Suggestion - Add true ultrawide support


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
This thread exists as a proposal to add proper ultrawide support to the game.

Currently the game operates in what is known as an X locked FOV mode.

What this means, is that the horizontal component of the view space is locked in place, and cannot expand into the added resolution of an ultrawide display.

Because the horizontal view space cannot expand, what happens when playing on an ultrawide display is the vertical space is cropped down, effectively zooming in the game world.

Here are some screenshots to show what this looks like:





You can see here in these screenshots that the vertical view is being cropped quite severely.

In order to fix this problem, they simply need to change the game from being X (Horizontally) locked, to being the more commonly used Y (Vertically) locked instead. This way the game will maintain its vertical view space, and expand into the extra resolution provided by an ultrawide display.

Here is a screenshot of fortnite (Not mine) showing what true ultrawide support looks like:

Here is a screenshot from a post on reddit detailing how to find this setting in UE4:

Doing this however will change the FOV to what is known as vertical FOV, and will require you to adjust the FOV numbers you're using to maintain the same FOV.

Here is a calculator for converting horizontal to vertical FOV numbers:

Using this calculator, we can see that 100 horizontal FOV (The current maximum in game) at 16:9 is equivalent to 68 vertical FOV.

So if Starvault wants to maintain the same FOV range as what is currently in game, being 80-100 horizontal, they would need to change the FOV numbers in the engine (After converting to Y Locked FOV) to 51-68 instead.

Perhaps a range of 50-70 would make more sense.

Converting to Y locked FOV while leaving the FOV numbers alone, will result in way too high FOV, as 100 vertical FOV is equivalent to 129 horizontal.

Hopefully this thread has been of assistance in bringing true ultrawide support to mortal.

Thank you for reading.

TLDR Steps:

1. Change the game to Y locked FOV
2. Change the games FOV range to be 50-70

Enjoy true ultrawide support with the correct desired FOV.
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Well-known member
Jun 2, 2020
i think henrik's mentioned FOV in the past and that they didnt want anyone to have an advantage in how much peripheral vision they get, which would make sense for why they use the horizontal fov rather than vertical. that being said, i'm not sure what happens if they try and keep the same vertical view space but still constrain the horizontal fov, but i assume it will look extremely distorted towards the edges. Is it prefereable to a zoomed inset? ...maybe? its something that would be interesting to see tho and something they should evaluate for sure



Well-known member
May 28, 2020
i think henrik's mentioned FOV in the past and that they didnt want anyone to have an advantage in how much peripheral vision they get, which would make sense for why they use the horizontal fov rather than vertical. that being said, i'm not sure what happens if they try and keep the same vertical view space but still constrain the horizontal fov, but i assume it will look extremely distorted towards the edges. Is it prefereable to a zoomed inset? ...maybe? its something that would be interesting to see tho and something they should evaluate for sure

The reason why they're using X locked FOV is because that's what UE4 defaults to at the moment.

The existing FOV range of 80-100 already provides a visual advantage to those who use 100.

Maintaining both isn't an option as like you said it would require you to severely stretch the game horizontally to fill the display, which would be pointless.

Ultimately the advantage provided by using a 21:9 display compared to a 16:9 is highly debatable at the moment, but what it boils down to is that ultrawides are something you can buy to improve your media consumption experience, just like high refresh rate displays paired with expensive graphics cards and other system components, high quality headphones and wireless mice, ultrawides are no different in that they can also provide a situational edge should you choose to buy one.

Most competitive games have full ultrawide support, for the above reasons, and the alternative, like the current implementation in MO2 is to actually heavily gimp the ultrawide user instead.

Henrik uses an ultrawide himself.


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2020
So who am I contacting for my free ultrawide upgrade then?


New member
Jul 29, 2024
I guess this was never fixed? I wondered why I was getting an uncomfortable feeling in my head using super ultra wide on this game.

It's shame we have to be punished just cos we have a monitor the dev doesn't like. Maybe lock the res to 1280x720@30fps with 50 FOV for everyone then and we can all have an identical gaming experience and share equally in the headaches.


New member
Jul 29, 2024
It should be clearly stated that if you have an super ultra wide monitor the game will punish you and give you a very narrow restricted view.

It's not right, not right at all.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
The game has had true ultrawide support for years now, you simply need to check the "Maintain Vertical FOV" box in the settings.
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