The best Race for different Builds.

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
The Alvarin

This Build (Alvarin/Veela) can be used for Dex Mages, Dex Footfighters, Hybrids between a Footfighter and a Mage, and for Hybrids between a Mounted Archer/ Dex Footfighter.

A Dex Footfighter will be a bit faster as any other race, will receive lower Falldamage and can jump very high in Combatmode. He have a Buff that increase the Movementspeed for his Friends for arround 10 Seconds

He have an active Ability, that refill his Stamina to 100 %, if he stands still for arround 1-2 seconds. (all with 15 Min CD)

One of his passives allow him to regenerate Stamina faster when standing still.

Alvarins are Guerrilla fighters. Their abilitys from their Claid Gifts allow them to ambush a Player, and to escape from a dangerous situation, using the environment to their advantage. If an Alvarin is wearing a lighter Armor, he will be able to jump down Mountains, and be able to jump from Wall to Wall, or House to House in Citys such as Gaul Kur and Kranesh with a drawn weapon, and if he chooses to learn swimming, he can escape in the Water aswell, if he is using a light weight Armor.

Note: In huge Teamfights the Alvarin will get hit very hard, especially from havy Weapons, if he is using a light Armor ! He need to avoid and parry those attacks, or there will be no tomorrow, if he gets hit by a 5 kg + Weapon.

A Dex Footfighter is recommended for Players that want to use Spears and Daggers. He have much less damage Bonus, but 125 Dex will allow him to make Weakspot Hits with a Dagger and a Spear more often. Some Materials used for Weaponcrafting, get a much higher weakspot Chance, if a Player reach the 125 Dex cap. For this you need to be lean and suffer a good ammout of HP.

If a Player want to use Swords, it is recommended to aim for 120 Dex and to be Stout, because you are not using a weakspot Weapon. Being Stout, instead of being lean, will give you more HP and additional 5 Str and - 5 Dex.

This might also be important, if you want to play the Hybrid between Mounted Archer and a Dex Footfighter, becuase 2 Claid Gifts will give you -10 Str Requirement for Bows and Stout will give you additional 5 Str to pull a 110 Str Bow. If you are lean, you need to find a good Bow for 105 Str, which will do a bit less damage.

Note: The weight can always be changed from lean to stout later on, depending if you eat greasy or vegetarian food.

The Ogmir

The Ogmirs are known to be the most powerful magicians, Powerful Tanks and Mounted FIghters. Their resiliences are enormous.

The Ogmir can be played as a Fatmage, Mounted Mage, Max HP Foot Fighter, Mounted Fighter, Mounted Archer, Hybrid between Mounted Combat and a tanky Footfighter, or as a Hybrid between Mounted Archer and a tanky Footfighter.

The Hugar can reach 121 Str, which allow him to pull the best bows ingame. 121 Str are needed to wield mounted Combat Weapons, without being forced to use an expencive weapon Hilt.

The Ogmir have a slower movement speed as the Alvarin and as the Human.
His Claid Gifts allow him to wear heavier armor than any other race before getting penelties.
He can drink more Potionunits as any other Race.
He can smoke Ichor to regain a lot of HP during a fight.
He has the Passive Stone Skin. A natural resistance against piercing and slashing damage
He can go for knockdown resistence, so he wont be able to get dismounted, or it will be harder to dismount him.
His active Warcry allow him to buff his friends to be more tanky for the next 10 seconds.
He have an active Buff that reduce the damage taken, if he stands still. (All with a 15 Min CD)

The Blain will have less Str and less damage Bonus as the Hugar, but will have more HP then any other race. (up to 251 HP)
This race is good for a pure tanky Footfighter (unless you want to use a bow) and for Fatmages.

Fatmages are the slowest Build to be played on Foot, but they can be played as Mounted Mages.
These can carry a shield, while being on foot, with which they can push back players and repel attacks. A Fatmage will heal players for much more HP and will deal much more damage with his spells compared to the Alvarin Dex Mage.

