The Overpowered/Underpowered Weapons/Gear/Materials/Pets Thread


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2022
17 damage on a steel plate with Alvarin is like really bad damage ! 10-11 Hits to kill someone depending on its class is totally underderpowered. Nobody is using the Katana ! Piercing Damage is even much less ! The Thursar instead can kill you with 2-3 strikes with his polearm or axe !
The Greatblade is dealing over 40 damage ! This compared to 17 damage make the Katana kinda unplayable underpowered against steel and pansar carapace Armors and noone use medium armor these days. Most Hybrids go heavy Paladin because mercenary Plate is so much better compared to light and medium armor ! This is why the Katana is total out of balance. Yes you can attack faster, but you cant win vs a player of the same skill level using a greatblade, if he only have to hit you 4-5 times and you have to hit him 11 times ! 7-8 would be the maximum to make this weapon useable ! Damage should be arround 30 damage compared to the greatblade dealing 47 ! The piercing Damage need to be buffed. The Katana is a piercing weapon ! Should deal minimum as much damage with a thrust attack as blunt and slashing combined !

There is nearly no benefit over a 1 h sword ! Damage and weight is nearly the same !

1h sword is slower....
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Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
Shortbow/Footarcher need a buff !

The Footarcher is not viable and everyone i talked to agree on that !

I think a Skill that make you consume less stamina if you run with a drawn bow and a skill that make your Bow to melee weapon switch faster would improve the footarcher. They are not viable at all atm !
The Shortbow should deal more damage, if you land a headshot (weakspot hit) if you play a foot archer ! Maybe the ammount of armor ignored could be different depending if you hit a players head or if you hit the head of an armored horse. It is much more easy to hit the head of a horse then to hit the head of a moving player, which should eb rewarded and should deal more damage as a headshot with a longbow !
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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2022
Shortbow/Footarcher need a buff !

The Footarcher is not viable and everyone i talked to agree on that !

I think a Skill that make you consume less stamina if you run with a drawn bow and a skill that make your Bow to melee weapon switch faster would improve the footarcher. They are not viable at all atm !
The Shortbow should deal more damage, if you land a headshot (weakspot hit) if you play a foot archer ! Maybe the ammount of armor ignored could be different depending if you hit a players head or if you hit the head of an armored horse. It is much more easy to hit the head of a horse then to hit the head of a moving player, which should eb rewarded and should deal more damage as a headshot with a longbow !

Shortbows should have a faster draw. Right now they are marginally faster than an asym bow.
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Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
The Weakspot chance of different Spear-handels and heads that are crafted out of specific materials need to be tweeked ! The high dex Alvarin do not benefit from his high dex when he using a spear out of weakspot materials ! Every Alvarin is crafting Spears from the most damage matals instead of going for the weakspot materials and most of them are stout and not lean or underweight.

The graph should look like that, so it make sense to get lean or even underweight on an Alvarin, to get the max weakspot chance as possible. Being very squishy should be the tradeoff for dealing additional damage with the spear !

Going underweight with an Alvarin should also bigly increase the weakspot damage of a shortbow, becuase you now can´t longer use the longbow with low str !
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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
The graph should look like that, so it make sense to get lean or even underweight on an Alvarin, to get the max weakspot chance as possible. Being very squishy should be the tradeoff for dealing additional damage with the spear !
That would be op af.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
I want to start with the 1 handed Swords.
They still consume way too much stamina. The problem is that there is no difference in stamina consumption whether a player is using a 1h weapon with a shield or without.

The game should detect if a player use a 1 h weapon with a shield, without and if a player only use a shield without a weapon.

1h without a shield should have low stamina drain while running with a drawn weapon, Shield without weapon should have low stamina drain when blocking and Weapon + shield should have higher stam consumption.
Awesome man, nice idea
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Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
The rng heal range for Bandages is too far apart... You heal yourself for 34 HP and sometimes you heal for 47 HP ! This seems totally random ! I dont like that. The ammount of healing should only be reduced that much if you get hit during the time your are bandaging ! In both cases i was not hit once, while i was bandaging !
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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
i think not. Atm you weakspot with a dagger all the time, even if you are not lean or underweight. Spear does not get any weakspots at all atm !
And it shouldn't. Spear is meta weapon as it is, it's only slightly lagging behind swords. Veela footfighter is meta build as it is. We don't want lean veela footfighters running around weakspotting people with spears. I tried lean veela dagger build before, it wasn't strong and certainly wasn't op, but it wasn't terrible either. Now if it was a weakspotting spear instead of a dagger................

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
And it shouldn't. Spear is meta weapon as it is, it's only slightly lagging behind swords. Veela footfighter is meta build as it is. We don't want lean veela footfighters running around weakspotting people with spears. I tried lean veela dagger build before, it wasn't strong and certainly wasn't op, but it wasn't terrible either. Now if it was a weakspotting spear instead of a dagger................

