Which archetype of emperor do you like the most?

  • Bomex

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Khutara

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • Ichorus

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • Komodor

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • The Tyrant

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The bureaucrat

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
May 28, 2020

I have meditated on the possible archetypes of emperors that we could have had, or will have in the future, based on archetypes of personality or behavior in classical members of Myrland.



Doubtful or None.
Chaotic neutral.


Do your will.
Satisfy your wishes.

-Mercenary groups.
-part of populus that sympathizes with his eccentricities.
-The own house is most valuable suport.


-Flexible, fickle, charismatic.
-It does not tend to tyranny.
-His governments are not usually too expensive.

-Under his command there are games and fun.
-Tendency to anger.
-Tendency to use extreme violence to resolve almost any conflict.
-Tendency to corruption.
-Short termism.
-A certain contempt for the weak.
-It is unpredictable

Well, without a doubt, and to quote a well-known member of the community, there is no doubt that Myrland lord, Bomex, fits this archetype.

KOMODOR (1).png
Sense of honor and justice.
Lawful good.
The man-at-arms, he will be a passive and discreet emperor, but jealous of his rank, distrustful and distant.
Maintain his power and get all houses to accept him as their lord, avoiding excessive violence in the process.
The respect of the lords of his house, and other old warlord. Support from the bureaucracy and bankers seeking stability.
- Respected by the soldiers.
-Respected by his house.
- Respected by some lords of Myrland.
-The government of him is usually discreet and smooth.
-Listen to his advisers.

-Some apathy, friendly but distant character.
-Difficulties in finding support among the people.
-Difficulty finding support from ambitious warlords.
-Delegate government to others. expensive governments.

We don't need to speculate. The ancient emperor, Komodor I the Brief, the legendary and beloved lord of house SLAV, was briefly emperor of Myrland (legitimately and voted for by the people) and although he had to give up his throne due to the pressure of a popular insurrection in Tindrem, he is a clear example of this type of emperor.


-Good sense of honor.
-Reasonably just and honorable, circumstances permitting.
-Brutal and ruthless if necessary.
-Absence of mercy.

Chaotic Good.
-Respected by his vassals and hated by his enemies.
-Unyielding character, he crushes any opposition to his power.

Conquer what he considers legitimately his, guarantee the primacy of his house and punish his enemies in a brutal and implacable way until they are forced to accept his rule and bend them. Impose dominion over him.
-The unwavering loyalty of his soldiers.
-The fear and respect of the enemies of him.
-Ability to group around different powers and interests so that they support their cause.

-Ambitious plans.
-True to his word, he is capable of successfully leading large military campaigns and ruthlessly and efficiently leading armies. He brings stability to the regions he controls.

ruthless character.
-Some stiffness.
-Establish a clear line between friend and foe.
-Does not accept half measures.
-Tendency to violence to resolve conflicts.
-Traditional view of government affairs.
-Don't trust bureaucrats.
-Expensive military campaigns.
-Generates high levels of opposition among warlords and warlords who are overshadowed by his aggressive style of governance and enormous power.

I suppose that the king of Meduli, Kuthara could be considered as a candidate for this type of hypothetical emperor.



Well-known member
May 28, 2020

-High moral standard. He considers himself a righteous man
He is cold but compassionate.

Lawful good.
-Loved and admired by his collaborators.
-Bright and smart.
-Make decisions aseptically, without paying attention to emotions.
-He tends to obscurantism and there is a certain mystery about his decisions.

Establish ownership of him on your own terms.
- Seeks to transcend.
-Considers violence something boring and predictable and prefers to seek new and creative ideas to expand its influence.
-Create sources of wealth on a large scale to use that wealth in achieving his plans.

- Admiration and charisma.
-The immense wealth of him.
-The success of his innovative projects.
-His ability to dialogue and mediate between opposing sides.
-His ability to turn enemies into friends.

- Intelligence.
- Creativity.
- Prosperous governments.
- Successful projects.
- Wealth shared through good governance.
- Personal charisma and ability to seduce.

-He has no military support.
-He is not respected by the more traditional great lords.
-Hides some of his intentions under a cloak of charisma.
-His governments tend to be unstable, due to the lack of a coercive force.
- It is at the mercy of unexpected events and new actors on the political scene.
-His wealth arouses envy and resentment.