The Hugar have less HP as the Blain, but will have much more Str. The Hugar is used for Mounted Combat, Mounted Archery, for the Hybrid between Mounted Combat and a tanky Footfighter, or for the Hybrid between Moutned Archer/ tanky Footfighter.

The Ormir/Hugar will have less damage Bonus as the Thursar race when played as a Mounted fighter. That means that the Ogmir possibly won´t be able to dismount other Mounted Combat Fighters, but won´t get dismounted ether, becuase of his CLaidgift, that give him additionals knockdown resistence.

The Human

Humans are known to be smarter and more flexible than other races.
Humans have more skill and attribute points than any other race.

Humans are a little slower than the Alvarins, but a bit faster than the Ogmir and the Thursar.
After the Thrsar, they can reach the second highest damage bonus.

The Human is good for Builds that miss a few Skillpoints. Because of his additional Attributre Points, the Human can be played as a pure Psy-Footfighter, with a good ammount of magic Resist, as a Mage/Footfighter-Hybrid with more Mana and more Damage Bonus as the Alvarin Hybrid.

His Mana Regeneration is less impacted from Armor weight, which allow him to
to wear heavier armor compared to the Alvarian Hybrid

The Human have more Skillpoints then the Alvarin Hybrid, and will be able to learn an additional Magic School, or alternativly controlled riding, to be able to use better Mounts, with which he can ride much faster from Town to Town. He can be played as a Tamer/Beastmaster Mage, or a Dominator Mage with a powerful Pet.
He can for example ride a lycator, dismount, and let his pet attack his opponent.

He can be played as a Hybrid between a Footfighter and a Beastmaster, but not without some drawbacks.

The human has a warcry that frees him and his allies from all debuffs.
He have a buff that give him more Magic Resist.
He have an active Buff, that make his allys do less team damage for 10 seconds
His Mana Regeneration is less impacted from Armor weight.

The Human will not have enough Str to go for a mounted Combat Build, without having to use very rare and expencive perfect Weapon Hilts.
But if a player can afford it, then that character will have more Magic Resist than any other Mounted Combat Character,
and Mounted Combat players have a particularly large hitbox, because of their large horse and are vulnerable against Magic.

The Thursar

Thursars are known for their large Size and Strange, are the hardest hitting, but also the slowest Race.
They are all about Damage.

The Thursar and the Ogmir are the only races that can reach 121 Str.

The Thursar can be played as a Footfighter, but maybe can be played as a pure Mounted Combat or Hybrid between Mounted Combat/Footfighter aswell. but we have to wait. I have heared rumors, that SV not want to see the Thursar being played as a mounted Character. That there will be a penalty for him when being mounted. It will not make sense to play him as a mounted Archer, becuase the Damage Bonus do not apply to Bows, and because he have a much bigger Hitbox. His size and his longer arms will give him a longer reach with his weapon, but this is useless for an Archer.

The Thursar will have an active Buff, that will give him liefesteal for 10 Seconds.
One Passive will make him regenerate Health after every 10 seconds.
His active Warcry will make him and his Allies deal more damage for 10 seconds.
This can be very strong, if you build a pure Footfighter with active and passive regeneration.
He can swing his weapon with 0 Stamina
He have a high resistences against Poisons.
He can switch stances. One Stance will make him receive more physical damage, but less magical Damage. The other stance will make him
more prone to magic but less vulnerable for physical Damage.

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Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
Alvarin Builds

Dex Mage = Veela Veela (max speed Mage)

Age 23, 161 cm Size, 130 % Stout, 137 Hp, 91 Int (+4 from Claid Gifts to reach the max int to 95 without wasting Points), 101 Psy (+ 4 from CLaid Gifts to reach max Psy of 105) 115 Dex, 67 from 100 Con. Mana 200 !

  • Max speed
  • Combat speed
    252(+3)/434(+5) + Speedbuff that can be activated for 10 seconds
  • Max jump
Note: You can go choose if you want to drop a bit more psy, to give him more Con to get more HP/Stamina later on. You would loose a bit of Mana and magic resist. This is up to you and not important for the character creation.