I don´t think that would be OP at all and that a skinny character would ever get the meta, if 130 dex would make the spear getting a good chance for weakspot. If you are skinny you have arround 143 HP, so you are super squishy and It must have some benefit, or all go stout! Being that squishy should have some benefit. I think the lower damaging materials such as Maalite have the highest weakspot, so they not deal the highest damage if you not weakspot. The spear should at least have a good Weakspot chance if you hit someone from behind. The dagger should always have a highest weakspot, so you can even weakspot if you face your opponent ! When you are skinny and run arround with 140 HP the spear should even have a decent Weakspot chance if you hit an apponent facing you. i want to see more variaty in builds.

Another idea would be that marksmanship also increase the weakspot chance for weapons if you have ultra high Dex of 127 +
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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
I don´t think that would be OP at all and that a skinny character would ever get the meta, if 130 dex would make the spear getting a good chance for weakspot. If you are skinny you have arround 143 HP, so you are super squishy and It must have some benefit, or all go stout! Being that squishy should have some benefit. I think the lower damaging materials such as Maalite have the highest weakspot, so they not deal the highest damage if you not weakspot. The spear should at least have a good Weakspot chance if you hit someone from behind. The dagger should always have a highest weakspot, so you can even weakspot if you face your opponent ! When you are skinny and run arround with 140 HP the spear should even have a decent Weakspot chance if you hit an apponent facing you. i want to see more variaty in builds.

Another idea would be that marksmanship also increase the weakspot chance for weapons if you have ultra high Dex of 127 +
130 dex gives you the most speed. I agree skinny needs a buff but it should be a buff everyone can benefit from, not just alvarins. Like, make it less squishy? Maalite spears are crazy good and crazy fast, if they could weakspot they would be op. Also the weakspot curve you proposed looks like nothing but asking for a buff for alvarins, which we certainly don't need.

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
130 dex gives you the most speed. I agree skinny needs a buff but it should be a buff everyone can benefit from, not just alvarins. Like, make it less squishy? Maalite spears are crazy good and crazy fast, if they could weakspot they would be op. Also the weakspot curve you proposed looks like nothing but asking for a buff for alvarins, which we certainly don't need.

124 and 130 makes nearly no differnece in speed. You are a bit faster but nearly not noticeable. The speed difference comes most from the 2 clades that give 1,5 % more movementspeed each and from the active speedbuff clades.

Daggers deal a lot of damage becuase they penetrate steel armors. Spears take ages to kill someone in steel armor with an Alvarin. He hits for like 20 damage against steel, while the Thursar hit you for 47 with his greatblade, wearing the same armor.
I still think it should have a benefit if you go skinny. That it increase the weakspot chance on an Alvarin. He would deal more damage to steel armor guys if he hit their back. The damage against Mages would rather be nerfed compared to a speer from high end metals. Weakspot chance should not be as high as from the dagger ! The spear should crit from time to time if you hit someones back. At least this is my opinion.

How could the buff look like for other classes if they decide to get skinny ? Good Question. I agree that skinny in general should be buffed, like you recommended it.

Atm noone craft Spears from Maalite. All go for the most damage metals.

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
Meditation in Armor need a Buff, becuase this skill is not worth investing at all ! Could be a nice addon for the human Paladin with a 10 + kg Armor, if meditation would ignore some of the armor ! ATM it regenerate Mana in Armor way too slow and could be in general a bit faster.
I testing it atm. 33 Seconds to refill the mana naked is way too long ! It is over 50 seconds in 10 kg armor on a human.

If it would be buffed, if SV would add Mana over time potions and with mana leech the human Paladin could be much more fun. He could get at least a bit mana back, but most important is to revamp the MR change. Since that chnage Paladin and Hybrid is no longer fun to play, if you only can use spurt !
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Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
Buff Aiming techniques and Marksmanship

It is increadible hard to hit someone with a bow while running. You need to stop shortly and your opponent will gain distance. There is no slipstream to catch up with your opponet if he runs away. Only if you get him under 60 % health, which reduce his Stamina regeneration. With all that shields it make the players way too hard to get under 60 % ! All the new pets are very strong and it need a countet ! This is why Aiming Technique and Marksmanship need a serious buff on foot and why tower shields need to be nefed a bit !

Foot Archers are not viable at all atm !

Aiming techniques shoudl be buffed

1. Aiming technique should reduce your stamina consumption for holding your bow stretched from up to 50-80 %. 50 % on mount and 80 % on foot
2. Aimung technique should also reduce the stamina for drawing the bow by 40 % but only on foot

Marksmanship need a buff

1. Marksmanship should ignore the Armor of horses, if you get a weakspot hit in the head ! Atm the weakspot hits on mounts deal the same damage as normal hits !

Towershields need a nerf.