The honorable lord of Myrland Ichorus would be a rough archetype of this style of government.

ivan el terrible.jpg

- Lack of morals. Absolute lack of empathy and scruples.
evil neutral.
- Distrustful.
- Intimidating.
- Cruel and fickle.
- For this archetype of emperor, people are just pawns to be moved. He will only value them according to what he can get from them. Everything else doesn't matter.
-He will unhesitatingly betray an ally without gaining any benefit from them.
- He lacks any kind of compassion.

- Dominate everything within your reach and arbitrarily impose your will regardless of who opposes.
- Satisfy your ego and your need for domination. All must serve and submit to him.

- The intimidation
- The fear.
- The promise of rewards to their associates.
- Its geographical strategic advantages and its key resource holdings.

- Sociopathic intelligence.
- Capable of generating lasting governments.
- Ability to put competent people in suitable positions, since people are only tools.

- The financiers shun him because he is not trustworthy.
- Governments based on violence.
- Does not generate bonds of loyalty.
- The town fears him but hates him.
- Generates rebellions and long-term conflicts.
- Generates enormous violence.
- He will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals no matter who he hurts.


I think that all of us who have been here long enough could cite two or three classic archetypes of the community, but out of respect for those people I will not cite them here.



- Passive and reasonable morality.
- He is flexible and tends to empathy.
- All its decisions are subject to good governance and a well-managed treasury.
- Sometimes he can be unpredictable even for his allies.

Pure Neutral.
- Create a bureaucratic government based on a vision of society aligned with its principles. He believes that he will do good for everyone if he carries out his plans.
- Seeks a stable environment to develop its projects and its government.
- Create prosperity for all parties.

- Big wealth.
- Sympathy from merchant, banking, and mercenary guilds who see it as an opportunity to prosper and gain influence.
- Most of the people reject his ideas, but some urban factions view his bureaucratic experiments with curiosity and some sympathy.
- Your network of contacts.

- Tends to dialogue as long as the pillars of their long-term plans do not feel threatened.
- Think long-term and is far-sighted. He anticipates problems.
- It does not generate too much violence.
- Focuses on good governance and sound economy.
- He is a pragmatic ruler.

- Confusing and cumbersome relationship and contact system.
- Make complex plans that sometimes trap you in contradictions.
- It focuses on bureaucratic tasks and is not trained to adopt military solutions.
-You depend on your relationships with the warlords to protect some of your vital interests.
- His only priority is to keep the treasury full even at the sacrifice of some other facets of government.
- Little patience.
-His governments tend to instability due to the absenc
e of coercive power.

Well i supose Ibarruri would be an archetype of this emperor haha. Although I can think of others like Azidano.
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
What is this obsession with Emperors Mr.Ibarruri ?

Was it not enough with the numerous failed tries in MO ?

Dont you learn from past mistakes unlike SV ?

Let egotistical players be, dont encourage them to ruin their already fragile minds!

ha ha ha. Don't worry, I always try to learn from my mistakes. On the other hand the game is pretty boring lately so I like to speculate and theorize with these crazy stories. On the other hand the theme of empire has always been a very glamorous theme for role play. Do you think that theorizing and speculating is bad?
Do you think starvault learns from its mistakes? xd
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
ha ha ha. Don't worry, I always try to learn from my mistakes. On the other hand the game is pretty boring lately so I like to speculate and theorize with these crazy stories. On the other hand the theme of empire has always been a very glamorous theme for role play. Do you think that theorizing and speculating is bad?
Do you think starvault learns from its mistakes? xd
hehe well it depends I think, fragile egos are so easily broken further and theory and speculation becomes practice and in their heads become fact. And they speak and act in a megalomaniacal way believing themselves far above their station.

Too many MO players have this inflated ego for some reason and all of them without merit, no need to toss fuel on the already raging fire. This is how MO turned so toxic. Circle jerking is not healthy imo.

And well no, SV seems incapable of learning especially from past mistakes even if I believe it or not.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
hehe well it depends I think, fragile egos are so easily broken further and theory and speculation becomes practice and in their heads become fact. And they speak and act in a megalomaniacal way believing themselves far above their station.

Too many MO players have this inflated ego for some reason and all of them without merit, no need to toss fuel on the already raging fire. This is how MO turned so toxic. Circle jerking is not healthy imo.

And well no, SV seems incapable of learning especially from past mistakes even if I believe it or not.