Dex Mage Variation 2 = Shevra Shevra

(will have 15 more Int and 4 less Dex compared to the Veela)

Age 35, 159 Cm Size, 130 % Stout, 138 HP, 102 Int (+ 4 from Claid Gift to reach max Int of 106), 101 Psy (+ 4 from Claid Gifts to reach max psy of 105), 112 Dex (+ 4 from Claid Gifts and - 5 from Stout to reach 111 Dex) 69 from 100 Con 211 Mana
  • Max speed
  • Combat speed
    251(+3)/432(+5) + Speedbuff that can be activated for 10 seconds
  • Max jump
Note: You can go choose if you want to drop a bit more psy, to give him more Con to get more HP/Stamina later on. You would loose a bit of Mana and magic resist. This is up to you and not important for the character creation.

Dex Fighter = Veela Veela

Age 23, 182 Cm Size, 92 % Lean, 100 Con, 150 HP, 80 Str, 8 % Damage Bonus, 64 Psy (+ 4 from Claid Gifts to reach 68 Psy), 125 Dex to get the Bonus for weakspots with Daggers/Spears
  • Max speed
  • Combat speed
    257(+3)/442(+4) + Speedbuff that can be activated for 10 seconds
  • Max jump

Light Hybrid between a Mage and a Footfighter (Dex Hybrid) = Veela Veela

Age 23, 182 Cm Size, 130 % Stout, 93 from 100 Con, 171 HP, 62 Str+ 5 from Stout, 3 % Damage Bonus, 46 Int (+ 4 form Claid Gifts to reach 50 Int), 58 Psy (+ 4 from Claid Gifts to reach 62 Psy), 112 Mana
  • Max speed
  • Combat speed
  • Max jump
Note: Can be played as lean to get 125 Dex to get the additional Weakspot Chance for Daggers and Spears, but you would only get 143-150 HP, depending if you would drop a bit of Psy to get your Con from 93 to 100, for a bit less Mana and magic Resist.

Hybrid between Mounted Archer and a light Footfighter =Veela Veela

Age 23, 182 Cm Size, 130 % Stout, 100 Con, 179 Health, 85 Str (+5 from Stout = 90 Str + 2 Glaid gifts for -10 reduced Str Requirements for Bows to pull 110 Str Bows), 115 Dex,
  • Max speed
  • Combat speed
  • Max jump

Ogmir Builds

Fatmage/Mounted Mage = Huergar Huergar

Age 61, 154 Cm Size, 200 % Obese 10 Str, 10 Dex, 138 Int, 121 Psy, 86 Con, 205 HP
  • Max speed
  • Combat speed
Max HP Tank = Blainn Blainn

Age 30, 176 Cm Size, 195%Bulging. He will have 14 % Damage Bonus, 94 Str 72 Dex but 251 HP !

  • Max speed
  • Combat speed

Pure Moutned Archer = Huergar Huergar

Age 30, 155 Cm Size, 130 % Stout. He have 121 Str 204 Health

  • Max speed
  • Combat speed

Pure Fat Mounted Archer = Huergar Huergar

Age 30, 155 Cm Size, 169 % Fat. He have 111 Str but 228 Health compared to 204, if you are Stout.
  • Max speed
  • Combat speed
Note: As far as i know Damage Bonus does not count for Bows and won´t benefit a pure Mounted Archer. You want him as small as possible. Damage Bonus is only relevant for the Hybrid between a Mounted Archer and a Footfighter.

Hybrid between Mounted Archer and a tanky Footfighter = Huergar Huergar

Age 30, 172 Cm Size, 130 % Stout.

  • Max speed
  • Combat speed

Hybrid between Mounted Combat and tanky Footfighter = Huergar Huergar

Age 30, 172 Cm Size, 130 % Stout.

