Stamina regain buffs (1vX)


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
After they fix "bugs" like -15 stamina per hit, SV should consider adding more mechanics to get stamina back.

Right now the stam bar per kill ratio is very low which means that current stamina balance to heavily favors the larger group as the smaller group if playing better still cant kill multiple players one after another. The smaller group will stam out after killing a small % of the larger group while the larger group has more stamina to spare. PvP is suffering greatly and you have a change to make a far more indepth game.

One mechanic which has been discussed is adding stamina back on kill. Some where along the way a kill should reward some stamina back to the killer. This will help the better player in 1vX situations as they now have some sort of sustain.

Another idea to have in conjunction is to give some stamina back on successful counter hits after a parry. We already have counter reduction why not make there more mechanics to it that allow more sustain in fights.

Final suggestion is despite human being the most played it is not the most played by people who know how to play the game. It need buffs and has very lack luster clade gifts. replace one of the clades with a stamina regen clade. Something like regen a % of stamina based on damage dealt during the up time. I almost never see humans in PvP, they all must be in town or what not. Lets change that, the 10% magic resit gift is so prone to bugs and it not working along with being the worse warcry in game.

This doesn't have to do with stamina but another 1vX issue is that weapons take to much durability damage when parrying. If you parry it should take almost no dura loss, dont punish players who are staying alive in fights.

[CTX] Contractor

Well-known member
Dec 31, 2021
I like and agree with a lot of these suggestions.

Hopefully people don't go and find a video of Bonii or Drest to show as proof given those groups they 1, 2, 3vX'd were absolutely 100% brand new players or simply non-pvp players. As in the videos you just watch them stand around and take being hit, as if they were confused what was happening.

In real fights your stamina gets burned down so quickly it honestly is just another thing that makes the game slow.
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Well-known member
May 16, 2021
I like and agree with a lot of these suggestions.

Hopefully people don't go and find a video of Bonii or Drest to show as proof given those groups they 1, 2, 3vX'd were absolutely 100% brand new players or simply non-pvp players. As in the videos you just watch them stand around and take being hit, as if they were confused what was happening.

In real fights your stamina gets burned down so quickly it honestly is just another thing that makes the game slow.
The only reason they were able to 3v20 is because of the rep system scares people into not fighting even as their friends are dying in front of them.

You can see in those videos like 1v20 artisans the protagonist was staming out every minute having to stop and wait after every almost kill. You really need multiple people per target just because you dont have enough stamina to get through the parries and then kill them. Random people block you, you miss hits or handle hit occasionally. Really need to fix the system.


Active member
May 28, 2020
After they fix "bugs" like -15 stamina per hit, SV should consider adding more mechanics to get stamina back.

Damn, let me guess, it's a bug that later got rebranded as mechanic, then back to bug when it gained enough negativity, very similar to the sprint-break bug? Good old Starvault.

I think it would be enough if they got rid of stam penalty when getting hit. It's not reasonable that you got swamped and 5 people handle-hit you and are suddenly out of breath. Learn how to aim and you will get to kill other players.

They should definitely look into the stam usage per weapon, ideally look into what is a reasonable timeframe to kill someone, in hits and stam usage. For instance if you 3 shot someone using a mid-tier weapon against mid-tier armour, it's reasonable that the wind-up and stam usage is high. If you instead use a weapon that takes 7 hits, it's more reasonable that the stam usage is lower. Ideally you should be able to make a kill within one stam bar (possibly more than that considering how easy it is to parry.)

I'm not in favour of adding additional mechanics untop of combat. I think it only complicates things. It would be better if the core was balanced and thought-out, and we would have less of these problems.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2021
Having to fucking walk around (not really even viable to regain stam anymore) or stand still stemming up every 20 seconds during ANY fight is utter trash gameplay. Stam penalties are complete and utter trash and should be removed, TBH even before all this stam trash got added, there should have been buffs to stam because it rewards playing better and in general people get to fight longer and have more fun. Terrible, absolutely TRASH changes that need to get reverted ASAP.