Well I think this community is not that toxic to be honest. Regarding egos, well, to be honest, most of the men I quote don't strike me as particularly self-centered.
On the other hand, it is true that in the community there were some megalomaniac people, but to be frank, most of those subjects lost their power and influence. Their own actions, I suppose, doomed them.
Others simply matured. It's been a long road so many years together here and I think many of us have evolved. On the other hand, I always look forward to the arrival of a great emperor!
Anyway, it's my favorite RPG theme, sorry. I plan to add more possible emperor archetypes. Like the Satyr, the Lustful, or even the Unlikely Emperor, or even the Thief Emperor! (grayfox) wouldn't that be great hahaha.
Sorry I love this topic. In any case, I believe that it is possible to find a just and good emperor for all. It would be funny.
Lately the game is kind of boring to be honest.

And yes, I don't think starvautl has learned much from their mistakes (unfortunately) I wish they had.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Well I think this community is not that toxic to be honest. Regarding egos, well, to be honest, most of the men I quote don't strike me as particularly self-centered.
On the other hand, it is true that in the community there were some megalomaniac people, but to be frank, most of those subjects lost their power and influence. Their own actions, I suppose, doomed them.
Others simply matured. It's been a long road so many years together here and I think many of us have evolved. On the other hand, I always look forward to the arrival of a great emperor!
Anyway, it's my favorite RPG theme, sorry. I plan to add more possible emperor archetypes. Like the Satyr, the Lustful, or even the Unlikely Emperor, or even the Thief Emperor! (grayfox) wouldn't that be great hahaha.
Sorry I love this topic. In any case, I believe that it is possible to find a just and good emperor for all. It would be funny.
Lately the game is kind of boring to be honest.

And yes, I don't think starvautl has learned much from their mistakes (unfortunately) I wish they had.
Currently the game is not, true. But late MO was riddled with toxic players circle jerking since all dominant groups left several years before MO2 testing started.
This came from egos getting stroked over and over with no merit and thus bad players become arrogant wannabee gods and whats scary is they believe it.

Dont get me wrong, you do you. The game is boring true, riddled with the same 10 year old bugs, issues, exploits and glitches. The game is still as riddled with hackers and cheaters as MO ever was.

I am just here like the thorn in SVs side to say what will happen with actions ive witnessed before. So build up egos through artificial unmerited or earned achievements and you will breed toxic players. From what I have seen and heard, its already started.

The forum game is dangerous for the fragile egos of todays modern pathetic humans but it is what it is and some people need to play the forum game hard in order to feel better about their lack of abilities in game.

As a last note, imo waaay before we should start talking about any kind of rulers we need areas under a well real rule. This means more then a alliance circle jerking each others bruised epeens but a real government with taxes, a populace, player guards, a standing army, etc etc etc.
I know this is very hard to achieve with SVs inability to give us tools to rule but it is a sandbox and could be done but will take alot of hard work. I can remember a handful of such groups in old old political MO managing this but on a tiny low scale, which would equate to a small village mayor but far from a prestigious higher title.
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Currently the game is not, true. But late MO was riddled with toxic players circle jerking since all dominant groups left several years before MO2 testing started.
This came from egos getting stroked over and over with no merit and thus bad players become arrogant wannabee gods and whats scary is they believe it.

Dont get me wrong, you do you. The game is boring true, riddled with the same 10 year old bugs, issues, exploits and glitches. The game is still as riddled with hackers and cheaters as MO ever was.

I am just here like the thorn in SVs side to say what will happen with actions ive witnessed before. So build up egos through artificial unmerited or earned achievements and you will breed toxic players. From what I have seen and heard, its already started.

The forum game is dangerous for the fragile egos of todays modern pathetic humans but it is what it is and some people need to play the forum game hard in order to feel better about their lack of abilities in game.

As a last note, imo waaay before we should start talking about any kind of rulers we need areas under a well real rule. This means more then a alliance circle jerking each others bruised epeens but a real government with taxes, a populace, player guards, a standing army, etc etc etc.
I know this is very hard to achieve with SVs inability to give us tools to rule but it is a sandbox and could be done but will take alot of hard work. I can remember a handful of such groups in old old political MO managing this but on a tiny low scale, which would equate to a small village mayor but far from a prestigious higher title.

