These are the biggest issues in MO2 and how to fix them


Mar 19, 2022
@Sebastian Persson @Henrik Nyström
War system
The currently ingame war system does not fulfill its purpose and only gets abused by zergs as a alliance system.
We need a proper war system because right now you just get punished for PvPing.
This is how it should work:
Declare war on anybody, war starts a certain time after declaration so people dont abuse it for quick ganks.
System warning for everyone that logs in from involved guilds during declaration process and ongoing war (warning in character screen would be dope)
No fighting in town, guards will still uphold the law, meaning you will still go grey from attacking war targets around guarded towns.
War can be canceled after a certain amount of hours (96h?) from either side and there should be a cooldown (24h?) to restart war on the same target so guilds cant be spam attacked by the same guilds.
(96h?) cooldown on joining new guilds after leaving so people dont just guild hop to war the same target over and over
Only allow a few (3?) offensive wars at a time, but unlimited defensive or zergs would constantly war themselfes to be save

I think you should have to war inside towns still if you are at war with another guild you can duel in towns so the fight should continue in town.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
I think you should have to war inside towns still if you are at war with another guild you can duel in towns so the fight should continue in town.

- NO WAR IN TOWN protest sign -

If people are worried about zergs: at war, your res timer should be much longer (if you die to a warring party, and continue to raise if you die within a certain time after) and it should be much MUCH longer @ nearest priest and prol home priest, too. All things equal, town wars work, but like I said mostly I remember people coming in and scraping/camping guilds that had no chance.

A few times real fights happened between two worthwhile guilds, but it was not the norm. If you want a proper force dec system the potential for grief is just too high, and no amount of money (cuz guilds get money, paying for tears is a thing lol) is gonna deter them if they want to grief someone. Imagine not even being able to log into the game, that's pretty savage. It's probably the most 'hardcore' mechanic MO1 had.

Albanjo Dravae

Well-known member
Dec 20, 2021
Coincidently, my wife is playing Skyrim (her first Elder Scrolls). It's sobering to see the contrast. Those maps are SO delicately tuned to player exploration.

Now, i wouldn't want MO to be THAT player friendly... but let's get a random vase or barrel or skeleton.

You ever notice that the vast majority of times there's not even pickables on those false paths? ... but that may be due to the north lacking in pickables anyway. But East too. I wouldn't mind some pirum lining that eastern steppe cliff. It's near barren.

There's one kinda weird (not really shortcut) near Hylls that they put a 2 tribe rat on. I'd be glad to settle for a single guardian tribe rat at the end of every false endeavor?
In MO1 a Lot of players were convinced content was too scattered which ment it was hard for people to fight for them. The reality Is that started happening when the game had low population.
So in MO2 the overall geographic disposition of pve Is centralized in towns and roads, making a lot of wilderness areas absolutly death, theres not much to explore, exploration ain't very rewarding and the map Is massive. Shit Is centralized for people go mine around roads and cities, to kill animals that live in roads, bandits in roads.
Funny they don't want criminal behavior near town but the inmediate surroundings from towns are packd with ore nodes and other resources.

Reality Is the map Is empty and theres not a really smart use of the space. I bet eventually they will fill more spaces yet its not the case now.