  • Max speed
  • Combat speed
Note: For Mounted Combat 121 Str is mendatory. You don´t have the Option to make a Fat Character, as with the Moutned Archer, to get more HP for less Str, or you would be forced to use expencive juwelery that give max Str and very rare and expencive perfect weapon Hilts, that reduce the Str requirements of a weapon and it would make no sense. If you want to use those, you can go for the Human MC Build, that have more Attribute Points to get magic resist and have more Skillpoints, which i dont recommend ether.

Human Builds

Psy Footfighter (90 Psy) + Magic resist Buffs and 25 % Damage Bonus = Full Tindramene

Age 30, 130 % Stout, 96 Str (+ 4 from Claid Gifts + 5 from Stout to reach 105 Str ), 25 % Damage Bonus, 98 Dex (-5 from Stout = 93 Dex) 86 Psy (+4 Psy from Claid Gifts to reach 90 Psy) , 14 Int (+ 4 Int from Claid Gifts to reach 18 Int), 184 Health.

  • Max speed
  • Combat speed
Note : You can only use a 105 Str Bow

Psy Footfighter Version 2 (104 Psy) + Magic resist Buffs and 20 % damage Bonus = Full Sarduccan

Age 30, 184 Cm Size (+2 from Claid Gifts to get 186) 130 % Stout, 90 Str (+ 4 from Claid Gifts +5 from stout = 99 Str) 96 Dex ( +4 from Claid Gifts -5 from Stout = 95 Dex) 100 Psy (+4 from Claidgifts = 104 Psy), 189 HP,
  • Max speed
  • Combat speed

Footfighter with a 115 Str Bow and 5 % more damage Bonus (but with much lower Magic resist) = Full Kallard

Age 30, 130 % Stout, 106 Str (+ 4 from Claid Gifts + 5 from Stout to get 115 Str), 30 % Damage Bonus, 96 Dex (-5 from Stout (91)) 30 Psy, 209 Health

  • Max speed
  • Combat speed

Heavy Hybrid between a Mage and a Footfighter (tanky Hybrid) = Full Tindramene

Age 23, Size 200 cm (+ 2 from Claid Gifts = 202 cm) , 130 % Stout, 92 Con from (+4 from claid Gifts to reach 96 Con) 94 Str (+ 4 from Claid Gifts + 5 from Stout to reach 103 Str from 105 Str), 184 HP, 98 Dex (-5 from Stout = 93 Dex), 110 Mana, 46 Int (+4 Int from Claid Gifts to reach 50 Int), 56 Psy (+ 4 from Claid Gifts to reach 60 Psy), Damage Bonus 24 %

  • Max speed
  • Combat speed
  • Max jump

Note: You can play arround how you want to balance Str and your Con, Int and Psy later on ingame, depending if you want a bit more HP and less Mana, or more Damage Bonus. Thats all up to you and not important for the Character creation.

Tamer/Beastmaster Mage =
Dominator Mage =

Beastmaster/Footfighter = Full Sarduccan

Same as Psy Fighter Version 2

Mounted Combat Human with magic resist (very expencive and not recommendet) = Full Kallard

Age 30, 130 % Stout, 106 Str (+ 4 from Claid Gifts + 5 from Stout to get 115 Str), 30 % Damage Bonus, 96 Dex (-5 from Stout (91)) 30 Psy, 209 Health

  • Max speed
  • Combat speed

Note: The Mounted Combat Human could be very strong, if you combine that with the best Armor, a lvl 125 Horse, and a perfect weapon Hilt to be able to use the best MC Weapons, but who want to spend a a long time for regearing his character, if it is possible to regear your Character very fast for a few Goldcoins, and make a cheep MP Combat Build. A Weapon Hilt, or rare Juwelery would be always necessary to reach that required 121 Srt. We will see as how wxpencive this will turn out, after these Items have been implemented in the game. All i can say that Weaponhilts was very expencive in MO1 and could only be found in very hard Dungens, such as the Sator Dungen or the Cultist Dungen. If you want him to get him to 226 Hp and make him overweight, you will loose 5 Str and you would need to use 2 Juwelery aswell, to reach the 121 Str.