Well, I agree with you, that it would be possible to create a government. As you know I'm a big fan of these themes. And since I'm always looking for crazy and creative ideas to have fun with, creating a real imperial structure was always one of my dreams. I guess that's why I like to talk about it so much. I think that evolving beyond tribal structures would be a big step for a more mature community.
Regarding your comment about the achievements... Well, I agree with you that there are people in this community who claim some kind of undeserved prestige, but it is also true, and I think you will agree with me, that there are players with a great history and who have done great actions, whether military, economic, political, etc...
Isn't it fair to say that Ichorus had immense influence and that his achievements were valuable and deserved? Were there not powerful kings who successfully ruled their lands?
Personally, I have evolved a lot as a person and I always try to be humble. I don't think my accomplishments are a big deal, although to be honest with you I'm very proud of what Myrland believes in (which is why I'm still here) and I'm very proud to have many friends within this community everywhere who appreciate me as person, they respect me and listen to me. To be honest I'm even grateful to some of my enemies as they gave me a chance to learn about myself, my mistakes and also made me enjoy the game. I believe that the achievements of this community must be valued and look with pride at the many deeds that great warriors, heroes, great merchants, content creators, generals, kings and religious did.

Do you NOT agree that we have our own cultural legacy?
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
You forgot to mention the present emperor, Isaios Avitus Decollator.
Loved by the tindremenes for his partyhard attitude.

Oh wait we have a contender for the throne? I do not know anything about him. Can you give me some information please?


Well-known member
Jun 13, 2020
Oh wait we have a contender for the throne? I do not know anything about him. Can you give me some information please?

Not a contender. The actual emperor, as far as I know.
Edit: read The Tindremenes under The New Age in Myrland.

Ever since the capturing of Morin Khur the Tricapita has argued on the next steps to expand the empire. Following the unfortunate death of Livi Avitus Decollator, who reportedly died of heart failure, his son Isaios Avitus ascended the throne in 12 AD at the modest age of 13. Although quite popular among the Tindremic citizens during his first decades as emperor, very little happened on the national or political fronts as his areas of interest during the time seemingly revolved around spectacles, music and games.

  • Haha
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Well, I agree with you, that it would be possible to create a government. As you know I'm a big fan of these themes. And since I'm always looking for crazy and creative ideas to have fun with, creating a real imperial structure was always one of my dreams. I guess that's why I like to talk about it so much. I think that evolving beyond tribal structures would be a big step for a more mature community.
Regarding your comment about the achievements... Well, I agree with you that there are people in this community who claim some kind of undeserved prestige, but it is also true, and I think you will agree with me, that there are players with a great history and who have done great actions, whether military, economic, political, etc...
Isn't it fair to say that Ichorus had immense influence and that his achievements were valuable and deserved? Were there not powerful kings who successfully ruled their lands?
Personally, I have evolved a lot as a person and I always try to be humble. I don't think my accomplishments are a big deal, although to be honest with you I'm very proud of what Myrland believes in (which is why I'm still here) and I'm very proud to have many friends within this community everywhere who appreciate me as person, they respect me and listen to me. To be honest I'm even grateful to some of my enemies as they gave me a chance to learn about myself, my mistakes and also made me enjoy the game. I believe that the achievements of this community must be valued and look with pride at the many deeds that great warriors, heroes, great merchants, content creators, generals, kings and religious did.

Do you NOT agree that we have our own cultural legacy?
No I truly believe that people where allowed to rule/trade/etc because there was no incentive to do anything about it.

Ichorous for example was given special privileges by most guilds and crumbled insanely fast once 1 guild decided to end his "Empire".
Ichorous had special deals with the most powerful guilds and alliances that allowed him to create his Empire.
The only reason he got and kept a keep and trading empire is because noone wanted the keep nor to ruin his trades cause it was through Ich high end metals got mainstream.

We owned the North when Ich started out, we are the reason he got off on a good start. We mined his Tephra, we sold the Tephra to him and we allowed him to run freely in the North.
Dont get me wrong, what Ich achieved is very good but he was allowed to achieve it, without all the special treatment he just simply could not have achieved it.

And thats how almost every "ruler" of MOs entire lifetime atleast up until 2018 was allowed to rule their unwanted area of the continent.

Just the fact that you couldnt take over and rule towns is horrible if you want to rule an area since you cant kick people out of a town with how the games work.
That all got broken when SV allowed everyone to get their own personal guardzone. Safe zones means you cant rule that area.

Tell me how can a guild force another group to not stay in their town without getting murdered by your own towns guards ? How can we enforce rules set by the ruling guild when theres no way to since its a artificial safe zone with its own rules and unaffiliated guards ?

