests under water and you Need swimming abilities to reach them. There are a lot of videos around of very good thieves doing also some roleplaying.


Well-known member
May 29, 2020
As far as Henrik was saying on stream (not sure which stream it was), he said thievery would come hand in hand with assassination.. So bascially.. The whole rogue style of play would've been with thievery.

They were talking of having lighter armor increasing weakspot chance with weapons. I think on MO1 there was a backstab sub-category of dagger if i'm not mistaken. I checked one of the wikis and it says there was, but never played it.
The community has come to a point where only until we actually see it implemented will we believe that it's true. Henrik can say anything but it doesn't necessarily mean it's going to happen.