Thursar Builds

Pure Footfighter = Risar Kallard

Age 30, 212 Cm Size (+4 from Claidgifts) to reach max Size of 216 cm (Make him 212 cm not waste the Points from your Claid Gifts), 130 % stout, 121 Str, 89 Dex, 201 HP instead of 206, if you rater want to use the Warcry and active skills, instead of 6 more attribute Points.

  • Max speed
  • Combat speed

Possible builds, if the Thursar doesn't get a penelty, if you use him mounted, as rumors claimed.
Every race will have to use different mounts depending on their Size and weight.

Pure Moutned Combat =
Hybrid between Mounted Combat/ high damage Footfighter =

Builds which I will research at a later date

In this category we have the mounted Hybrid Builds between

Mounted Magery and Mounted Archery
Mounted Combat and Mounted Archery
Mounted Mage and Mounted Combat

So far we have 24 Builds and they can be a bit adjusted from the Players, if someone like to have swimming or so.
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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
Why would you go Blainn over Heurgar for a mounted fatmage? Blainn are both larger (apparently bad for mounted builds) and have less int. All they get is slightly more con but fatmages are already a decent health build.

Huergar seems the clear choice unless you absolutely love Blainn style and want to go B/B/H/H to look like a Blainn in exchange for a small stat hit. Blainn and B/H combos are a much more solid fit for the ______ "And tanky footfighter" builds. The Blainn stats do a lot more for someone whose going to be fighting on foot sometimes.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
Yes this is a human specific Claid Gift.

View attachment 1331

This lowers the weight of your armor by 2 for mana regen purposes. So for instance usually the best armor you can regen at 100% with is 1 weight armor. This would bring it up to three. Could be really huge for hybrid builds that want good defense without sacrificing all their mana regen. Also good for even pure mages because you get practically no armor before regen starts slipping.

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
Have you considered Sheevra-Sheevra? You gain ~15MP at the loss of 3 movement speed, 1HP, 3Stam. Able to hit 100 int (frees up more skill points from int based skill trees)

Plz send me your Build and why it is better for a mage. I will add it.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
Sheevra have slightly more total attribute points which comes in handy for magey builds but it's not a HUGE difference. Pretty debatable which one you currently want. We'll see how it is after int recurve as Sheevra do have higher int though. Right now it's not enough higher to justify stacking it over 50 which makes Veela on a par, if the int curve makes 50-100 more rewarding I think Sheevra will be the better mage.


Active member
Sep 22, 2020
Sheevra have slightly more total attribute points which comes in handy for magey builds but it's not a HUGE difference. Pretty debatable which one you currently want. We'll see how it is after int recurve as Sheevra do have higher int though. Right now it's not enough higher to justify stacking it over 50 which makes Veela on a par, if the int curve makes 50-100 more rewarding I think Sheevra will be the better mage.

This is my thought process as well...that being said even without the curve changing there may be some utility out of being able to hit a max of 100 int vs 90int for the 'int based' active/crafting skills...I admit it wouldn't be a huge difference but it kinda is up to the player to decide if the 2 speed is worth having a few less skill points to play with.

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
Human Bestmaster/Footfighter/Survialist Build. A Build that might be very nice if you play it in the Jungle.

Bestmaster Footfighter Skills.jpg

I think the Beastmaster/Footfighter Build need some explanation, becuase it is a very specific build and not as common as a Mage/Dominator or Mage Beastmaster.

You nearly need no Points in ecomenical speels to cast Mindblast. That´s why this Build have Mental Training to consume less Mana. This Build can tame Lykators in the Jungle and can swim, becuase this character is using a light weight Armor.

Playstyle. Ride on a high lvl Lykator, dismount and let the pet attack your opponent, while you are casting Mindblast on him and attack him with your Axe, if he get knockdowned.
You get hit like from a truck, if you have no defencive Stance in combination with a low weight Armor. You deal 20 % less damage becuase of no aggressive stance.

You could theoretical lvl your pet in a stable, but this take time and cost cash. Then you could use the 100 Points for some Points in ecomenical Spells, to cast some heals, or in Vetenary to heal your Pet with bandages and some points for controlled riding.
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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
I'd label this as a PVE primary build. For PVP primary you should drop Taming and buy pets or tame/train them on an alt.