But hey I simply witnessed MOs life and ongoings from 2009 to 2018 and saw a very small amount of groups ruling an area and all of them quit before MO was 5 years old due to the state of the game.

MO never became the game it was meant to be, it was always a placeholder for the game we where promised and as such we never got the tools needed to rule for real.

To me 20 virgins claiming to rule a area when they really cant dont make it a Empire, you have to actually rule like a nation to successfully claim a rulership, and you need others firends, neutrals and enemies to acknowledge your rule.
We have such fake nations irl:


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
No I truly believe that people where allowed to rule/trade/etc because there was no incentive to do anything about it.

Ichorous for example was given special privileges by most guilds and crumbled insanely fast once 1 guild decided to end his "Empire".
Ichorous had special deals with the most powerful guilds and alliances that allowed him to create his Empire.
The only reason he got and kept a keep and trading empire is because noone wanted the keep nor to ruin his trades cause it was through Ich high end metals got mainstream.

We owned the North when Ich started out, we are the reason he got off on a good start. We mined his Tephra, we sold the Tephra to him and we allowed him to run freely in the North.
Dont get me wrong, what Ich achieved is very good but he was allowed to achieve it, without all the special treatment he just simply could not have achieved it.

And thats how almost every "ruler" of MOs entire lifetime atleast up until 2018 was allowed to rule their unwanted area of the continent.

Just the fact that you couldnt take over and rule towns is horrible if you want to rule an area since you cant kick people out of a town with how the games work.
That all got broken when SV allowed everyone to get their own personal guardzone. Safe zones means you cant rule that area.

Tell me how can a guild force another group to not stay in their town without getting murdered by your own towns guards ? How can we enforce rules set by the ruling guild when theres no way to since its a artificial safe zone with its own rules and unaffiliated guards ?

But hey I simply witnessed MOs life and ongoings from 2009 to 2018 and saw a very small amount of groups ruling an area and all of them quit before MO was 5 years old due to the state of the game.

MO never became the game it was meant to be, it was always a placeholder for the game we where promised and as such we never got the tools needed to rule for real.

To me 20 virgins claiming to rule a area when they really cant dont make it a Empire, you have to actually rule like a nation to successfully claim a rulership, and you need others firends, neutrals and enemies to acknowledge your rule.
We have such fake nations irl:

Well, I think you mix a lot of different things. Some are related to my role-playing story, others are not.
As someone who was part of the leadership of ICH (and so I can modestly say that I know a few things about all this...) I don't think we ever received privileges. I think the guilds cooperated with us because they also made a profit, and we were somehow useful to them. ICH never claimed to rule or claim land. In fact, 90% of our operations were financial and sales in cities. Ichorport was a keep that was taken because it offered the possibility of having a trading post in the center of myrland, and we sold to everyone, red or blue.
When the ICH keep fell to be honest our greatest glory days had passed, and that had been accompanied by a general decline in the game.
As I told you, ICH was never a kingdom or an empire. We were a corporation. Our goal was never to claim land, but rather to create a financial empire. I hope that now you understand better what our work was about. Still I think you will agree with me that ICH made history. Ichorus' vision was creative and original and we had tremendous successes. However, the assessment of him as an "emperor archetype" is due to his brilliance as a player and his obvious talent. I meant that.
As for what you say about ruling cities, it's true. We do not have the appropriate mechanics to govern correctly. It's actually a big mess, I agree, but hey, that would be interesting to discuss in another post (this is a roleplay post haha)

Anyway you say interesting things and I quite agree. Except for the privileges... Would you say that right now I have privileges? xd


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Not a contender. The actual emperor, as far as I know.
Edit: read The Tindremenes under The New Age in Myrland.

Ever since the capturing of Morin Khur the Tricapita has argued on the next steps to expand the empire. Following the unfortunate death of Livi Avitus Decollator, who reportedly died of heart failure, his son Isaios Avitus ascended the throne in 12 AD at the modest age of 13. Although quite popular among the Tindremic citizens during his first decades as emperor, very little happened on the national or political fronts as his areas of interest during the time seemingly revolved around spectacles, music and games.


