If players slept at their keyboards and were ready to go 24/7, this could work. But, in a game where people have to sleep while others are just getting the on makes this difficult. It’s already difficult having a guild with multiple time zones. As good as the fantasy of “hardcore leave it up to the players, minimal NPC’s” sounds, it will make the world feel empty, again. When MO’s population dropped off, seeing a static utility vendor wasn’t very inspiring. I think the game needs more NPC’s, maybe not in the sense of combat NPC’s. Leaving it up to players, when a game has a hard time retaining a strong player base, makes leaving things up to players, moot. I remember the early days of merc guilds who would be hired as guards. Didn’t last... bad apples and diminishing numbers because there wasn’t enough business, because most of the player base needing it, quit. I think the primary objective of SV should be player retention, not “hardcore” player retention.