I very much doubt anyone that is on the test team (which is a joke cause Henrik doesn't listen to anything the test team suggests) showed positive response to these stam changes but its doubtful it was even brought up. Idunno man, theres just too much shit that got mangled with stamina last patch for it to be a bug, but i also refuse to believe that anyone made a conscious actual fucking decision to implement these changes deliberately lmao.
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[CTX] Contractor

Well-known member
Dec 31, 2021
Having to fucking walk around (not really even viable to regain stam anymore) or stand still stemming up every 20 seconds during ANY fight is utter trash gameplay. Stam penalties are complete and utter trash and should be removed, TBH even before all this stam trash got added, there should have been buffs to stam because it rewards playing better and in general people get to fight longer and have more fun. Terrible, absolutely TRASH changes that need to get reverted ASAP.

I very much doubt anyone that is on the test team (which is a joke cause Henrik doesn't listen to anything the test team suggests) showed positive response to these stam changes but its doubtful it was even brought up. Idunno man, theres just too much shit that got mangled with stamina last patch for it to be a bug, but i also refuse to believe that anyone made a conscious actual fucking decision to implement these changes deliberately lmao.

Have to hard agree considering the fact the more downtime you have stamina wise the longer fights go on, and the slower everything feels.

Group fighting a proper group sometimes just feels like burning your stamina bar super quick then just standing around waiting.
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New member
Oct 26, 2021
yeah there definitely needs to be a stamina 1vX feature equivalent to counter reduction. Stamina is what really allows you to 1vX and when you have none that is when you die.

One mechanic which has been discussed is adding stamina back on kill. Some where along the way a kill should reward some stamina back to the killer. This will help the better player in 1vX situations as they now have some sort of sustain.

I suggested before perhaps 50% max stam refund on kill. A more complex approach would be to refund a % of the 50%, corresponding to the % of damage the player did to the target's health.

Kill target has 200 hp
playerA has 100 stam and deals 176 dmg - dealt 88% of damage and receives 88% of the 50% max stam refund that results in 44 stam.
playerB has 200 stam and deals 24 damage - dealt 12% of damage and receives 12% of the 50% max stam refund that results in 24 stam.

This still gives a potential advantage to the larger force to snowball the fight harder than what it would've been originally; potentially negligible because their win might be inevitable, but this might also give the smaller force a chance to shift the tide. A side-effect might also be people just rpk a noob to replenish their stam which would be bad.

Another idea to have in conjunction is to give some stamina back on successful counter hits after a parry. We already have counter reduction why not make there more mechanics to it that allow more sustain in fights.

This one would be nice to test over time, if we had time to test, logically the larger force will be giving more potential parries, but it would also heavily encourage defensive play and just like counter-reduction changes 1v1 fights when it's meant for 1vX, I believe this would disrupt non-heavily outnumbered fights negatively.

I think the main problem is that there isn't a way to exclusively give the outnumbered force the 1vX mechanics without also giving them to the larger force. If there is a way to specifically and accurately identify the outnumbered force and the larger force then it would make theorizing 1vX mechanics much more realistic and effective.

This doesn't have to do with stamina but another 1vX issue is that weapons take to much durability damage when parrying. If you parry it should take almost no dura loss, dont punish players who are staying alive in fights.

Agreed heavily, the dura loss on weapons in general is absurd, fighting a well armored and realistically even-skilled player to you will result in a long fight where the weapon you've looted in the end is useless. Dura loss and a weapon's effectiveness needs to be rebalanced in some way.
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Active member
Sep 11, 2021
no that sounds dumb, Uk what will help a solo player? Getting some allies. GG


Active member
Apr 14, 2021
earlyer it was much easyer for me to handle a 2v1, now iam getting outstammed pretty hard and die to no stam. atleast if the enemys are decent. dont really like it. sure we need stamina managment and stuff. but right know it feels like who brings more stam bars is winning the fight.
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Active member
Sep 11, 2021
Stamina Potions.... Not based off of some fail rp stamina on kill... So the player has to choose between direct healing, or direct stamina back. Cant be abused, bc of the things in play for how potions are used. Stamina potions sit better with me over stamina on kill because if it is based on a clade gift. That is one more thing for people to bitch about being op and unbalanced. But with potions everyone has access to at least 10 potion units of regain available.
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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2020
Just increase the base stam regen, its trash gameplay that if ur low stam and 2 ppl are spamming theres nothing you can do but stam out if you try to parry.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
Just increase the base stam regen, its trash gameplay that if ur low stam and 2 ppl are spamming theres nothing you can do but stam out if you try to parry.
They should have buffed based stam regen when they removed the base threshold on stamina and then made it linear/curve.
But instead they nerfed the already poor stamina situation.
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