Insofar as I have never seen that emperor, I have never seen his armies and I do not see that he has been supported by the warlords, I consider him one more candidate, without any influence on events or popular support.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Well, I think you mix a lot of different things. Some are related to my role-playing story, others are not.
As someone who was part of the leadership of ICH (and so I can modestly say that I know a few things about all this...) I don't think we ever received privileges. I think the guilds cooperated with us because they also made a profit, and we were somehow useful to them. ICH never claimed to rule or claim land. In fact, 90% of our operations were financial and sales in cities. Ichorport was a keep that was taken because it offered the possibility of having a trading post in the center of myrland, and we sold to everyone, red or blue.
When the ICH keep fell to be honest our greatest glory days had passed, and that had been accompanied by a general decline in the game.
As I told you, ICH was never a kingdom or an empire. We were a corporation. Our goal was never to claim land, but rather to create a financial empire. I hope that now you understand better what our work was about. Still I think you will agree with me that ICH made history. Ichorus' vision was creative and original and we had tremendous successes. However, the assessment of him as an "emperor archetype" is due to his brilliance as a player and his obvious talent. I meant that.
As for what you say about ruling cities, it's true. We do not have the appropriate mechanics to govern correctly. It's actually a big mess, I agree, but hey, that would be interesting to discuss in another post (this is a roleplay post haha)

Anyway you say interesting things and I quite agree. Except for the privileges... Would you say that right now I have privileges? xd
Now I know your trolling, or you just where not there when Ich built up his empire. But if you know his dealings and dont know his very special privileges then sorry but you where far from Ichs high leadership then.

He had mining rights, he was exempt from getting attacked and had free passage in our lands, we even defended him on his runs against bandits, he had selling rights aswell as buying and trading rights. Several other guilds/alliances gave him the same treatment as he got from Quad.
All of these he was alone on the entire server to hold such privileges. He must have hidden it from his "trusted" tradesmen or stopped before taking in members to IchorCorp.
At some point I personally took over his Northern trading deals but I only traded with Quads or our allies.

But yea, dont know these deals. Sorry but you did not know the real Ichorous and his privilegous Trading Empire.

Again im not taking his accomplishments away from him, just saying there is a reason he was allowed to.
He could have traded endlessly in steel and tung business, but high end metals was closed to everyone except him alone except Quad, before us AQ owned the north and likewise stopped all high end metal trade with outsiders.

There is always behind the scenes reasons for the most successful in MOs history.
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Now I know your trolling, or you just where not there when Ich built up his empire. But if you know his dealings and dont know his very special privileges then sorry but you where far from Ichs high leadership then.

He had mining rights, he was exempt from getting attacked and had free passage in our lands, we even defended him on his runs against bandits, he had selling rights aswell as buying and trading rights. Several other guilds/alliances gave him the same treatment as he got from Quad.
All of these he was alone on the entire server to hold such privileges. He must have hidden it from his "trusted" tradesmen or stopped before taking in members to IchorCorp.
At some point I personally took over his Northern trading deals but I only traded with Quads or our allies.

But yea, dont know these deals. Sorry but you did not know the real Ichorous and his privilegous Trading Empire.

Again im not taking his accomplishments away from him, just saying there is a reason he was allowed to.
He could have traded endlessly in steel and tung business, but high end metals was closed to everyone except him alone except Quad, before us AQ owned the north and likewise stopped all high end metal trade with outsiders.

There is always behind the scenes reasons for the most successful in MOs history.

I know all that mate, and we didn't just have that kind of arrangement with you guys. Also with others hehe. In fact, I have inherited that way of negotiating and I work in a similar way.
I insist on telling you that it was never about building a (territorial) empire, but rather a financial and economic empire.
As financiers and merchants, it was normal for us to try to obtain all kinds of privileges and positive agreements, which would allow us to work with impunity and reduce our risks.
That's what it was about and I think I can say that in that sense ichorus worked very well.
There is much more to tell, but that will remain in the secret history of ICH and our "secret files" xddd
Anyway, I wouldn't call it a privilege, I'd rather say they were win-win deals, after all Ichorus offered a legendary forge of the highest quality and azidane and I offered loans and financing to many guilds. I can assure you that ICH was the goose that lays the golden eggs for many. And I'm pretty proud of it. Although we were called greedy, we shared our wealth and were generous in our dealings.
Regarding my rank at ICH, I don't mean to be arrogant but I was a member of the council. I will NOT add more about it. Anyway, I always like to discuss and reminisce about the glory of ICH, in the end it was my best time in MO, and I always get emotional remembering how together with Ichorus, we broke the game and made history.

I really miss those days of glory. In a way I guess I've always tried to revive them.
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