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
I am exited if we will be able to ride a rare Terrorbird. That would be fun. This build have his drawbacks but the Pet is strong. The surprise of an unique Build is on your site. I mean who is expecting you to hit you with an axe, if you get knockdowned and getting hit from a mindblast afterwards.
Let's see if these animals will bite from left and right, just as other mobs, such as the risars and Bandits can strike your from the left and the right. Then you can of course attack the player from the other direction with your axe at the same time, becuase a player cant block in 2 directions at the same time.

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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
I think your Alvarin values are wrong: My current 23 year old Veela+Veela has max 92 Int and max 102 Psy, but you wrote about 91 and 101.
And, second, the Alvarin clade gifts are +4 Int and +4 Psy and +4 Dex but without increasing the cap. Did you verify that you really can reach 92+4?

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
I tested Age 35 and it is not better for the Veela Dex Mage.

Age 23, 161 cm Size, 130 % Stout, 137 Hp, 91 Int (+4 from Claid Gifts to reach the max int to 95 without wasting Points), 101 Psy (+ 4 from CLaid Gifts to reach max Psy of 105) 115 Dex, 67 from 100 Con. Mana 200 !

Age 35 163 cm Size, 130 % Stout, 137 Hp. 90 Int ( +4 from Claid Gifts to reach the max int to 94 without wasting Points), 101 Psy (+ 4 from CLaid Gifts to reach max Psy of 105) 115 Dex, 67 from 100 Con. 199 Mana !

I also tested this for the pure Shevra Dex Mage, if age 23 or of Age 35 is better.

Age 23, 157 Cm Size, 130 % Stout, 138 HP, 99 Int (+ 4 from Claid Gift to reach max Int of 103), 105 Psy (+ 4 from Claid Gifts to reach max psy of 109), 112 Dex (+ 4 from Claid Gifts and - 5 from Stout to reach 111 Dex) 69 from 100 Con,
212 Mana

Age 35, 159 Cm Size, 130 % Stout, 138 HP, 102 Int (+ 4 from Claid Gift to reach max Int of 106), 101 Psy (+ 4 from Claid Gifts to reach max psy of 105), 112 Dex (+ 4 from Claid Gifts and - 5 from Stout to reach 111 Dex) 69 from 100 Con


Age 35 might only be better for the Shevra, becuase he can have 3 more points in Int but will have 4 less points in Psy, if he want to have the same HP. I mean you could go under 138 Hp but then you would be way to squishy. I am not sure if 106 int will make much more damage as 103 Int. Have to be tested. Heals should heal for around 1,5 more Hp more and Thunderlash would do arround 1,5 Hp more damage. It´s a bit better, so i changed the Stats in Post 3.
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Jan 3, 2021
You get hit like from a truck, if you have no defencive Stance in combination with a low weight Armor. You deal 20 % less damage becuase of no aggressive stance.

how are you figuring the stances as 20% effectiveness? tooltips on the skills say 0-3 dmg 0-5% iirc

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
how are you figuring the stances as 20% effectiveness? tooltips on the skills say 0-3 dmg 0-5% iirc

you are talking about aggressive Stance and defencive Stance ? If yes, i have tested that. Agressive stance give you 20 % more damage and defencive stance will reduce the damage by 20 %. It makes a huge difference. Its a real sacrefice to drop agressive and defencive stance,
when it is not absolutely necessary for a build.
However, endurence in not so important and can be dropped.
With this skill you only get 17 points more max stamina and have the opportunity to learn the sub-skill swimming, passive regeneration and active regeneration.

Passive regeneration only regenerates 10 Hp per minute, or was it per 30 Seconds ? I am not 100 % sure, but it is not very much. Active regenration can be useful but is a primary skill, for which i would not waste 100 Skillpoints.
Except maybe with Thursar Footfighter, as he can regenerate a lot of life and these effects stack up.
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